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Phoenix Rising

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Everything posted by Phoenix Rising

  1. This is an urgent call to all those who trigger trump; Get on TV and rib him mercilessly. He'll have to reply and then he's done! I'm talking to you Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon, Stephen Colbert and Alec Baldwin - go, go, go!
  2. If you think sending in the ultimate swamp dweller, the king of bottom feeders, is gonna get rid of the swamp there really is no hope for you.
  3. Do you even know what a conspiracy theory is??
  4. Angry, stupid and violent. Jan 6th proved that conclusively.
  5. But an elected one, not one who got his place through a coup. And an elected snout can be removed in an election. A "coup snout" can not. Big difference.
  6. 1. The Reds is not my team and Thaksin is not my candidate. I just happen to think that whoever gets legally and democratically elected should be allowed to serve their terms and not be subjected to coups. 2. I thought everyone got the joke but apparently not. Do you really think Thaksin cares about or has time for some squealing hysterical expat in Bangkok??
  7. Welcome back Thaksin, rightful PM of Thailand. The old elite have grown fat at the trough and a stirring of the pot is needed. Hopefully, this time you'll be in power long enough so that another repeat of the endless coup cycles will no longer be possible. Hopefully you will reverse the old dinos' shameful disqualification of people like Tanathorn so that one day maybe, just maybe.......
  8. Who knew that these news would set you off! No way he's coming back without someone major having OK'ed it. Whatcha gonna do OMF when the sheriff is back in charge and he comes for you? Whatcha gonna do when they come for you
  9. 1. He doesn't do walking. 2. He absolutely despises the base MAGA supporters.
  10. You MAGA guys are really desperate, aren't you.
  11. Aha! So trump commands broad support outside of the US, does he? Any links to credible sources that prove your point? My claim is the exact opposite of yours. Rarely, if ever, as any president of the US been more unpopular outside the US than trump was. And here's the difference between you and I; I can back up my claim with facts. Trump Ratings Remain Low Around Globe, While Views of U.S. Stay Mostly Favorable Biden Is Much More Popular Than Trump Around the World America’s Image Abroad Rebounds With Transition From Trump to Biden I could fill pages with links but you get the idea.
  12. How Trump Org Employees Celebrated Trump Indictment "New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman on Friday said Trump Organization employees were secretly celebrating former President Donald Trump’s indictment in the Stormy Daniels hush money case. “They were texting me, and there is a long trail of people who feel burned, in one way or another, by Donald Trump,” said Haberman, an analyst on CNN. This was a pattern that existed for decades in the Trump Organization,” she continued, “and the number of people I heard from yesterday who worked for his company who were really happy, one person texted with the words, ‘Wonderful news.’”
  13. What a load of absolute and utter rubbish. Roughly half of judges and prosecutors are Reps and you make the astounding claim that "the whole justice system is prosecuting and harrassing like 95% Rep to 5% Dem." Oh, and when making a serious "dodgy" claims like you do with no credible links your credibility is 0 - nil - nada - zilch.
  14. Oh dear, you REALLY have no clue what this case is about, do you. Let me put this in as plain a language as I possibly can; A jury will reach a verdict on whether trump committed any crimes or not. Did you get that? Donald Trump indicted by Manhattan grand jury on more than 30 counts related to business fraud
  15. Ah, I see your assumptions about me are about as precise as your political analysis. At least you're consistent.
  16. Now it's this kind of sophisticated and perceptive analysis that makes me read all your posts with a sense of wonder and awe!
  17. Very revealing and anyone who supports trump after he comes right out and admits he gets along splendidly with all the main murderous dictators of the world while having contentious relationships with all of the USA's allies is a complete...... Trump's Ugly New Boast About Dictators Backfires Spectacularly "Hannity: Putin Trump: I got along with him great. Hannity: Xi Trump: I got along with him great. Hannity: Kim Jong-un Trump: I got along with him great."
  18. The proof is in the pudding. Russian state media was fawning over Putin's boy trump but is constantly hating on President Biden. 2 + 2 is always 4, except for for the poor dears in the alternate MAGA universe, of course.
  19. Here, let me fix that for you: So sick of rubbish like this hearing the obvious truth.
  20. Yes, but they will just pull stuff out of their rear end.
  21. Yes, sure. President Biden is the corrupt one while trump is not!
  22. True, he works at a desk most of the time. And doesn't treat the presidency as an opportunity to play as much golf as possible. Horrible man!
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