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Phoenix Rising

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Everything posted by Phoenix Rising

  1. Your national dish; curry.
  2. Yes, Brexit has absolutely nothing to do with the present sad state of affairs. Move along, nothing to see here.....????
  3. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-09-22/pound-slump-this-year-has-surpassed-2016-brexit-vote-hit-chart?leadSource=uverify wall "The pound’s slump shows little sign of ending amid the ongoing story of dollar strength as well as concerns about UK economic policy. The latest leg down has taken its decline so far this year to 17%, surpassing the 16% loss it suffered in 2016, when the country voted to leave the European Union. It means sterling, already at the lowest since 1985, is on track for its worst year since the Global Financial Crisis in 2008, when it plunged 26%." ????, indeed. How to bypass any paywall completely free: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/bardeen-automate-workflow/ihhkmalpkhkoedlmcnilbbhhbhnicjga
  4. Of course you haven't and don't. I mean, why on earth would you watch something that so clearly proves your long held beliefs are completely wrong?
  5. Then you shouldn't be bothered to post groundless allegations. But hey, if reality/the truth (as described so clearly in the vid) is painful then any digression will do I guess. Brexit; the worst example in history of a democratic country willingly shooting itself in the foot (only vaguely rivalled by the election of trump).
  6. I have not. If you have proof otherwise then by all means post it. If not then slink off and wipe the egg off your face.
  7. This is the main reason Britain is broken and will remain so until the re-entry application is sent. The Brexit effect: how leaving the EU hit the UK | Financial Times Film
  8. Calling someone a "lunatic conspiracist" is not making a diagnosis. The poster "placeholder" has pointed this out already and now I'm doing it. It's time for you to listen.
  9. When someone sprouts loony conspiracy theories that only the mentally disturbed would lend any credence to you don't have to be a trained mental health care professional to conclude that the person is ill.
  10. "If his kids were bolder and smarter they could play on that to take control of the enterprise and send him off to Pleasant Valley Rest Home." Not sure they're stupid enough to try to take control over what is likely a criminal and bankrupt enterprise.
  11. Interesting that you said "Thai man" instead of just "man". What an absolute textbook example of a Freudian slip!
  12. What??? Congratulations, you just won the Most Inane Post of the Month Award!
  13. They know very well that what they sprout is utter BS but since pandering to the MAGA lemmings is the easiest way to power and since they are spineless maggots with no morals that's what they'll do.
  14. Your hatred for the US makes you ignore the dictator Putin, the suffering of the Ukrainian people and the fact that Putin MUST lose this shameful war. Shame on you.
  15. Many accounts? Can you list but a few of these "many accounts"? And please, if, as I suspect, you're gonna quote the CCP or RT then don't bother, OK?
  16. And the MAGA cultists keep bringing up trump allegedly not accepting a salary during his "presidency"! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
  17. Whatever has or will happen we can rest assured that the spineless cowards in the GOP will do absolutely nothing to prevent any further attacks on democracy nor will they speak up against anything [Trump] says as shown just a couple of days ago when trump fouled the air with anti-semitic drivel. Not one GOPer spoke up. I'll remember that if they ever come for you...
  18. Former DOJ official says Trump's reaction to the January 6 panel is starting to look like the makings of an insanity defense "In response to the decision, Trump sent a document to the panel that started off with the sentence, "THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION OF 2020 WAS RIGGED AND STOLEN!" and contained multiple baseless claims of election fraud. "Yeah, so, this is a 14-page screed, Jonathan, that's very hard to follow but it does seem to dig the hole in deeper for Donald Trump," Katyal told MSNBC host Jonathan Capehart. "I can't see it in any legal way helping him unless he is trying to go for the insanity defense, of which this paper seems, you know, to be some evidence of," Katyal added." Sorry Donny boy! You can't go the insanity route after having touted your "person, woman, man, camera, TV" thing as proof that you're a stable genius. Or is that in itself so insanely stupid that it might help him?????
  19. "As has been pointed out many many times. Trump being a pawn of Putin was a hoax." What??? Is that an argument meant to convince anyone that trump is not the lapdog of Putin when in every situation where there has been interaction between the two trump seems ready to go down on his knees? When every time trump writes about Putin he always praises him? Pointing out.......hoax???
  20. "One incident 6 years ago, pathetic." Yes, many Thai people felt really ashamed when that happened. "Tell me where you are from and I could find similar attacks." No, you couldn't.
  21. Really?? Many people? First I hear of it. But well done supporting Putin in your own little way!????
  22. I think you've just coined a new compliment there JT; "You are a credit to your cult!"
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