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Posts posted by watthong

  1. 1 hour ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    Did you have some personal experience on that point regarding keeping one's old TM6?

    In my last visit to Immigration (Samut Prakan), the retirement extension IO didn't ask for TM6 (as I had omitted to include it in my stack of documents)- however the 90 day report guy did, and when I pretended to fumble in my briefcase in search for it, he finally waved it off and made sound to the effect that oh, he had found the pertinent info already in the system. Of note is that the 90 day report IO sometimes also plays the part as the door security guard (- or the other way round? it's a small office) so maybe his training was not up to date, thus still asking for the TM6.

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  2. 29 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    like Vietnamese coffee. I do it without the milk.

    It's the only coffee which can be made at home without much hassle, and it still tastes good. 

    1st sentence: concentrated "milk" to be exact. 

    2nd sentence: really? the "only" part is simply not true, and re the "tastes good" part:

    You know how the VNmese drink their filtered coffee? By putting the whole set into a bowl of hot water, to keep it relatively hot while waiting for the liquid to drip and that could take a while. How that process can make good coffee is doubtful. Granted they produce excellent beans, which deserve better than a century-old knick knack. Don't buy into the hype.

  3. 23 hours ago, JimTripper said:

    My worry is what do I do if I’m in Thailand and need some sort of care suddenly where I could not plan for it. I don’t have anybody here to step in and my family in the USA would not house or support me. I would be limited to calling an ambulance and transferring me into some kind of assisted living facility is not covered.


    If it happened back in the USA a public social worker would step in on the government dime. Here it’s just a nothing burger.


    What then, who knows.

    This reminds me of an episode in my earlier life  Hollywood in the 90s.  

    My roommate has an old Brit friend, let's call him Alan, in his 60s who lived alone in Los Angeles Chinatown on a UK veteran pension (his Brit family had disowned him a long time ago, after him coming out to them.) Once a week, we got to go out together for a weekend dinner, like a family of sort with Alan taking the role of the mother hen. One weeknight, Wednesday night I think, my roommate was out of town, I was in the apartment when Alan called. I only heard him leaving a message on my roommate answering machine in his bedroom, so I didn't pay much attention, except there seemed to be a lot of coughing...


    When my roommate came home Sunday I told him about Allan's raspy message. We listened together and it was Alan having a hard time putting sentence together under heavily labored breath that he was driving himself to the emergency room, for something like pneumonia (this was long past the AIDS era.) Then there was a following message, that came Friday, by which a nurse from the hospital notifying my roommate that his friend had passed away that morning. We looked at each other in stunned silence, the same scenario playing in our head: that Alan had driven himself to the emergency room, got placed in a ward somewhere and died alone two days later without anyone next of kin (which would be my roommate, and to certain extent me) standing by his bed. 

    That's the reason that I, a resolute confirmed bachelor, corralled myself into marital life soon after hitting 60's in the Land of Smiles.

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  4. 7 hours ago, gargamon said:

    And of course, the other 30(?) unindicted co-conspirators mentioned in the indictments that are likely already singing. All of them being republicans. 

    How satisfied I am seeing Mark Meadows featuring at last - but kind of perplexed at the same time: If he was able to get pass Jack Smith list, why wasn't he with Fani's?

    Answering self: probably because Fani has little use of him...

  5. 5 hours ago, jerrymahoney said:

    And this is the opinion of a conservative Hoover Institution senior staffer. And in his opinion, given his credentials, the operative point here is that:

    And my "operative" point here is that I don't care a hoot for this "conservative Hoover Institution senior staffer" opinion. Not one bit for neither  "conservative" nor " Hoover" nor  "Institution"  nor "senior" nor his "credentials..."


    I could post here the link to "slit-throat" De Santis opinion as well. But I refrain myself, just for the sake of other readers on this thread. (You're welcome.)

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  6. 2 hours ago, placeholder said:
    2 hours ago, candide said:

    Of course he knows that, he's just trolling.

    And apparently a glutton for rebuttal.

    No, they got a lot of return for whatever capitql they doled out...For just a line or two, embedded with a few button-pushing choice words, they would usually get back a screenful of logic and facts for rebuttal....which they use to wipe their behind with, then rinse and repeat.

    • Like 1
  7. 4 hours ago, Yellowtail said:

    Dershowitz effectively said the charges are political and that while he may be convicted by a DC jury, he said it would be overturned at the appellate level. 

    But who cares? stop bandying about the name of a, to use Trump language, "washed-up has-been wannabe." This old man "effectively" got off Virginia Giuffre's case by keeping his panties on during massage, nevertheless his notoriety has gone down hill since. And repeat, no one cares a straw (sorry for bringing up the image) about his "smoking gun."

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  8. 4 hours ago, bendejo said:

    Good to hear.

    This kind of humor doesn't work anymore, at least not in US politics.  Look through any thread on this subject.

    Sad to hear,

    Last time I checked, sarcasm is alive and well in the US,  both in and out of politics. But I agree that to some folks, it doesn't seem to register...

  9. 3 hours ago, traveller101 said:

    Once again for starting the bleeding obvious - it is a satirical, acerbic, acid or caustic comment of the highest order.

    For every fair-minded individual in possession of his mental faculties -

    the one and only Real POTUS 45 is 

    An abominal man, dishonest to the core, only concerned with himself, having at best scant regard to democratic principles and the Constitution.


    Mea culpa not needed -

    Humor, just like grace under pressure, is the mark of an accomplished man (my own definition). Your "satirical, acerbic, acid or caustic comment of the highest order" was an unexpected break for levity - delicious satire for a jaded soul like me - unfortunately, it fell in at a time when folks are feeling rather hi-strung.


    But don't let that stop you... Looking forward to your interpretation of the upcoming superseding version (that hopefully would include Hunter's "crime of the century" and his laptop, among other "facts.")


    PS - Just make sure you put up this banner <<< SARCASM ALERT!!!>>> at the top of your next post. (Yeah, sad but true.)

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  10. 38 minutes ago, traveller101 said:

    For the record it is sarcasm - I'm not  yet braindead nor brainwashed to the eleventh degree.

    Inadvertently a totally palatable translation of 3rd Indictment in readable form to the MAGA crowd: succinct, easy to understand and most importantly, citing all the proper charges - and the "real criminal" (Biden).

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