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Everything posted by watthong

  1. The contract before it being revamped since the last couple of years or so, was in Thai only and came in a thick heap. Since "modernization," I don't know when exactly since during the years they sent it over in pdf and I didn't even bother to print out, it now comes in English by request and consists of a mere 3 pages: -first page invoice for deposit = security deposit + advance rental. -second page the contract itself. There is no mention of cancellation, early or otherwise, anywhere. Except for what I quoted previously, the closest the contract comes to any reference to cancellation. -last page: my "intention to renew" the contract. I think this might be as simple as they wanting to keep the security deposit. If that's the case I'm willing to, as other folks have suggested, write it off and not bother with further hassle. I'm sure when returning the unit to them management will come up with all sorts of reason to "use up" the security deposit. As I mentioned before, except wear and tear to the sofa, desk, etc per normal usage, there's nothing beyond everyday living. With your long experience as landlord, I'm sure there was times when you encountered repairs or damages exceeding the security deposit. Did you ever have to bill the moving out tenants any extra charges before closing the case? Are landlords allowed by laws to do so?
  2. Consequence of breaching the contract: -quote from the contract itself: "If the term lease is completed, there is a right to receive a refund of the security deposit." bold-faced by me. -quote from manager email: "The lease agreement specifies an end date of June 30, 2025, but you have requested to terminate the contract and move out on January 31, 2025, which is an early termination. (Typically, this would result in the forfeiture of the security deposit.)" bold faced by me. This is also the reason the manager gave for breach of contract when we met with her. I tend to agree with @JBChiangRai that this person is not up to date in her professional knowledge, or she was simply playing safe by putting the tenant in the wrong regardless. She is 3 months on the job, first time I dealt with her and as I mentioned earlier, the turn over of her position has been alarmingly high of late. Proper Reason for cancelling the contract: Yes, there's a drop down menu in the contract cancellation request for this item. I chose the option "repatriation or foreign going back to own country" or something to that effect.
  3. Thank you all for your input. Much appreciated, Practically speaking, I'm fine with letting go of the security deposit. My concern is with them being a large commercial entity, what they are going to attempt to "claw" back in view of my breach of contract (their interpretation.) Are they going to present me with additional bills? For example hold up the whole deposit which includes not just security but also advance rental, and insist that I pay rent for Jan? Possibly. Will they sue me and try to get rental money they won't be getting for the rest of the contract (up to May 2025)? I don't think so... Will they harass/prevent me from moving out? I don't think so neither. Right now I just want to keep things kosher on the legal side, meaning telling them that Jan rent should be covered by the advance rental that was part of original deposit. Also I'm eager to pay utilities for both Dec and Jan. This was done by email on the day rent was due Jan 5. Also I want to return the unit to them according to protocol. Meaning when vacating the unit, I will have them present and inspect that there are no damage made during my occupancy, beside the tear and wear of furniture which after 5 years are no longer in show room condition, which they weren't to begin with. Following our meeting with her a couple of days ago, the on-site manager has sent an email to acknowledge my concern, with apology for the "delay", and to inform me that management is reviewing my request and will get back to me with "documentation." She still keeps harping about "breach of contract" by "early moving out," but I guess that's part of her job. Overall they couldn't have asked for a better tenant, 5 years of prompt paying of rents, and no damage to property, no loud partying and I didn't even take up a parking space (having no car). If they want to bother me with further grandstanding, that is because they are a big commercial entity and think they can turn the laws in their favor. Also I believe the prevailing norm in Thailand is that after the duration of the original contract has been fulfilled, tenants can move out any time as long as they give one month advance notice. This was how it was done with my previous rental to this one. Unfortunately this clause was given to me verbally by management at the time and I did not ask to have it put down in writing, trusting that it was the norm in general.
  4. They are big: CHOD chanyawat dot com https://www.chanyawat.com/ also https://en.chodresidence.com/17676876/about-us
  5. I'm moving out of the apartment complex at the end of Jan, where I have rented one unit for the last 5 years. On 31st Dec 2024 I gave notice to management by doing the cancellation of the rental contract via their LINE account. I chose the date of the cancellation as 31 Jan 2025 so that fulfilled the one month advance notice requirement. They, the management, are supposed to reply with confirmation after 3 to 5 business days. A week prior to that, on 25th of Dec 2024 per normal schedule I received their monthly invoice, which included utilities for Dec and rental for Jan. On 05 Jan 2025, when payment is due, since I had not heard anything from management regarding my moving out/cancellation notice, I sent them an email as a reminder and asked them to send me a new invoice that reflect only the utilities part for Dec. as the Jan rent should be taken out of the last month rent that was part of my moving in deposit (advance rental + security deposit.) Yesterday 08 Jan, still cricket from management I and my Thai partner went down to the front desk to meet with the on-site manager. She told me that I'm breaching the contract/lease before it expires mid May 2025 and therefore I still have to pay rent for Jan. When I signed the original contract when moving in mid May 2020, it was explained to me that I was required to honor the one-year length of that contract, meaning if I move out before the end of the contract (it could have been just 6 mos if I remember correctly) then I will be breaching the contract and suffer the penalty (forfeiting the move in deposit). However, when the contract is renewed every year onward, that penalty no longer applied. I could move out anytime as long as I gave the one month advance notice. This waiving of penalty was explained to me only verbally, and since this was the prevailing norm which I had also experienced when moving out of the previous rental I did not really eyeball the contract (which was written in Thai) with their manager at the time (turn around of on site managers has been high lately.) The contract is renewed every year mid May and the last renewal was May 2024. Yesterday at the meeting with the current manager when I raised this issue, she shook her head and pointed to the expiration date of the current contract/lease which is mid May 2025 and said if I moved out before that date it's a breach. In the meantime I still have to pay Jan rent. She also mentioned - the whole discussion was in Thai via my partner - that there was a memo regarding the penalty issue. Which again, if there was, has not been communicated to us prior. In any event they cannot just unilaterally going back on the original agreement. The fine print of the current contract says, in English: "If the lease term is completed there is a right to receive a refund of the security deposit." It says nothing about the "advance rental" part of the moving in deposit (advance rental + security deposit.) So what is my option? The management is a big, faceless entity headquartered in downtown Bangkok and the on-site management pretty much serves as messenger with little authority. Thank you much in advance for any advice/input.
  6. I made a small purchase of drinks/water at 7/11 that amounts to 31 baht. I handed the cashier one 50 baht bill. As she was ringing me up, I found one baht coin and advanced it over the counter. She stared at me. I stared back. Realizing that I wasn't taking back that one baht. She pouted/sighed and reached out for her calculator. It told her to return me a 20 baht bill for change. So she did, but no receipt, no eye contact let alone a thank you. As if I had screwed up her day. Maybe I did. Sorry.
  7. Well, what do you expect from a "beach" BAR RESTAURANT PIZZERIA KEBAB? (as printed on bill). I'd normally stay clear of those kinds of "multi-ethic" eateries, beach side or otherwise, their kitchen consisting mostly of a couple of microwaves, with pre-mixed salad coming fresh from refrigerated bags.
  8. Thank you, thank you, thank you. There you have it: One short paragraph telling all one needs to know re why what where and how one was born (or "becomes") gay or hetero, though said idiots decide to keep their blinders on in order to justify their oppresion of the others. Save me precious time which I don't have trying to argue with said idiots (and risking suspension for not "convening to forum guidelines")
  9. Not what I think but what I see rather. Between what your statistics show and what I see with my own eyes, I tend to believe the latter. If nothing else it's based on real life that happens around me. So there's nothing to be "surprised" about. Here's my own "statistics" as quoted earlier on,
  10. Could be. But then again in my neck of the woods, the ones that look natural don't look good at all - though much preferrable to looking "awful." That's why I had to "litterally stretched" my neck whenever I saw one that looked "very good."
  11. This nosejob eyesore has been my pet peeve for quite sometime. Glad that OP beat me to it. That's what the forum is for. If I don't like a topic, I keep my nose out of it (pun intended.)
  12. Around my neck of the wood (Samut Prakan) I litterally stretched my neck sometimes to see if one "looks very good." If lucky maybe one in a long long while. (In such case I had the urge to ask for her autograph.) Perhaps you have better luck in more cosmopolitan parts of the city.
  13. It seems that Thai surgeons pay zero attention to the nostrils, leaving them either like sails flapping in the wind, or recipient of rain water afterwards. I think the industry has not reached that level of sophistication. Maybe it takes a generation or two.
  14. Thai nose jobs make for "arresting" look and I mean that literally. I imagine a Thai woman walks into a beauty clinic, points to a Cleopatra nose or a Pinocchio nose and tells the doc, I want this one then settles down into the operating chair. No further discussion. My inguisitive eyes always cause me to do a double take whenever they spot a face with a nose that doesn't look like it belongs both aestheically and un-bionically, which are 95 percent of the time. The following incident tells me the phenomenon has reached epidemic proportion: The other night I was sitting in a songthaew outside the mall that was waiting to fill up. One female staff coming out of Lotus climbed in. She saw the lady driver sitting on a bench nearby and yelled out: New nose eh, does it hurt? I looked over and sure enough the other lady sporting some bandaged over her nose. I looked back at the Lotus lady, and again sure enough, she also sported a spiffy shiny new nose, straight as a rod. The worst part is some nose job makes the person looks like they have just survived a traffic accident of some sort. You can't just avert your eyes from...that what I meant by "arresting look."
  15. Those sim package (1 day/week/month cited above only work if you have e-wallet or something like that in order to renew,) which farangs are not allowed to have. Now come to think of it, if for testing only then I don't need to renew do I? anyway I think I will have to just jump for the 1 yr unlimited since it's the only option available right now. Any other option/courier you can think of please share.
  16. Wow, here I thought at 10 minutes I had broken the record of senior Olympics.... However I now and then surprise myself that at the age of 70, I can still have one of those full-throated, pun unintended, hitting the bull eye orgasm that rival those of my younger days. It doesn't happen that often, actually quite rare, but when the stars are aligned, it shoots straight! One thing I notice is that if I was under the weather or out of sort, it would just ooze - sorry guys for the visuals - and I thought oh no, the end is here. Well it's not. Another thing is that your brain has to be on the deck of the Enterprise, make sure all the synapses do their job in the right sequence and in a timely manner to finally, when the time ehr, comes, flip the switch. In short it takes good mental focus and a healthy body. Too much substance usage might have dulled the mind along the years. I remember at the peak of my physical being, say in my 30s, not only I hit the bull eye but I also felt some sort of smoke coming off the top of my head - ie feeling real high - like a locomotive. That was the best part , that lead to the post-coitus "lovey" interlude, where in the cinema, both partners reach for their cigarette...
  17. Well, I had a case that is the opposite: This is back in the day of my being the unofficial neighborhood sex therapist in my neck of the woods in Southern Calif, catering to the local bunch of horny down low married or with gf guys who were "curious" but had no outlets beside the beach public restrooms. One time an older guy answered my ad. We met at Starbucks for my "consultation" session. A sweet, gentle white-haired grandpa type, he hadn't had sex for years with grandma. Couldn't get the little guy up, but he could ejaculate (watching porn though no physical jacking off.) So he wondered if he could pop his nut in a more, erh, holistic way, with some understanding and experienced hand such as yours truly. In full curiosity from both parties, we proceeded. Missionary style with him at the bottom as newbie and for me I wanted to see what's going on. Before long, he orgasmed. We both watched in amazement as a healthy dollop of jizz just oozed - or should I say popped- out from his totally limp dick. So my guess is that despite the mechanism of getting hard no longer functioning, his synapses were still in full control of the "pumping" of the sluice gate, though not with the full force (needed to squirt)? My one-of-a-kind experience.
  18. Absolutely. In the back of my mind, I always consider that living in another "country on a temporary immigration status" sets you up for the "nuclear-code container" suitcase state of mind. The one you take with you on AirForce One and out of Washington.
  19. I can believe that...Sometimes what appear to be foes turn out to be great allies, same with mismatched lovers could be life long friends afterward, as in your case. To me this kind of silver lining often happenned in a "dog eats dog" work place environment (manager vs subordinate), as opposed to romantic one.
  20. To you it's drama, to me it's real life. So attribute your "queen" title accordingly. About real question I guess you weren't taught how to read between the lines. Then go back to school would be your best bet, if it isn't too late already.
  21. Thanks for the advice but that's not what I'm planning. Read the topic tittle again, thank you.
  22. I'm in the process of ending a relationship, the other person has moved out (but still comes back almost daily ostensibly t to pick up stuff but actually to moan and groan. (You can follow the nail-biting, cliff-hanging thread that I have posted on same forun recently.) I'm also in the process of preparing myself to re-patriate to the USA. What I have to plan now is get out of the rented apartment with a 2-month notice clause when moving out. Earlier this week I called an talked to my Thai teacher, she's a few years younger than me, a single grandmother whose now main occupation is to take care of her 2 yr old grandchild. We haven't stayed in touch much since covid as I have moved out of town. She felt sorry about what happened since she also knew my ex. However, she suggested that I drop everything, the ex=partner especially, and come and stay at her townhouse, she has a vacant room on the 3rd fl. "For a month or two, that's fine. But you should "poy" ie ditch him." The "month or two" window is the time I figure it would take for friends in the US to find accommodation in advance of my arrival there. So has anyone experienced this kind of US withdrawal fr Afghanistan style? Leave everything behind, just pack up your papers and your rolexes in a small roll-on suitcase, lock the door and walk out. I don't have any place to store all the stuff that has accumulated during the span of our relationship, and the couple of server-size tower PCs I use are just too big to take back with me. I would like to give the whole household to my ex. But it would entail another drawn-out never ending blame multiple day -session and I would have to be the one orchestrating the move, yeah, too much and not worth it. Re the building management, I don't really want to stay here for another couple of months just to honor the end clause of the contract. The rent is due by the 5th of the month. So what is the best plan of attack? Thank you in advance for your concrete, time-tested wisdom and foresight.
  23. Well it kinda broke my heart when I saw him last, sitting in a wheelchair with a bib across his chest and saliva drooling, barely aware of surrounding - (shudders, thinking of self!) whereas just the year before he comported himself like a gentleman, crisp shirt and trousers. The daughters didn't really need that money, they all had affluent profession. That M could have done him some good abroad, but again, maybe he didn't want to "leave the kids" (though he was living alone) or go out the country. The latter is usually the case with most Yanks.
  24. Just wondering how many years could 1M usd buy for that old friend of mine, in one of those lush home care facilities they have in CM?
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