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Everything posted by mark131v

  1. Nope he will just re-write the rules again it's not like he hasn't done it before. Face it the Thai people have the government they deserve until they stand up and grow a pair, shan't hold my breath...
  2. From the link: Chaiwat’s ordeal is, however, not yet over. He and four of his former subordinates at Kaeng Krachan National Park are still facing murder, abduction and obstruction of justice charges, filed against them by the Department of Special Investigation, over the enforced disappearance and presumed death of Karen human rights activist Porlajee Rakchongcharoen, aka “Billy”, back in 2014 Seems he is yet another entitled murderous hiso scumbag or maybe it's just a misunderstanding! I really despair about Thailand's ruling class if this specimen and his ilk are anything to go by its no wonder Thailand is going backwards, it would appear this one really is without any redeeming features...
  3. More hot air from that old wind bag Don, I don't even think he believes his own statements but he can't miss any chance to make a headline and look important...
  4. Well <deleted> me who'd have thunk it, a corrupt judiciary in a corrupt country acquitted a corrupt General, well I never...
  5. The man is clearly a coiled spring...
  6. Jesus, what was he like before if this is his best! If brown nosing and self delusion was an Olympic sport I know a few world champs in the Thai ruling class and their universities...
  7. And then you woke up and remembered where you where! I fully concur but nepotism, corruption and servitude are the root of all Thainess, it's the very bedrock of Thailand on which all else is built How do you think fat useless dynasties like the watch man's and his partners in crime have managed to dominate the trough for so long, tell you what it's not brains a work ethic or skill...
  8. Nah mate I honestly think that nowhere in the West is there a single family with an army general (and coup leader/supporter!) a police general and a firkin admiral! something stinks and it's not just the admirals old sea boots!!
  9. What a successful family they are obviously talented hard working and diligent, Thailand is lucky to have such men as the Watchman's brothers, a veritable credit to the Thai military and education system... *Sarcasm alert for the hard of thinking!*
  10. I would imagine his wealth has now been divvied up among the judiciary, military, police etc, etc Looks like he may have ran out of luck but it won't be over until he is dancing on the end of a rope so never say never in Lieland...
  11. If you read through the OP in the link it is like one of those horrible Thai soaps become real life It shows the sick, immoral, corrupt side of Thai culture, the inequality, the nepotism, the head to toe corruption, the arbitrary violence the phu yai's of Thai society feel is their right to administer to anybody below them for whatever reason they like It really is damning and absolutely shameful so I expect a full on cover up/diversionary tactic to kick in very, very soon...
  12. Anutin the gift that keeps giving, he is a glowing example of all his ilk, a dim over privileged <deleted> who is too thick and arrogant to understand his own incompetence, unfortunately the government and senate is full of clown's just like him...
  13. That is the very best example of the sheer hypocrisy among the Thai Elite I have seen, bravo Sir/Madam!!! As the previous poster stated the reason for Suthep and the yellows instigating the present situation is in part due to nepotism so they understand it, they just choose to ignore it in themselves Tbh I think Thailand is <deleted> and needs a reset, a clear out top to bottom, root and branch, I won't hold my breath...
  14. I really, really, really despise this sad and pathetic excuse for a man. His hypocrisy and sheer thickness is absolutely staggering, he really is special...
  15. alleged!!! Do bears <deleted> in the woods!!!
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