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Everything posted by mark131v

  1. I really, really think you are wrong. All the parties against the last junta are much stronger together and I don't think joining hands with Anutin and co is at likely at this time. Come to think of it I don't think it's possible to hold hands with a snake...
  2. And so it begins. They will muddy the water then pass over any dirt they can find manipulate or produce to that shining beacon of democracy and impartiality the Election Commission I can see few positives here other than the fact many of the establishment are utter cowards and the thought of themselves dangling from a lamppost might rein in their zeal, self preservation will do that! Rats, cowards and scoundrels the lot of em...
  3. Absolute codswallop the yellows and the dems kicked it off as they couldn't win any other way and because Toxin and his lot was rocking the boat, was all part of the buffoons in brown's masterplan to stage yet another coup and grab what they could. Unsure whether the apologists are just plain blind, stupid or maybe they just don't like democracy to interfere too much either way its reprehensible
  4. Your right mate they walk amongst us privileged folk from the west, rare but still findable who think the local populace don't deserve democracy and keep on apologising for laughing boy and the watchman Be curious to see what he would say if the ex generals where convicted for their many, many crimes. I reckon he would probably cry that it was not a legitimate court and sentence, ooh the irony...
  5. I expect a lot of people in khaki or yellow may be volunteering even as we speak...
  6. tedious, unimaginative, boring, delusional, I can think of a few more but won't feed him...
  7. All conscription does in this day and age is water down a forces quality, conscription is a thing of the past in most professional forces and I would argue that Thailand's armed forces have <deleted> all to offer anybody other than lining the officers own nests, actually much more an armed farce than a force in any real sense...
  8. Violence has solved many things and will probably be required again before the dinosaurs become a distant nightmare, bravo Billd!
  9. You and me have argued in the past but in this I completely agree with you, you have to live by your morals even if it might cost you...
  10. I just cannot understand a person being so scared of life that they feel the need to have a gun to make them feel safe and worse the people who use gun's as faux penis extensions I spent over 20 years in the military and have seen and done stuff with gun's that would give many people nightmares but I have never, ever felt the need to have a weapon to make myself feel safe other than in war zones or peacekeeping roles It's tragic that you have a massive section of a society that are essentially living in fear of their own shadows but what is worse is that it's innocent people that end up paying the price for weak peoples insecurities, gun's are only designed for one thing and one thing only...
  11. No it won't! Thailand will have shown itself to be a morally corrupt lick spittle that put's itself above all else and who cares nothing at all for right and wrong...
  12. If you don't like it go home! if you don't like it go home! if you don't like it go home.. Very, very tedious I know.....
  13. Yep he is proof positive that you just can't treat stupid...
  14. Don't you start using that new fangled logic and common sense you'll confuse them...
  15. It's not straightforward to get insurance that covers for using motorcycles and then even more difficult to ride bigger cc bikes you'll also need an IDP if you aren't wanting to be paying local plod on a regular basis It's a prerequisite to have a full UK license to have cover for anything over 125cc but tbh riding anything in Thailand without a full licence is dodgy a f. There are companies that do cover bikes but you need to look specifically for them and certainly not rely on a bog standard comparison site company providing cover It also goes without saying you are required to wear an helmet but most experienced riders wouldn't dream of not wearing proper gear of jacket, gloves trousers gloves and boots at a minimum anything else and it's russian roulette, I still vividly remember coming off a moped in flip flops and skinning my toes, believe me you only ever want to do that once...
  16. Did you get stabbed and slashed to death? apples and oranges...
  17. What can you say, no surprise here. They are absolute bottom dwelling scum bags who are, to a man/woman, an utter and complete disgrace to the Thai people and humanity in general Unfortunately you tend to get the government and leaders you deserve and that's the point in this case, effectively you reap what you sow The fact the average citizen and the few half decent leader's are too lazy and gutless to put a stop to these practices means they will go on infinitum until the majority grow a pair and make it stop, won't hold my breath...
  18. Annnd the gravy train wheels go round and round, round and round, round and round!! What have the spouses of the present incumbents of the trough got to do with anything? Why are they involved in any of this? Wonder if they get to order the little people around? The whole article is just oozing with Thainess...
  19. Blimey, that is a whole lot of undiluted <deleted>! I suggest you get yourself back to the Motherland and grab yourself an AK and get your <deleted> over to Ukraine to fight the good fight with your comrades, don't forget to take some trainers with you for when you need to do a runner though...
  20. naive, tedious and boring, a real winning combination...
  21. Nope I stand by every word, have a look anywhere online with any respected news agency and that's not Tass or Iranian media by the way! If you look you will find countless reports of war crimes torture and genocide. You will also see reports of Russian terror tactics (for which they are renowned for as they are incapable of conducting a modern war) such as widespread targeting of civilians They appear to be weak, disorganised and cowardly and if you are taken in by their blatant lies then I won't be entering into any pigeon chess with yourself as I believe youy must be a troll and I certainly won't be feeding you!
  22. None so blind as he who refuses to see... I was in Iraq in 2003 and believe you me there is no correlation between Bush and what Putin has done, none Putin is a mad dog who has invaded his neighbour threatened nuclear holocaust and perpetrated genocide on his neighbour I hate Blair and Bush but Putin is a whole different level, he singlehandedly has made his country a pariah state and if Thailand is cosying up to him they will be judged and rightly so If you choose to believe Russia's abject lies even when the rest of the world can see through him, even though there is an abundance of independent information freely available then I fear you need to give your head a good wobble and take off the rose-coloured specs, just my opinion of course...
  23. Western propaganda? Do you even believe the bs you come out with or are you really that naive?
  24. Police trying to keep the public safe? Seem's okay after all such a fine professional and ethical institution should be able to sort out such problems... Sorry hang on a minute, Thailand's Police you say....
  25. They are not the Thai great and good, they are the cancer that holds Thailand back at every single turn They are dinosaurs who are terrified to lose their grip on power and the right to rape the country, they are morally corrupt, they are absolutely beneath contempt but they say a society get's the government and institutions they deserve The true tragedy is until the Thai populace decide enough is enough nothing will change and the only way to get change is through blood and tears, I fear the populace doesn't have the stomach to make change happen, I hope I am wrong...
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