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Everything posted by mark131v

  1. I think in a way the actions of the junta and their stooges are beginning to play into MF/PT hands The complete and utter hypocrisy is there for all to see. The behaviour of the senators and others in the ruling establishment is being seen by people who possibly where not too bothered before They are being seen as petty entitled not very bright individuals. There use of defamation against the #senator groups is predictable but again it shows their weakness The fact they are crying over students using sweary words is telling The fact they are rolling out the serial whinger again is telling The fact people can see a large number of senators never bothered to turn up is telling The fact most of the senators never bothered to vote is telling In summary it is all telling and I reckon people are losing patience and they want change this time....
  2. That serial whinger at it again isn't there a law against all the malicious charges he keeps bringing?
  3. Unfortunately that is wishful thinking, the CC like the EC as previously mentioned are just another arm of the junta and they will never do the right or honourable thing it's just not in their nature...
  4. Awww diddums, did those naughty students offend the establishment by using rude words!!! These hypocrites are so thin skinned it is just unreal, do they have no shame? Every time one of these junta shills open their mouth's I cringe they are so very, very weak and entitled that it boils my piss! The sooner they are dragged out and punished the better but make no mistake they will need to be dragged out as they will never do the honourable thing...
  5. All the dirty tricks are coming to the surface, very predictable considering they are a bunch of grasping hypocrites who are running scared A blind man can see there is nothing to prosecute from a dead none trading company but we all know they will drag it out and use every dirty trick in the book The sneaky ruses to try and doctor the iTV meeting minutes by the establishment stooges and portray a different outcome surely proves that but I bet that won't be investigated...
  6. Would be awesome if they would but these low life's have no concept of honour or doing the right thing Time for a reset but I think it needs to be a full on purge or nothing will change I just hope Thailand has the belly for it as it's sure to get nasty...
  7. Seems to me that this coalition is stronger than the powers that be and the junta apologists would have us believe! let's hope it stays that way as it's plain to see who the real enemy is... United we conquer, divided we fall!
  8. Your wasting your time mate, I really don't know if he is a bit slow on the uptake or a troll either way there is none so blind as he who refuses to see...
  9. <deleted>!! they have seen the peoples choices and roundly ignored them for their own gain, they are the very thing that is holding Thailand back, they were appointed by the junta to ensure that the powers that be never have to leave the trough. For myself I would gladly see every single one of the despicable, dishonourable reptiles dangling from a lamppost. You apologists need to open your eyes...
  10. They are scum, they are the very thing that is holding the country back, they should be outed and investigated and when they are discovered prosecuted for treason and punished to the full extent of the law. Nah sod that they should have some new punishment put onto the books for them because their behaviour is beyond the pale...
  11. If this snoozy reptile becomes PM I would be heading for the nearest border, Thais will take a lot but I reckon that would be a step too far even for the most laid back Somchai...
  12. Now that is absolutely genius!!! make those maggots lives as uncomfortable as possible, I am blown away by whoever thought this one up....
  13. Don't agree, I like a party but I would not shirk the serious stuff, if you needed to be disciplined I would do that. If you where one of the treacherous creatures hobbling Thailand I would happily put the noose around your neck and take the strain....
  14. But not in this case, the only reason they abstained is they lack the minerals to go on record as showing their complete and utter disdain for the very people they are meant to be serving, cowards and scoundrels the lot of 'em...
  15. No he doesn't, all is fair in love and war and if those entitled spouses and children who have reaped the benefits of their families corruption are a way to bring about positive change then bring it on
  16. No, it shows how terrified the establishment is of him. The fact they would countenance the man from Dubai over Pita demonstrates this In any fair game the result is beyond any dispute but this is definitely not a fair game...
  17. #juntaruleifyouletem... How can anybody with more than a couple of braincell's accept this?????
  18. 4th step string the bastards up as an example...
  19. Let the games begin! There is absolutely no other option, the judiciary is stitched up tight, CC and EC have zero credibility and have shown exactly where there loyalties lie. The buffoons in brown and the military, well the less said the better as for senators... With all that placed fully against any semblance of democracy what other option do the people have? For the people who say that violence has no place I suggest you check history as it has been shown time and time again to be the only way to overthrow dictators and their ilk I just hope sanity prevails but I won't hold my breath...
  20. Interesting times ahead, blatantly obvious that the senators are only in place for 2 things the first of which is self enrichment and the second to uphold the status quo and stop any semblance of democracy slipping into Thai politics, they are an abomination and should be treated as such...
  21. Nah this is going to be different, before in the old red/yellow days things were more regional now the whole of BKK voted for Pita as well as the North and the South that's the difference, the old tribal loyalties are no longer the same so there will be buses from Issaan the South and local BKK...
  22. The deck is so stacked in favour of the establishment that I really cannot see any legal way to stop this latest miscarriage. The fact it is so glaringly obvious that it is a travesty buggers belief When any and all voices that speak against the gross corruption, nepotism and rampant thievery of the Thai establishment are silenced through the corrupt judiciary, the bought senators and so called law enforcement agencies what can the people do? I can't see any other option than get out on the streets and express their displeasure because the hi-so's have completely fixed the justice system and without a full reboot change is impossible...
  23. No mate they should not be locked up they should be strung up as deterrent to the next lot...
  24. Shameful state of affairs, the people spoke the dinosaurs gave it a good stiff ignoring! I truly hope the common people want it bad enough as something has got to change and the hi-so's are making a mockery of the populace, if not now, when? I foresee an asteroid on the horizon let's hope it's not too destructive...
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