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Everything posted by mark131v

  1. Can call as many legal experts as he likes, won't make a blind bit of difference the card's are stacked and there's no legal way to change things Said it right from the start of this fiasco that the only way to get true and lasting change is to fight for it failing that unfortunately they get what they deserve....
  2. Wouldn't a black and white stripey swag bag be more apt....
  3. They're all weak little men so accustomed to peoples sucking up to them that they are childlike whenever they don't get their fair share of attention, they make me sick, god help them if Thailand ever arrives in the modern world rather than this 3rd world backward fiefdom the establishment has created...
  4. Amen to that, they prove it day by day, lip's are moving lies are spouting...
  5. He wasn't betrayed by one senator he was betrayed by the whole of Thailand's political, legal and judicial systems set up to preserve the status quo come what may They should be ashamed but due to their cosseted privileged upbringing they probably wouldn't know shame if it butted them in the face, scumbags the lot of em....
  6. Yeah, a proper good little saver that one... There are hypocrites and there are hypocrites but the Thai ruling elite truly are next level
  7. Ohh, that's alright then as I already thought it is just a misunderstanding! I hate them all but this one has a special place...
  8. Probably just a misunderstanding and actually it is all just flour It's happened before I tell you! just ask the sleepy watchman's expert on Australian penal affairs...
  9. That's there to help the hard of thinking as it is firkin hard to be in Hong Kong and BKK at the same time and I really don't reckon Toxin is in BKK yet...
  10. That seem's quite clear cut then. Pity some of the other misinformation from the junta lovers cannot be verified so easily....
  11. Ha hence the cannabis forum initially get it now!
  12. Anything containing chloramphenicol
  13. I reckon that would be far more likely!
  14. Are you on drugs? You can get some really heavy duty tin foil from makro would make a really effective hat....
  15. Yes it is abused mainly due to the fact it can act as a sleeping tablet. Like many drugs it is commonly used to counteract or enhance the effects of other drugs and like many medications especially anti depressants there is a ready market Remeron (Mirtazapine) Addiction And Abuse - Addiction Center
  16. That's entirely understandable as it is a drug that is frequently abused and is sold on the streets
  17. Understood but promising the poor the crumbs from the top table is disingenuous at best and absolutely disgusting at worst The whole sorry situation needs to be reset, the creatures in charge need to be removed if Thailand is to go forward Unfortunately the deck is so stacked against the people that their options are limited to direct action, there is simply no legal way to get any form of justice...
  18. Good! everything that gives the hypocrites in charge a headache is a yes from me, if it gains publicity from Thai's and the international community then that's a bonus...
  19. Oh I reckon his time will come, I don't think treason has a statute of limitations...
  20. Why should your average working Thai give a monkey's about that? If they want to topple the dinosaurs they absolutely have no option but to temporarily destroy all of that, it is actually the only way they can have a better future and rid themselves of the parasites There needs to be change and change has a steep price, I hope Thailand is ready to pay that price otherwise nothing will ever change...
  21. Having a coup is ALWAYS a bad idea especially in a country as backward as Thailand is The military should absolutely never be allowed into politics their previous actions tell you all you need to know. I knew it then and I know it now....
  22. You are very, very tiresome Your arguments are flawed, they persistently commit treason/coups and have for many decades Are you that blind to the facts? can you really not see the Military and the establishment are and always where the problem There is a chance for Thailand to progress and foreigners like you, people who really should know better show yourselves for what you are essentially selfish know it all's One recent benefit at least some of the other more vocal apologists/junta lovers seem to have seen the light and <deleted> with their drivel....
  23. That's not at all dodgy is it, then again this horrible wretch is a walking, talking example of all that is wrong with the Thai powers that be Convicted international drug smuggler but all forgiven and forgotten by the junta and the establishment, they are beneath contempt...
  24. Yep, what that guy said! you don't need to be Sherlock Holmes to see through that particular subject The EC/CC like all other arms of the establishment are there for one reason and one reason only and it is nothing to do with democracy...
  25. Nah I had something much more permanent in mind...
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