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Posts posted by mark131v

  1. One can cherry-pick statistics to support any argument.

    The principal difference seems to be the access to semi-automatic and automatic weapons in the US. These weapons have only one purpose - killing people. To pretend they are hunting weapons is ridiculous. A good roo shooter in Australia will account for 50 roos in a night's hunting, armed only with a bolt-action rifle. I've been hunting with a rabbit shooter using a single shot 0.22 who head-shot 150 rabbits in one night. He would have regarded any automatics as butchery.

    I haven't heard of mass shootings in Thailand. I assume that's because semi and full automatics are restricted to the military.

    After the Port Arthur massacre in 1992, the ownership of semi-automatic and automatic was severely restricted. Australia hasn't had a mass shooting since.

    Switzerland is frequently cited as an example of high gun ownership without gun crime. What the users of this datum neglect to mention is gun owners in Switzerland have to renew their permits once/month.

    The Sandy Hook mass shooting proved to me American gun supporters are insane. The response to the shooting of 20 children was an upsurge in gun sales. If anything was going to bring about a rethink of the Second Amendment, that event was it.

    Winston Churchill once said Americans usually get to the right solution, after they have tried all other options. Sadly, in the case of American gun ideology, so far he's wrong.

    Another one.......

    What is the link between the Port Arthur massacre and the semi-automatic buyback? Nil. No semi-automatic was even used at Port Arthur. Can you not see these events are mutually exclusive?

    Ok. I will explain by example.

    Victorian Government builds Wonthaggi De-sal Plant.......

    Water restrictions end in Melbourne.........

    The raw facts seem to indicate the knee jerk Government action solved the problem except that not 1 liter of the plant's water has ever been introduced into Melbourne's supply.

    Another example of facts that are mutually exclusive except to the ignorant.

    That drought as was that massacre were both aberrations. In both cases the Government responses altered nothing.

    Are you going to make a habit of publishing absolute rubbish on TV? Martin Bryant used a Colt AR15 semi-automatic rifle to kill 35 people. Google "Martin Bryant". Or are you one of the conspiracy head cases?bah.gif

    Putting up an irrelevant example is what's called the straw man argument.

    Fact is Australia has not had a mass shooting since the ban on semi-automatic weapons. It's called cause and effect.

    I can explain it to you. I can't understand it for you.

    'I can explain it to you. I can't understand it for you.'

    Brilliant and oh so very true!!!

  2. As for USA the data do not show the number of suicide made with guns. Wich is hudge. It's made for scared people. Just like in France and in Europe where we are supposed to be in a war with Islamic State. We are, all citizens, in danger, we are all possible target for terrorists. But the first decision European Commision is trying to take is to ban guns ownership from Europe. They don't want legal ownership of gun. They don't want honnest cityzens to have gun. They say that it is to fight terrorism! Bullshit. They are affraid of us , the people , not of the terrorists. It's the same all over the world. This campaign is made to help governments to disarm honest people.

    Are you drunk?

  3. All those gun control laws and....... This.

    California has some pretty strict gun laws too.

    It ain't the gun that does the killing! No more than it was the knife that did the killing of that guy on Pahonyothin a few weeks ago over the Ipad, or that guy machete that killed that family recently, or the hoe that did the killing on Koh Tao, or the psycho that slit his girlfrinds throat on walking street, or the baseball bat that beat that biker to death recently in Pattaya, or........

    True but a major part of it relates to access to guns: Australia used to have mass shootings ( in Melbourne Queen St , postal, Hoddle Street, a psycho, in Sydney, lunatic bikies, InTasmania/Port Arthur, a psycho).. Not one mass shooting since the gun buyback and a dramatic decline in gun murders and suicides.

    Blimey mate, why you want to go and do that for..?

    You know that bringing facts and evidence to this discussion is going to confuse them!!

  4. I'm a yank living here and say bravo to both diplomats for their statements. Especially the Brit: well played indeed. I am not worried at all about being "in danger". These two said what many of us have said to each other here on TV, but have said it where can get a bit of attention from the current self installed rulers. Those who wish to can cower in corners. I will not join them however.

    Very well said!!

    You put into words my own thoughts far more eloquently than I could and it is refreshing to see the replies to this topic

    Seems to be a lot of weak scared people on TVF I wonder if they were always like that....

  5. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    OK, maybe he can defend his good name by explaining how he became a multi-millionaire making $40,000 a year..

    Keep going with your miss information

    2014 NLA asset declarations

    deputy defence minister Gen Udomdej Sitabutr 54.6 million baht

    = $1.5Million

    Hardly a $ multi-millionaire

    And a pittance compare to some PTP and red shirts

    eg Former deputy interior minister Pracha Prasopdee, a red shirt leader, reported Bt211 million

    How did a red shirt accumulate $6Million, payments from Dubai ???

    Now that is a real multi-millionaire


    '2014 NLA asset declarations'

    Must be correct then as the good folk would never lie...


    adjective UK US /ˈɡʌl.ə.bl̩/
    easilydeceived or ​tricked, and too ​willing to ​believeeverything that other ​people say:There are any ​number of ​miraclecures on the ​market for ​peoplegullible enough to ​buy them.
  6. I reckon the latest ex general who has run away is probably slightly less white than white!!

    He spent a career working/skiving in the Thai forces and reached high office so he is probably not necessarily a beacon of truth and honesty

    That said I am all for poacher turned game keeper and I am sure this latest squirter has a few tales to tell in order to keep himself safe or deflect the blame

    Actually, on reflection how do you spend 20 or 30 years swimming in shit and not start to smell of it......

  7. 'No air carriers from Thailand were added to the Air Safety List at this time. The Commission and the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) are willing to continue to work with the Thai authorities to enhance aviation safety in the country. The Commission and EASA will however closely monitor future developments and, if the protection of air passengers against safety risks so requires, the Commission could then propose to include one or more air carriers from Thailand in the Air Safety List'

    Not exactly the most glowing of endorsements but still pretty good considering.....

  8. Certainly it is amusing to see how you people decide what my political stance is and my social standing as well,certainly if you were to meet me face to face you would indeed get a surprise.You all go on about censorship the repression of democracy as you those matters yet your posts stand and have not been censored so pray tell us just what is being censored or repressed

    If your posts were considered seditious or a danger to national security they would have been removed and the board shut down, but being non Thai your powers are non existent nor do your comments reach a wide audience.This board is run by non Thai's for non Thai's to have their own platform.

    The threat made by someone to remove his business from Thailand and no doubt cease to support two former Thai wives is unlikely to have a large impact on the Thai economy comments concerning going down the plughole are a trifle dramatic,

    I do not agree with many of our arcane laws but all countries have them all countries have their own outspoken commentators but they are home grown and are within their right to criticize their own country its laws and culture.

    The problem is that the posters here are drawing attention to themselves and a situation that is not going to go well for them or this board if those in authority see what is being said.The whole issue would be regarded as very anti government in a campaign conducted by outsiders , Please do not judge me as you wish to see me, I have long crusaded for a more equal society as have many others however all past administrations have had powerful family connections and that has led to the mass of corruption the present administration have inherited.Fighting the battle they are fighting is challenging they do not need and they wont tolerate interference from outside either.

    Remember Thailand does not have a monopoly on corruption or political motor mouths.

    I'am glad it is amusing for you but is it also embarrassing for you being a Thai educated in the west with all the benefits your parents gave you compared to your fellow countrymen when you see the clowns in charge and what is happening in your country?

    As a person of 70 years and having worked around the world as you have described do you see what is going on that prompts people like myself post on here after all I will never, nor would I want to be, Thai. That said I see my daughter's country going backwards, luckily she has another passport and is luckier then most but it is still wrong

    Do you see the way the vast majority of people looking in can see what is happening yet the majority of educated people here look the other way or just plain don't care...

    The reason why TVF has been overlooked by the junta is because they cannot treat foreigners the same way as their own people, more than that they are ignorant and arrogant but above all not very bright as they keep on proving day after day

    It is obvious what I think of the junta and I will always stand by my principles but apparently we are not the same even if we were educated in the same place, sad really....

  9. I wonder how safe we are posting on here? it is getting that bad sad.png

    I wouldn't be posting anything of even a slightly politicsl nature here, or anywhere online.

    Being silent, free, and alive, beats being right, or thinking you're right, and dead......anytime.

    Leave the political agitation to the Thsis.

    Are you also scared of the dark too or just generally lacking in moral fibre....

    Really glad my granddad and his generation did not think like that otherwise my German language skills would be a bit better than it is today,...

  10. Oh dear. Why does the Uk Ambassador have to say anything at all ? I am sure he is a nice bloke with good intentions and all but really !!! How does it help when a paid employee of the Bristish tax payer plays Twitter on things that quite frankly are none of anyones business except Thai people's buisness. Often in England police stop protesters from going somewhere, especially if there are opposing elements. I would have thought England would be concentrating on its own appalling problems that include potential future economic disaster, social ills, drug problems, social welfare problems, crime problems, a completely disheartened population who are fed up with the politcial arena and a massive refugee issue which will cost the tax payer Billions, which everyone knows was caused by the constant meddling in foreign countries and creating wars and suffering that the majority of English people never wanted and not only have had to pay for, but will have to pay again for all the refuggess rushing to get into the UK. Come on !! Add to that, do Thai politcians twitter about what is going on in England and criticise it. Not that I know of. When will this hypocracy end. Surely there is a better way to spend ones time. It is so simple to see how problems occur in the world. No wonder many counrties now are rather bored of us Westerners continually interfering, criticising and sticking our noses in. Thailand is Thailand. It is not perfect but alot of people love living there and I am sure were happy to have the extremely violent protests stopped for now. I have many friends in Thailand and many were very worried about the situation when the protests were becoming violent. The bars are all open, shops are amazing, sun is shining, awesome restaurants, plenty of freedom to do things. In fact I woudl go as far to say that Thailand has many freedoms England does not. Why not look at the good points and stop going on and on about trivial matters that have no bearance oin England at all. So a few protesters were stopped on a train. Ist hardly the end of the world. Big deal. Thailand has so many wonderful points and aspects to it. If one does not liek it, leave. But if one is living there enjoy it.

    Another very blinkered view from the rose tinted specs brigade, anyway you go and enjoy your restaurants and bars mate so long as that is OK eh, it matters not that nutters in charge are destroying my daughters and many of her friends country but we are lucky and have options many don't...

    You think they should see the double standards and say nothing....really that is a very selfish and shortsighted view but each to his own

    Personally I am very proud when somebody stands up to the idiots running the asylum here as the general populace don't have that luxury any more...

    I am enjoying them very much thanks. Life is short and I want to enjoy it. By the way...so you know rather then presume. I have no interest in taking sides or supporting any particular group. It is not my country and do not feel it is my place to do so. If I had the desire to change the world, I would start working for charitable organisations, go and help the poor, assist social welfare groups and not talk about it on a web site. Might be a good place for you to start as I think you might make some positive change then, as you obviously have strong beliefs, which is commendable. I think it is a bit of an over statement to say anyone is destroying the country. Economy is not good agreed, certain freedoms have been curtailed for now, but business continues, work continues. Life continues. Whoever is in power protects power and that is a simple lesson one learns as one grows up and develops an understanding of power and politics. Its actually an instinct in all of us but most of us do not gain large amounts of power. Been happening since the beginning of communities. So whether it is one side or another, the same occurs. If you feel so strongly that disaster looms, then my advice is you must protect your daughters and go someone where that is safe. But I do not share your belief that is is going that way. But if it is and happens, I will admit I was wrong. Have a good day. Don't worry too much. Nothing one can do about it, so enjoy the best points or if one is very worried then make change maybe somewhere else.[/quot

    More long winded drivel I could reply but can't be arsed I do however stand by my initial assessment that you are indeed a naive old bloke with a bit of an I am alright attitude, still takes all sorts to make a world....
  11. Oh dear. Why does the Uk Ambassador have to say anything at all ? I am sure he is a nice bloke with good intentions and all but really !!! How does it help when a paid employee of the Bristish tax payer plays Twitter on things that quite frankly are none of anyones business except Thai people's buisness. Often in England police stop protesters from going somewhere, especially if there are opposing elements. I would have thought England would be concentrating on its own appalling problems that include potential future economic disaster, social ills, drug problems, social welfare problems, crime problems, a completely disheartened population who are fed up with the politcial arena and a massive refugee issue which will cost the tax payer Billions, which everyone knows was caused by the constant meddling in foreign countries and creating wars and suffering that the majority of English people never wanted and not only have had to pay for, but will have to pay again for all the refuggess rushing to get into the UK. Come on !! Add to that, do Thai politcians twitter about what is going on in England and criticise it. Not that I know of. When will this hypocracy end. Surely there is a better way to spend ones time. It is so simple to see how problems occur in the world. No wonder many counrties now are rather bored of us Westerners continually interfering, criticising and sticking our noses in. Thailand is Thailand. It is not perfect but alot of people love living there and I am sure were happy to have the extremely violent protests stopped for now. I have many friends in Thailand and many were very worried about the situation when the protests were becoming violent. The bars are all open, shops are amazing, sun is shining, awesome restaurants, plenty of freedom to do things. In fact I woudl go as far to say that Thailand has many freedoms England does not. Why not look at the good points and stop going on and on about trivial matters that have no bearance oin England at all. So a few protesters were stopped on a train. Ist hardly the end of the world. Big deal. Thailand has so many wonderful points and aspects to it. If one does not liek it, leave. But if one is living there enjoy it.

    Another very blinkered view from the rose tinted specs brigade, anyway you go and enjoy your restaurants and bars mate so long as that is OK eh, it matters not that nutters in charge are destroying my daughters and many of her friends country but we are lucky and have options many don't...

    You think they should see the double standards and say nothing....really that is a very selfish and shortsighted view but each to his own

    Personally I am very proud when somebody stands up to the idiots running the asylum here as the general populace don't have that luxury any more...

  12. It's interesting to see the comments about the current administration.Well now, I am a Thai with voting rights no visa needs and perhaps a little more insight as to what is the real situation here and although a citizen of both the U.K. and Thailand due to the nationality of my parents I was also educated both here in Thailand and the U.K or England as we then called the country.I have been since my birth some 70 years since worked around the world as well as here in Thailand where I am now retired and domiciled I find that those posters are lets be honest not in a position to influence the current situation nor those of the past or even the future.

    You have no real insight into the realities of what people think, you are all well aware that we Thai's will tell you what you want to hear as opposed to what we really think, we love our country warts and all. The general feeling is that the current admiistartion is the lesser of many evils, not spotless agreed but it is not up to you to try to change matters to what you want or think we want. Many of you came here for what you saw and liked now it seems you want to change it to what you left behind.

    Many long term foreign residents here are happy with the currennt situation having lived through some very dishonest administrations inthe pasy years.Many of the criticcs are short term residents who have no real insight as to what is happening.None of you have the ear of those in power nor ever will, there was and is a plan projected and I and I am sure you all too wish to see the corrupt element s removed from power. Just think back to the past where decent administrations were brought down by corrupt individuals and the replcement administration who had accused the toppled administartion were a lot worse than the one before it. like I said perhaps if you stepped back and let we Thai's deal with matters in our own way we will go forward, just think back to the war waged on corruption in Singapore by Lee Kuan Yew and it's still being waged to this day.

    The practices linked to corruption are inbred and it takes time to remove that trait.

    Remember how it all started here, important people were appointed to administratiomn posts by the then king so as to create a civil service structure, no pay so people used to bring gifts as payment a tical here a tical there a bit of rice, fruit whatever,well salaries were later paid but the gift practice has continued and become labelled a corrupt practice, sorry its in our makeup and it's going to take time to move on.

    You keep a note of that post fella, your country is circling the plug hole and you are another naive old man that believes what the junta and people in power tells you

    what the junta and the countries ruling elite are doing is blatantly wrong and in direct conflict with the west, their own population and their international obligations and there will be a price to be paid...

  13. 'The arrest of the students on Monday angered some domestic and international observers, who noted how some 200 pro-junta "allies" were allowed to rally outside the US embassy recently. While the protest against US ambassador Glyn Davies was allowed, the authorities blocked the students from going to the Army park.

    But Deputy Premier and Defence Minister Prawit Wongsuwan said officials had evenly applied the same standard of security for all parties'

    Military spokesman speak's the misinformation and none truths start to roll!!!

    Why can they not see this? is it arrogance, ignorance, stupidity they are truly cringe-worthy.....

    '"There is no double standard on this matter," he said "The same measure will also be applied for any future gathering. I don't want any conflicts to happen."

    Yes, yes of course there is, what alternate reality do theses cretins inhabit?

  14. it fascinates me that all the nayers keep showing up when ever the government speaks and when I remind them about the old line of if things are not acceptable here then why stay ? and they come back with the usual well why did i stay while the previous government was in power ....

    now .... ok .... lets go back to the protests, street shootings, killings, unrest and insecurity.

    what would you rather ? then or now ?

    The current PM has worked hard to stop the bickering, protests, party fighting, insecurity and lawlessness, but for some farangs here it's just not good enough that he's done this. The general was sworn in by HM the king and he was blessed by the people of Thailand for stopping the instability and street protests that bought the country down, but some farangs here are not happy with that.

    The simple fact is the PM general Khun Prayuth Chan o cha is in power and thats how it is and that's how it's going to stay.

    He's there because the previous controversial PM couldn't do her job and as such someone with the knowledge and respect had to step in and take control thank goodness. He has been to the US as requested, he has been to the EU on climate change as requested, he has stepped up when required but some farangs here just cannot be happy. Maybe it is really time to go back and see how your government at home is doing instead of being negative for the rest of your lives and living in a place where you don't find the PM to your liking..

    "it fascinates me that all the nayers keep showing up when ever the government speaks and when I remind them about the old line of if things are not acceptable here then why stay ? and they come back with the usual well why did i stay while the previous government was in power ...."

    Well, what is your answer to this "fascinating" question?

    "now .... ok .... lets go back to the protests, street shootings, killings, unrest and insecurity.

    what would you rather ? then or now ? "

    Then. That was the choice of the Thai electorate. Are you saying that the junta didn't have a hand in the unrest??

    "The current PM has worked hard to stop the bickering, protests, party fighting, insecurity and lawlessness"

    No he hasn't. What he has done is threaten everyone with incarceration or worse if they don't obey his commands while working tirelessly to ensure eternal military/old elite rule.

    "The general was sworn in by HM the king and he was blessed by the people of Thailand..."

    And exactly how was Uncle Too blessed by the Thai people?? If he is so blessed then surely he would hold an election, right?

    "..street protests that bought the country down."

    The country was brought down??? I was here and that's plain nonsense.

    "The simple fact is the PM general Khun Prayuth Chan o cha is in power and thats how it is and that's how it's going to stay."

    No it's not. He's going sooner or later and I have a feeling it won't be pretty.

    "He's there because the previous controversial PM couldn't do her job and as such someone with the knowledge and respect had to step in and take control thank goodness."

    He's here because he and his handlers want him to be here, simple as that. Knowledge and respect....are you serious??

    "He has been to the US as requested, he has been to the EU on climate change as requested, he has stepped up when required but some farangs here just cannot be happy."

    He's been desperately jetting around the world to try to rub shoulders with elected leaders hoping to gain some kind of legitimacy...... and has failed spectacularly.

    Well said that man!!

  15. The country traded one corrupt government for another!!

    First was democratically elected this one seized by the barrel of a gun

    First tried to pass an amnesty bill but it did not happen, second just made their own with no right to do so other than force of arms

    The fact the present jokers tried to bluff the people that they are out to sort out corruption turns out they are only interested in corruption that they are not involved in

    The democratic elected government the present lot overthrew at gunpoint allowed public demonstration and democracy

    The present lot in the hot-seat have banned democracy, freedom or speech and the right to gather but only if it is against them, the absolute hypocrisy is it is plain to see and the in their arrogance they just couldn't care less

    The real shame in this is for the Thai people as their country is going down the pan but it is disturbing to listen to the same tired old rhetoric from the cheerleaders despite daily proof of the juntas hypocrisy and total inability to run the country....

    I really cannot see an happy ending to this it is a shocking state of affairs, every time the powers that be open their traps they they confirm what most of us already knew

    As to which amnesty is worse well at least the last lot used democracy where this lot just make their own rules, you can do that see when you have all the guns.....

  16. Strange that the greater majority of the Thai people like and agree with the curent administration.

    Seems as if it is the western non voters who cannot or will not understand the idea of how Asian society in general functions who are complaining.

    Now if it is so bad here so repressive so corrupt why are you all still here?

    Been here many years and seen it all ,To date this administration has been fine, corruption is a slow weed to root out so be patient.Just thInk back to previous administrations and their attempts to kill democracy with false votes in Parliament and creative debating and voting times.

    I prefer the current situation as opposed to the arson and barricades and riots we had in the not to long gone past.


    Greater majority? where you get that from you mean the junta sponsored poll's because there is nothing at all dodgy about them....

    'I prefer the current situation as opposed to the arson and barricades and riots we had in the not to long gone past.'

    Oh that's alright then, so long as your happy with the total breakdown of democracy and happy that anybody who dissents can be taken in for immediate attitude adjustment

    are you speaking about the riots and public disorder when the military where failing to do their duty and stage managing this latest coup

    what people like EJ and the bloke above cannot get their heads around is that wrong is wrong, doesn't mean I like Thaksin or any particular colour group but when you see on a daily basis the complete hypocrisy of these scumbags how can it ever be right?

  17. Students blocked from protest over park 'graft'

    The Nation


    Thammasat University student Sirawith Seritiwat gives an interview to the media at Thon Buri Train Station in Bangkok ahead of his trip MOnday to Prachuap Khiri Khan.

    Military, police detain 38 activists while they were on their way to Prachuap Khiri Khan before releasing them

    BANGKOK: -- AT least 38 student activists were taken into military custody yesterday after a failed bid to stage a political stunt to highlight alleged corruption in the construction of Rajabhakti Park and demand that the government take action against it.

    Hundreds of military and police stopped the students on a train at Ban Pong Station in Ratchaburi as they were travelling from the capital to the park in Prachuap Khiri Khan.

    The students were taken to the Ninth Infantry Regiment Command in Nakhon Pathom's Buddhamondhol district.

    They were released last night after agreeing not to hold any political activities concerning the scandal.

    The students and political activists led by Thammasat University student Sirawith Seritiwat launched a campaign called "Taking the train to Rajabhakti Park, Lighting up the Corruption". Some 60 students and activists joined the trip.

    National Council for Peace and Order spokesman Winthai Suvaree said the intention was not to detain the group but merely bar them from travelling to the park. He said the move was designed to prevent a possible confrontation that could have become violent.

    A group of local royalists was seen waiting at the railway station shouting and scolding the students while they were taken from the scene. One shouted: "[if you] do not love the King, then get out [of the country]."

    Sirawath is studying at Thammasat's Faculty of Political Science. He is the leader of many student groups such as Dome Front Agora and Democracy Study. He has been actively protesting against the junta since the coup in the middle of last year and detained a couple of times. Given this, he has often been confronted by officials while staging political activities.

    Lawyer Anont Nampa joined the trip and was also arrested. He is with the Thai Lawyers for Human Rights group, which advocates for political defendants including those facing lese majeste charges.

    Rajabhakti Park was closed to the public yesterday. Officials said roads at the park and other facilities needed to be repaired despite the park opening only a few months ago. It was guarded tightly by police and soldiers with barricades put at the entrance.

    The arrest of the student activists was condemned locally and internationally.

    National Human Rights Commission chairman Wat Tingsamitr said the agency would discuss the issue today.

    British Ambassador to Thailand Mark Kent tweeted yesterday: "I had hoped the fact that 200 people [being] allowed to demonstrate at the US Embassy might be relaxation on freedom of assembly."

    He was referring to a demonstration late last month against US Ambassador Glyn Davies for him criticising harsh penalties under the lese majeste law.

    The activist group New Democracy Movement demanded in a statement that the junta to release the student activists without any conditions.

    NDM said people had the right to examine government expenditure and the students arrested yesterday had that right violated. It said arresting them was proof that there was corruption in the construction of Rajabhakti Park, and yesterday's event was a victory because of that.

    The Bt1-billion park has become a hot political issue after claims of corruption and irregularities in raising funds for its construction. Deputy Defence Minister Udomdej Sitabutr, who presided over construction of the park, admitted that commission fees were taken by someone involved in the project before being turned into 'donations'.

    The government set up an in-house committee to investigate but the public has demanded an independent body be set up to look into the matter.

    Pheu Thai Party legal adviser Ruangkrai Leekitwattana said he would call for the Auditor General to take back more than Bt46 million spent on Rajabhakti Park, claiming that the budget had been misused.

    He said the money was supposed to be spent on buying permanent property for the Army, but was used instead to buy construction materials for the park like marble, stone and granite.

    Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Students-blocked-from-protest-over-park-graft-30274492.html


    -- The Nation 2015-12-08

    'British Ambassador to Thailand Mark Kent tweeted yesterday: "I had hoped the fact that 200 people [being] allowed to demonstrate at the US Embassy might be relaxation on freedom of assembly."

    He was referring to a demonstration late last month against US Ambassador Glyn Davies for him criticising harsh penalties under the lese majeste law'

    the world is waking up to the everyday hypocrisy from these losers yet you still have posters on here defending the junta and blaming everybody except the true culprits, anybody with an ounce of honour or common sense must realise that they are making their country look like idiots but unfortunately the leaders in this place are so arrogant and have such a sense of entitlement that it just doesn't register, tragic.....

  18. Thai army blocks anti-corruption protest, detains activists

    BANGKOK (AP) — The Thai military has blocked an anti-corruption protest, detaining 33 students and other activists who were headed to a park honoring past kings that was allegedly built with money from shady dealings involving several senior officers.

    The military's efforts to quash Monday's protest included detaching the railway car on which the protesters were traveling to Rajabhakti Park, near the seaside town of Hua Hin, before taking them into custody. Officials abruptly announced that the park, on army land, was closed for the day for renovations.

    The case has become a major scandal in Thailand, largely because the military junta that has run the country since staging a coup last year had vowed to reform the country's political system to stamp out corruption, which it blames on politicians.


    -- (c) Associated Press 2015-12-07


    maybe something will happen if the international press get onto it, must be really embarrassing for the good people to keep losing face like this...

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