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Posts posted by mark131v

  1. 22 minutes ago, wannabebiker said:

    Thanks for all the replies. I understand the concerns for my safety and I'm loving it! I'm considering the CBR500R now due to my biker friends telling me thats the easiest to learn on for future riding. I will complete a few safety courses first, learn riding with a teacher, then go into the traffic :)


    Good choice!!


    Probably the best to learn on in my opinion as it is very forgiving and still has plenty to keep you interested as the skills progress, there are a few bargains about if you wanted to buy second hand as an extra bonus.....

  2. That R1 looks awesome.....


    The CB 500's are good bikes if you wring their necks and thrash em but still not as much fun as the R3, I am back in the UK and now on a Fazer 800 but still miss the R3 and look forward to holidays where I get to thrash it on lawless roads, completely get what you are saying about riding these smaller, lighter, slower bikes fast

  3. 4 hours ago, pbas400 said:

    in my opinion, D-Ring is the best 


    all Helmets like Arai, Shoei.... use it ! 






    I have not been through all of it as I cannot be arsed but all of the top 4 brands they have looked at for safety between 2010 and 2016 use the microratchet system


    I honestly believe a lot of this blind unquestioning loyalty hinders innovation and before all the blind followers get up in arms no-one is saying either shoei or arai are not excellent helmets what they are saying is there are brands that are safer across their whole range and strangely enough most use the newer strap fixing methods


    ps shoei and arai are ranked 5 (actually there are 9 manufacturers above them but Sharp could not split some makes as they where equally good) and 10 (actually 15th manufacturer) 

  4. 7 hours ago, William Osborne said:

    just takes getting used to......i use an old Arai for my scooter.... which i can do up d-ring with left hand whilst driving... 1-2 seconds to take off...(using no gloves or fingerless)..... and wouldnt use anything less than a D-ring on a big bike...



    Most major manufactures seem to be using the microratchet system and that can be done up and removed one handed wearing gloves, I believe it is known as evolution and the reason we are not still using wooden wheels....

  5. 3 minutes ago, BSJ said:

    " Finally police and soldiers had stopped all traffic on Route 324 as they thought the public could be in danger. At 4.30pm the tires of the vehicle were shot out. " This after 2 hours!  :shock1:


    True that....


    Another point is there does not seem to be much evidence of the tires being shot out from what I can see


    After 2 members of the public being extra-judicially killed by the police you would at least expect their statements to be a little more accurate, if the first statement is so blatantly wrong it does not exactly exude honesty or professionalism.....


    Seems many of the public and the hang em highs here are more than happy to swallow anything the buffoons in brown say, any of you guys want to buy a bridge?

  6. 7 minutes ago, Happy Grumpy said:

    slimey little cowardly shits. 


    Succinctly put sir....


    I guess the author of the piece must have very low comprehension skills too as it seems blatantly obvious what has happened here and it does not fir the headline


    Any apologists want to get a few excuses in for the pricks with the sticks, there's usually a few we can rely on to justify all things thai...

  7. 2 hours ago, JAG said:


    Have you ever found yourself in a situation where it is possible you may " die fighting"?

    It does change your perspective you know.



    Yes I have several times my perspective is still the same...


    The general apathy of the masses I find very disturbing, understandable to an extent but still disturbing......

  8. 7 hours ago, robblok said:

    Its a start.. better than nothing.. but not harsh enough.. but at least a sign. 


    It is not a start, it is not better than nothing it is actually a complete insult to the family of the dead and a glowing indictment of all that is wrong here....


    tbh some of you apologists make me despair wonder what you would think if it was a member of your family that was beaten to death.....

  9. If LoS institutions and leadership was not such a seething cauldron of lies, thievery, nepotism and double standards it would indeed be a good start


    Unfortunately all this does is highlight said double standards and emphasise the sheer hypocrisy in the way 'justice' is administered, sad really but what else can you expect as a lot of the people in higher positions aint there because of their intellect....



  10. No offense taken but you do kinda confirm my thoughts, do you have any experience of these dogs?


    You do sound of if you have a lot of preconceptions but as I said I would not believe all you read on the web let your own experiences guide you 


    I am speaking from experience and I absolutely trust my dogs and my daughter she has grown with them from puppies and they both know when to walk away, only dog she has ever had a bite off is a West Highland Terrier

  11. 12 minutes ago, Kabula said:

    At least he has taken a step in the right direction by helping small businesses, unlike most countries today.


    Small businesses are the key to growth and prosperity.


    I'm thankful he is keeping an eye on things as he is protecting the sovereignty of Thailand.  




    Have you been drinking?...

  12. 2 minutes ago, alofthailand said:

    Actually you were not supposed to take my comet literally which implied most people are not envious of a dim man who cannot pack his bag properly and in the absence of personality get cheap tattoos. As for youth of today, listen sonny- I don't envy you-I pity you. The last time I saw something so wet and useless it was forming a damp patch on my underpants.



    That has got to be the best bitter old man rant I have heard for a looong time, are you an American by the way?

    Bet you get to see damp stains on your undies on a fairly regular basis but never mind tena have something you can use for that :thumbsup:


    3 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:


    Yeah, that's still pretty low end. 


    My point was, though, that a decent education is available here, if you're willing (and able) to pay for it.


    True, I agree but my point is after having my kid in school from the age of 3 and paying sums up to GBP 5 K per year (as a 5 year old child!) at some of the better schools in my area she was no better prepared for entry into a UK state school, maybe it is just me but that seems to be the whole point......

  14. 3 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:


    Like I said - not everyone can afford it. 


    No offence, but a 70k baht a year school is not representative of the kind of places I'm referring to here. 


    70k baht a term 3 terms a year 210k baht a year before all the other expenses but you are right there are many much more expensive schools out there

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