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Posts posted by mark131v

  1. I have just watched a Sky News report from the trial of the B2 and the Koh Tao murder. The report was about the testimony about one of the B2 ?Zaw Lin and it was concerning his treatment whilst in RTP custody

    I am paraphrasing but basically he is alleging he was taken from his cell late at night by 10 men in plain clothes then taken to an house (not a police station) where he was beaten and kicked about

    The crux of the report was quite detailed and stated he had a plastic bag put over his head was questioned and beaten, he managed to bite a hole in the first bag to breath at which point they put another bag over the first and continued to beat and kick whilst the interpreter kept asking him to admit he had killed the 2 British

    It also mentioned that he was told that if he admitted it then he would only serve 5 or 6 years but that if he didn't then he would be put on a boat taken out to sea and thrown overboard, whether true or not it looks like Thailand is back in the news for all the wrong reasons

    Don't know if any other news agencies have picked up on it.

  2. I have just watched a Sky News report from the trial of the B2 and the Koh Tao murder. The report was about the testimony about one of the B2 ?Zaw Lin and it was concerning his treatment whilst in RTP custody

    I am paraphrasing but basically he is alleging he was taken from his cell late at night by 10 men in plain clothes then taken to an house (not a police station) where he was beaten and kicked about

    The crux of the report was quite detailed and stated he had a plastic bag put over his head was questioned and beaten, he managed to bite a hole in the first bag to breath at which point they put another bag over the first and continued to beat and kick whilst the interpreter kept asking him to admit he had killed the 2 British

    It also mentioned that he was told that if he admitted it then he would only serve 5 or 6 years but that if he didn't then he would be put on a boat taken out to sea and thrown overboard, whether true or not it looks like Thailand is back in the news for all the wrong reasons

    Don't know if any other news agencies have picked up on it and I have had to put it in General topics as I cannot start a thread in news

  3. Red Flag is one of the best training exercises for combat aircraft. Probably the best in the world.


    It's serious stuff. With many nations around the world participating. The one at Nellis is the premier event. I've met the pilots and they are top notch. No messing around. Highly trained.

    Indeed. I understand that it is the pinnacle of training for the fast jet community - with a highly skilled "opforce" who mimic Russian sorry "Fantasian" tactics. Wall to wall brylcream and Kelly McGillis lookalikes prancing all over the place on white stallions. (sorry about that - as a lowly infantryman I get carried away by the Gods of Thunder).

    This does rather raise the question as to what part in the proceedings was played by an early model C130 stooging about filled to the brim with RTAF officers?

    I am sure with your excellent knowledge base you could do a little research and tell us all about the trip instead of just making a guess to try to score points. Do you know what model Hercules it was and what its purpose is?

    The RTAF use them for basic needs and also for air-sea rescue and surprisingly enough part of the Red Flag Alaska exercise was about air-sea rescue. This year in many Red Flag Alaska exercises the USAF, RAAF, RNZAF, the Korean Air Force, the RAF as well as the RTAF so did all those countries waste their time and money also?

    The RTAF operates 12 C130H, a variant which ceased to be built over 20 years ago - so it could certainly be described as an early model.

    They use them for a wide variety of roles, yes including air - sea rescue, although that use would probably be more accurately described as maritime searching.

    They have a crew of 5, so even allowing for spare crew(s) 45 does seem rather a lot to keep one aircraft in the exercise, but then I will accept I am not an aviator, and it might have required a lot of mending, so I may be wrong.

    Quite what it was doing in San Francisco I do not understand, The logical route to and from Alaska is via Japan/South Korea, and goes nowhere near California. San Francisco to Thailand involves crossing the Pacific Ocean at its widest point - which seems strange - but then again I am not an aviator. San Francisco is almost certainly a better place for a spot of R&R than Alaska, as long as you don't get shot. Perhaps he should have worn some flowers in his hair?

    They managed to deploy one of their 12 C130s to Alaska, with a "little detour" to San Fransisco. But as someone remarked earlier, "Couldn't get a C130 in the air in the early days of the MH370 search."

    ​I hope that makes you feel better.

    Sounds a lot like the RAF better known to the rest of UK Forces as crab air, you want to go from A-B for your RnR, possible but crab air like their beach living brethren are incapable of traveling in a straight line so usually you have to go via X and Y and squeeze a couple of delays in as well. Strange though where ever they are in the world they seem to find a 5 star hotel while the rest of us are living in a hole in the ground, thinking about it I should probably have tried harder at school....

  4. Why is it important? Because Thaksin is a dab hand at playing the sympathy card (I wonder how many times he's cried "Woe is me!"?). Since scuttling off overseas like the rat he is, the villainous one has often sobbed into his handkerchief in front of the world about how hard done-by he is, and many world leaders have bought his snakey lies. By stripping him of his plastic police rank, it denies him just that one little extra degree of legitimacy, while telling the world, "hey! this guy is a felon." - and by doing it the long, tortured way, they can legitimately claim they gave it maximum consideration and did not take the issue lightly. Thus, negating part of Thaksin's ability to market of himself as a victim. Well played by the junta, in my opinion.

    For those who are trying to introduce the "erasing of history" element into the Thaksin equation - please explain how this is occurring? If you really believe that this is happening in this day and age, then I pity you your grasp of history. I doubt very few will forget Thaksin - OR, the stripping of his rank.

    You seriously think anything this Junta say's or does on the world stage is taken seriously? wow....

  5. Which part of me really not caring one way or the other is confusing you?

    You did not answer the question, do YOU really believe that this is an important way to spend time and resources? is it really that important?

    We all know the bogeyman and the RTP and many/most Thai institutions are corrupt and ineffective yet the present leaders have not concentrated on sorting out the corruption but have instead deflected attention by grabbing on to this need to completely erase the past

    It matters not at all in the grand scheme if some on the run villain has an honoury rank from a well known corrupt joke of an organization but the fact the great leaders are so paranoid and scared about this none issue when the rest of the world are looking at them says a great deal about them

    ps I think it was one of the Junta polls that said 97% of the population are behind them, could have been 93% cant really remember but seeing as the Junta said it is so it must be true...ttfn

    For someone saying that they don't care one way or another, you are making some considerable effort discussing the issue. Actually the rank does matter, matters very much. Why? Because it is a flag-bearer, signifier of the government's progress/success in stripping out the power and control Thaksin had/has over the Thai police force which was the primary state institution in Thaksin's pocket. Not so long ago Thaksin's forum cheerleaders (welcome back!) were using similar arguments about Thaksin being stripped of his passport (it doesn't matter!, there are more important thing to think about! and so on). They all add up to a fresh attempt to wheel out that old warhorse 'Its not about Thaksin'. Been going on for years. No sale.

    Read it again, how can I say this any clearer, I don not give a flying fork about whether Thaksin keeps or loses his rank..I really truly do not care, I think it is a complete none issue

    Now the fact the present junta (your right I cannot stand them! hate hypocrites) seem to believe this is of major importance makes me wonder why

    Is it deflection of more pressing issues?

    Is it paranoia, perhaps they believe their time at the trough might be ending?

    Fear, as above really?

    Even the great leader himself is pussy footing around the issue, I thought he was all powerful after he seized power and awarded himself with judge jury and executioner powers with article 44, but still lacks the balls

    The government polls sponsored by the Junta keep coming back with over whelming support so why the fear, why the paranoia...have they got guilty consciences??

    Why do I care, well basically I don't I realize I cannot change what goes on here but I have got a bit of time on my hands so why not, if it annoys a few hypocrites along the way then that's a bonus...

  6. Like this government hasnt got many more important issues to deal with in which they are a total failure but focus their time on this farce.

    Soooo lame. Yeah, like this is monopolizing the entire government's resources and everyone's attention, is keeping it from doing absolutely anything else, and is totally paralyzing the government. Get real. If you want to see the man keep his rank, just man up and say so - instead of mindlessly parroting this rubbish about "the many more important issues to deal with"...

    Do YOU think it is important that a wanted fugitive who left the country years ago still holding a rank in what is probably one of the most corrupt institutions in the world keeps or loses his rank??

    Don't know if you noticed but there have been one or two quite important things going on in this country, trafficking, airports, dead slaves, fishing, bombs, corruption etc etc...

    Personally I really don't care one way or another but the way the present Junta have been getting this back into the news at every opportunity makes me think that they are completely and utterly paranoid

    You have to ask yourself why the paranoia? why the fear? don't they sleep easy knowing 97% of the population are on their side...

    ROFL. 95% of the level of effort involved was the dredging for tactics to forestall the stripping of rank. Never in the history of the world has so much energy gone into mere foot-dragging. Hardly worth mentioning the minimal effort involved in actually DOING it! No paranoia. No fear. Certainly no 97%! Just a matter of having to deal with the nattering naysayers and nabobs. These twits love to go on about how obsessed some people are with seeing justice through to the end, and don't realize how they paint themselves as addicted cultists in the process.

    Which part of me really not caring one way or the other is confusing you?

    You did not answer the question, do YOU really believe that this is an important way to spend time and resources? is it really that important?

    We all know the bogeyman and the RTP and many/most Thai institutions are corrupt and ineffective yet the present leaders have not concentrated on sorting out the corruption but have instead deflected attention by grabbing on to this need to completely erase the past

    It matters not at all in the grand scheme if some on the run villain has an honoury rank from a well known corrupt joke of an organization but the fact the great leaders are so paranoid and scared about this none issue when the rest of the world are looking at them says a great deal about them

    ps I think it was one of the Junta polls that said 97% of the population are behind them, could have been 93% cant really remember but seeing as the Junta said it is so it must be true...ttfn

  7. They hate him because he is an existential threat to their primacy and wealth.

    They hate him because of the people he has enlisted in support of his bid for power. In doing so he is the first politician who has considered the previously ignored rural poor, and delivered even a proportion of campaign promises to them. He has let that particular genie out of the bottle, and although much of the effort of the current junta is concentrated on trying to stuff it back into the bottle that is a hopeless cause.

    I don't think that they give a monkeys about his corruption. To them it is a way of life, and he is probably no more corrupt than many of them are.

    But in actually letting the people have a say, and believe that what they said mattered, he committed the unforgivable sin. They hate him because they are terrified, and know that sooner or later, their rule is going to be over.

    And there you have it bang on!!!

    Why do you think the great leader and his mindless cohorts are showing their complete paranoia about the bogeyman?? why all this absolute drivel about stripping old ranks and passports, they are terrified of him and they are terrified that their time at the trough may be getting short

    It's great watching this bunch of hypocrites squirm but unfortunately I think the damage they have done to the country is going to take a long time to heal and I think there is going to be plenty pain coming, I hope I am wrong but I think it is inevitable

  8. Like this government hasnt got many more important issues to deal with in which they are a total failure but focus their time on this farce.

    Soooo lame. Yeah, like this is monopolizing the entire government's resources and everyone's attention, is keeping it from doing absolutely anything else, and is totally paralyzing the government. Get real. If you want to see the man keep his rank, just man up and say so - instead of mindlessly parroting this rubbish about "the many more important issues to deal with"...

    Do YOU think it is important that a wanted fugitive who left the country years ago still holding a rank in what is probably one of the most corrupt institutions in the world keeps or loses his rank??

    Don't know if you noticed but there have been one or two quite important things going on in this country, trafficking, airports, dead slaves, fishing, bombs, corruption etc etc...

    Personally I really don't care one way or another but the way the present Junta have been getting this back into the news at every opportunity makes me think that they are completely and utterly paranoid

    You have to ask yourself why the paranoia? why the fear? don't they sleep easy knowing 97% of the population are on their side...

  9. 'Asked why he put his faith to the NSRRC, he said that the draft made it clear the council would be made up of high-ranking officers, for example the ex-premier and the president of the Supreme Court, which would guarantee its efficiency. Moreover, the NSRRC would have to consult with MPs and senators prior to exercising its special authority'

    Oh goody that's alright then no chance of any corruption, nepotism or cronyism there then, that's a relief and I am so glad he left the monkhood to give us these insights.....

  10. The world is watching and sniggering, you could not make it up....


    one from the neighbor's


    And another this one asking a few awkward questions


    New York Times


    I think this may not be the PR coup the chief rozzer was hoping for, they say all publicity is good publicity but with this one I aint so sure....

  11. Ohh that's alright then perfectly normal, nothing hypocritical about the present leaders of this country openly indulging in what might reasonably be construed as a blatant disregard for their much vaunted policy of stamping out corruption, something they have been quite vocal about and actually cited as one of the main reasons for the coup and overthrow of the legitimate government...

    Frankly, it is ok n my opinion as it happen everywhere.

    Take the USA for example, where you probably think has no corruption and it is a real pain in the arse for Thailand with all its moaning.

    Jeb Bush v Hilary Clinton is just a coincidence?

    George W was the most talented guy for the job?

    As for the Uk and the cronyism going on there!

    I know jack shit about US corruption and care even less, what I do care about is blatant hypocrisy and the fact you think it is ok is neither here nor there, it does however say a lot about you, maybe you have gone native....

    What is absolutely glaringly obvious is the Junta are preaching one thing then doing another, problem is they are not even intelligent enough to be subtle about it

    How long have you been living in Pattaya? it aint the real in Thailand

    What has that got to do with the price of eggs, bit random innit, have I hit a raw nerve??

    Does living in Nakhon Nowhere rather than Pattaya affect your ability to work out what is acceptable and what isn't, perhaps leads to a less developed sense of right and wrong or maybe a propensity for believing bullshite so long as it is from a pooyai or high ranking Thai??

    ps. you might want to do a bit more editing as you comment don't make too much sense but probably better to wait till you are sober..

  12. Ohh that's alright then perfectly normal, nothing hypocritical about the present leaders of this country openly indulging in what might reasonably be construed as a blatant disregard for their much vaunted policy of stamping out corruption, something they have been quite vocal about and actually cited as one of the main reasons for the coup and overthrow of the legitimate government...

    Frankly, it is ok n my opinion as it happen everywhere.

    Take the USA for example, where you probably think has no corruption and it is a real pain in the arse for Thailand with all its moaning.

    Jeb Bush v Hilary Clinton is just a coincidence?

    George W was the most talented guy for the job?

    As for the Uk and the cronyism going on there!

    I know jack shit about US corruption and care even less, what I do care about is blatant hypocrisy and the fact you think it is ok is neither here nor there, it does however say a lot about you, maybe you have gone native....

    What is absolutely glaringly obvious is the Junta are preaching one thing then doing another, problem is they are not even intelligent enough to be subtle about it

  13. Yamaha Thai website now has MT-03 ABS for 177,000:

    Link>>> Yamaha MT-03


    Man that will be an awesome little bike for Thailand, light, fast comfortable 2 up and with plenty usable power I think they will have another winner on their hands

    It's a really good time to be looking for smaller bikes right now and if we are really lucky it might start a bit of a war between the different manufacturers, happy days!!

  14. 'twin Brembo front brakes, exposed trellice frame with adjustable Sachs rear shock and Marzocchi USD forks'

    Are you sure about that mate I am sure I went and had a look and was told the version with those components was only for the Euro market, when I looked the brake's on the ones in the showroom said benelli and not brembo same with the forks, still looked nice though but just a shame there is not an ABS option....

    edit, talking about the 600 not the 300!

  15. Is there anyone here who wouldn't help their younger brother with a good job? Perfectly normal here and I'd bet most here would accept jobs from their Thai inlaws, if they weren't farmers

    Ohh that's alright then perfectly normal, nothing hypocritical about the present leaders of this country openly indulging in what might reasonably be construed as a blatant disregard for their much vaunted policy of stamping out corruption, something they have been quite vocal about and actually cited as one of the main reasons for the coup and overthrow of the legitimate government...

  16. 'Athiwat said he surrendered because he was confident he would be absolved'

    Unfortunately I too am confident he will be absolved even though I have a sneaking suspicion he might be as guilty as sin....corruption, nepotism, cronyism in Thailand amongst the 'good people' surely not....

  17. "There was no suicide bomber's vest."

    Anyone saying there was will be arrested under the Computer Crimes Act and will receive a lengthy prison sentence.

    Neither was a nuclear warhead. Anyone repeating the police claim there was a nuclear warhead will be arrested under the Computer Crimes Act and will receive a lengthy prison sentence.

    It was not a group of 10 people. Anyone repeating the police claim there were 10 people will be arrested under the Computer Crimes Act and will receive a lengthy prison sentence.

    It was not international terrorists but it was not a Thai. Anyone repeating the police claim it was international terrorism or a Thai bomber will be arrested under the Computer Crimes Act and will receive a lengthy prison sentence.

    Do as I say not as I do....seems apt with the present jokers in charge and a very useful tool for the good people in charge of your run of the mill third world military junta...

  18. To me, the big question is: what was the motive?

    If the evidence was planted by police to scapegoat another foreigner--who can't defend themselves in Thai courts, then there will be little mention of motive. Just get it done and out of the news. But if this is the real bad guy, one would think they would discover some sort of motive, and perhaps links to others who may have helped. So far, no international group has claimed responsibility--which is unusual. I can't think of any particular problems between Turkey and Thailand that might have motivated, but maybe they exist.

    If this is not the real guy, then the perps will feel like they got away with it and you can be sure they will strike again.

    If this is the real bad guy, what was the motive?

    Give yourself peace with this scapegoat rubbish.

    National police chief General Somyot Poompunmuang became obviously annoyed yesterday when a reporter asked him if the arrested man happened to be a scapegoat. He said such a question was "not constructive".[/size]

    Can't you just accept that the Thai Police have done a great job apprehending this scumbag.

    The photokit was spot on as far as I can see when you allow for the fact the guy probably hasn't eaten or slept for a week in fear of being caught.

    If you care to read what has been said his motive was personal.

    Like all good investigators they are not prepared to commit to definite statements until they know the whole truth.

    Nothing unusual about that. [/size]

    "Like all good investigators.."

    Wow. You really should stay away from the lao khao in the morning!

    A broken watch is right twice a day but that doesn't make it fit for purpose or good at the job it was designed to do

    I really hope they have got the scumbags involved but all these dreamers congratulating the RTP on a job well done for acting on a tip off after offering a large reward are deluded

    Nothing in my opinion has changed with the police farce in the last 24 hours, they are still lazy incompetent and corrupt as they have proven time and again over decades, but like the broken watch maybe, just maybe they have the right guy this time so lets see how the RTP now progress with the person given to them in the tip off

    Lets hope they don't bugger things up by showing things that don't exist such as suicide vests and making contradictory statements...oops too late...

  19. So despite the definite headline, the only evidence behind this is that he can not believe a Thai would do this to another Thai ?. And what rank is he ?.

    Good to know he is going into the investigation with an open mind. Someone should let him know about the Thais who were happy enough to fire grenades into crowds of innocent people which numbered dead women and children in the final tally.

    Anyway, his biggest priority is not to find out who planted the bomb, it is to find out who ordered it. There are plenty of people in this world today who don't care who they kill for the right price.

    I think we all knew the final outcome of this on the same day the bomb went off : the same as who killed the 30 dead during the protests. Absolutely nothing. Nobody wants to know because of the trouble it will cause if people are named.

    Good to see even the king of the apologists is struggling to spin this one out, still cant resist a sly dig at the redshirts and the bogeyman though...sad, very sad....

    OK Mark, I suggest you read EnglishJohn's post again and try to understand what he was clearly saying, that the people who were doing the grenades in markets & off motorway overpasses and also shooting kids in Trat do deserve at least a sly dig, or preferably a charge of murder. Thai people do and are killing Thai people, in one cause last year, nearly thirty people, AND it has become a political hot potato. Now, EJ says he questions the policeman's motive/experience/rank etc for not believing his countrymen could kill their countrymen in cold blood, on principal, without evidence, when the opposite is a fact. Are you also then of the opinion that Thai people could not do this? Clarify your thinking before jumping to conclusions, accusing people just because you are sensitive to someone you think may be thinking about criticizing (your perhaps favored) Redshirt heroes.

    Oh goody another apologist who tries to blame everything on one side...

    Truth is both sides are absolute scum and the RTP are a joke of an institution but hypocrites like EJ have a very blinkered world view plus I am right as even a rabid apologist like EJ cannot spin something out of this so it must be bad but even so he cannot resist a sly dig, predictable but sad all the same...

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