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Posts posted by mark131v

  1. 'Gen Prem said he was confident Gen Prayut could achieve his roadmap, citing reason that the prime minister was determined, clean and has no wound to cover up'

    Probably not the best reason to bet on the little general

    If that OP is an example of the brilliant way Thai PBS do their reporting then they really aught to bury their heads in shame, they never heard of proof readers...

    What can you say when yet another pampered hi-so who knows zilch about the majority of the population starts preaching about what you can report, scary...

    Good thing if the journalists read between the lines like the rest of us otherwise the attitude adjustment camps would be overflowing...

  2. further to my previous posts on this, we have actually been looking at other schools to move our 6 year old to.

    The Satit education system is rubbish, all they seem to do is train up for their next show performance.

    seems like they will become dancers later in life but certainly not doctors, paying for a new fancy dress outfit and hunting them down all over the city seems to be our new job as parents.

    because my daughters thai is not the best she was put back a year so is in a class with kids as much as 18 months younger than her. you can really tell the difference in her development, she has to go down to there level to communicate.

    we are currently thinking and have been to visit REPS ( Rayong English Programme School) it has an expat teacher in each class at primary 1 level, not fillipino like Satit. The Dean of the school is South African and is very switched on and walking around constantly checking up on the teaching.

    It Cambridge level cirriculum and has a great library with the same books as my daughters old school in the UK had.

    the school is owned by the same company as Garden International School and is connected by a bridge so that they can share the swimming pools.

    REPS is a bit scruffy inside, if it wasn`t we would move her immediately.

    we are going to think about it over christmas.

    it got to the point at Satit that I was marking and correcting my daughters home book, which is the communication between parents and teachers, correcting the grammer, spelling and general bad english that her fillipino teachers had written, I find that outrageous.

    does anyone have any experience of REPS or Satit Academy to share?

    any feedback would be fantastic.

    I have no information about the schools you are asking about in Rayong but we have gone through very similar to you with my daughters education....

    What you are describing about spending most time practicing for performances (spending a full week learning how to clap and cheer for the sports day which again all needs one off uniforms for the day springs to mind!!) but this was with Phoenix not Satit so it appears to be common in the Thai private sector as is spending time sleeping during the day

    As a direct result of this and also because they changed my daughters teacher mid term without even having the decency to tell the parents we moved her to Mooltripkadee International School (MIS) in Nongplalai

    MIS is certainly a step in the right direction and complies with the UK curriculum but with 3 terms a year at B70,000 per year it aint cheap and when the child gets older you still have the problem of trying to find a suitable secondary school

    Long story short we have decided to give up on Thailand and return to the UK at least until the sprog finishes school (6 years old at the moment)we have found that unless you are on an expat package with a good school allowance then even the lower International Schools such as MIS, which are still very expensive are still way below a good UK state school

    If you have the money and accept that the schooling will not be as good as the price point would indicate then I would recommend MIS, the expat teachers are good and very professional and there does not appear to be much turnover of staff, they also do not seem to waste time learning to clap and so forth and nor do kids sleep in the daytime, it certainly was in our experience the best of a bad bunch by a good margin but still not worth the money...

    Good luck with whatever you decide...

  3. Lets get this straight, there were 3,055 people caught in drink drive checkpoints whilst over the limit yet only impounded 334 motorbikes, is this a positive result for the much vaunted anti drink campaign???

    They also caught 1,654 van drivers over the limit yet only removed 176 of the maniacs from the road by removing their licenses???

    And Thailand is saying this is a victory???

    So out of 6,500ish people and vehicles over the limit in the period 25-30th only 600 cars are impounded what the firk if this is seen as a victory then the place is doomed....

  4. 'They include requiring a boat operator to keep a logbook on board once the registration system is fully functional'

    Bet the Admiral had to put a lot of thought into thinking up that ground breaking strategy.....

    I would not trust these people to tie their own shoelaces let alone sort out the problems at hand as every single time they open their mouths they make themselves look even more idiotic which given their track record is no easy feat....

  5. I agree probably not many will come to the Thai system but there is a distinct possibility of the better staff, ie ones that can speak English to a proper standard, moving out of the Thai system to other countries

    Interesting to see we are still getting the same old nothing will change for Thailand rhetoric and maybe so but it also smacks of that oh so common trait in Thailand of burying one's head in the sand....time will tell

  6. Again as somebody with both I disagree

    There really is very little between the R3 and the CB500X which has the same engine as the CBR and the little R3 is far more fun to ride fast and with weight to power ratios there is really nothing much in it

    Touring well I have done many 4 hour plus rides and the comfort of the R3 and CBX are pretty comparable, cannot speak for the Ninja or the CBR as I do not have them but unless you are very tall or very fat there really aint much in it

    There is slightly more leg room on the CBX and the tank is bigger and the mirrors are better but if I was in the market to buy a sports bike and could only have one and the choice was between the CBR500 or an R3 it would be the R3 all day long...

    I cant see how the riding position on the R3 could in any way compare with the upright position on the CBX, let alone be comfortable for extended highway use. Sure the R3 is going to be far more nimble and looks the part, overpriced as it is.

    Problem is you are speaking from a position of ignorance whereas I am not, that said you can always have a look on cycle ergo.com

    Very easy for you to rent a CBR or R3 and find out but for your information sitting position on the R3 is very upright and the clip on's are well above the yolk and it is actually, for me, a very comfortable position

    We are not all the same and I have not done much long touring but for 4 or 5 hour trips I really don't feel either the CBX or the R3 are much different, both are comfortable with good seats and riding positions neither are particularly buzzy but the R3 is slightly more than the Honda at certain revs due to the higher redline but neither are uncomfortable

    I have not rode the CBR but it does seem to me you are flogging a dead horse as it patently is not a sports bike in any way other than the aesthetics of it, if you want a sports bike by all means buy whatever you like but I would say from my experience there are better and cheaper options, if however you want a daily runner that is a jack of all trades then the Honda 500 series is a really good option

    Overpriced, I don't know, I am very happy with both and feel they are both very good value for money then again opinions and arse-holes and all that...

  7. [. . . ] Agree that this bike a better choice for extra 30K over a Ninja 300 or Yamaha R3.


    2 of them look like sports bikes and ride like sports bikes. Get them in the twisties, keep them near the red line and the engine will sing to you as you tear the living crap out of it while still begging for more.

    The other one looks like a (very nice) sports bike, but red lines at 8500rpms. Front end of a panigale,(ish) middle and exhaust of a ninja and back end of a yamaha.

    Yes it has 3-4HP more, but is that really worth it? Coz a sports bike it aint.

    What is the quoted HP figure for the Ninja? 39HP from what I have read. The CBR 500 figure is 47 or 49HP depending on the article, a bit more than 3 or 4 as you claim. Maybe the Ninja is better for the twisties but the 500 would surely eat it for breakfast as a tourer , unless you like being buzzed by 13000 redline all day.

    Again as somebody with both I disagree

    There really is very little between the R3 and the CB500X which has the same engine as the CBR and the little R3 is far more fun to ride fast and with weight to power ratios there is really nothing much in it

    Touring well I have done many 4 hour plus rides and the comfort of the R3 and CBX are pretty comparable, cannot speak for the Ninja or the CBR as I do not have them but unless you are very tall or very fat there really aint much in it

    There is slightly more leg room on the CBX and the tank is bigger and the mirrors are better but if I was in the market to buy a sports bike and could only have one and the choice was between the CBR500 or an R3 it would be the R3 all day long...

  8. [. . . ] Agree that this bike a better choice for extra 30K over a Ninja 300 or Yamaha R3.


    2 of them look like sports bikes and ride like sports bikes. Get them in the twisties, keep them near the red line and the engine will sing to you as you tear the living crap out of it while still begging for more.

    The other one looks like a (very nice) sports bike, but red lines at 8500rpms. Front end of a panigale,(ish) middle and exhaust of a ninja and back end of a yamaha.

    Yes it has 3-4HP more, but is that really worth it? Coz a sports bike it aint.

    Sorry I gotta agree with this...

    I have no axe to grind with the Honda 500's and in fact have a CBX and an R3 but as a sports bike the R3 and the Ninja 300 are all over the Honda, now as an everyday bike and commuter the 500's are really good and serve a purpose but the engine just aint very sporty and no amount of face lifts will change that

  9. Anybody (English John looking at you here!) that cannot see what is happening here needs to have a serious reality check..

    The way the establishment have defended the police farce here in yet another case that is such an obvious travesty of justice is absolutely vomit inducing

    Compare that to the B2 and Koh Tao no real evidence at all and obvious signs the case was mishandled right from the outset but still enough for a death penalty

    This case seen by multiple witnesses a gang of Police bundling a troublesome lawyer into a car in who is then never seen again, come on really, you don't have to be Sherlock firkin Holmes do you....

    For the likes of the true hypocrite's here such as English John can you not see that it really does not matter who is in charge wrong is still wrong? Who cares what Thaksin did, he is the past but todays lot are proving just as bad

    The fact we have the little general and his cronies who says they took power supposedly to stop corruption turning a blind eye and instead concentrating on cementing their power by persecuting anybody who dares to voice opinion

    Well seems very obvious to me and it is tragic some of you cannot see it for what it is, not hard is it? then again none so blind as those that refuse to see and Gawd knows we have a few of them on TVF...

  10. I just read the Bangkok Post. Oh my god, they are actually trying to pin outrage on a complete sham of a trial on their political enemies.

    Absolutely disgusting.

    Why the surprise?

    These people in charge and a good percentage of the population prove time and again that they are totally without morals and completely incapable of or uninterested in telling right from wrong!!

    Nothing is below them in their quest to keep their all important 'face' and whilst this is priority number one improving themselves, their people or their country is impossible...

    I have had enough of the constant lies, cronyism and corruption so I am voting with my feet and getting my family out of this stye of a country before it all comes to a head....

    Don't worry cheerleaders and junta lovers I wont let the door hit me on the way out....

  11. 'He said he has ordered intelligence officials to find out these groups of people and brought them out for trials'

    Yes that makes perfect sense in Thailand, if there are questions and concerns don't bother investigating them instead arrest the people asking the questions, perfect sense as there is much less chance of loss of face and denial and burying your head in the sand appears to be a national pastime here....

  12. These abuses of labour in the fishing industry have been going on for years. The only thing the Junta can be blamed for is not doing enough about it.

    But why, after all this time, does it only become an issue after the coup ?. I don't remember the EU or Thai press making anything at all of it under Pheu-Thai.

    Why might that be ?.

    It stinks more than the fish.

    What a sad blinkered person you are John...

    Does this deflection mean you actually agree with the admiral in charge and only stuff about Thai culture and other pink and fluffy stuff should be printed by the press

    Oh by the way, all this but, but ,but stuff you keep coming out with aint half boring, personally I think that stink's more than the fish...

    The Junta stole power and it just so happens when they did they took responsibility for what's going on and all that entails, they are in the hot seat for the last year and half so it's about time they started doing what they promised, either that or bugger off and let somebody else have a go...

  13. <deleted>!

    It is all about the 'good people' keeping charge whether the general population likes it or not, nothing at all just or fair about it and absolutely only about certain members of Thai society keeping hold of power at all costs

    You cheerleaders can dress it up any way you want but it is completely obvious what this all about and absolutely nothing at all to do with democracy or the will of the people and just another power grab...

  14. 'He has urged the Thai media to foster a better understanding of Thailand in the global community by shifting to stories on Thai culture and how Thais earn a living. The CCCIF has said that it is committed to protecting national interests, but admits it may take a while to achieve results'

    Even in a government of buffoons and liars this bloke stands out as special, it's very, very scary he is in a position of power with the ability to make decisions when it is obvious he aint exactly the sharpest arrow in the quiver....

  15. I had the same issues as you did in that initially the missus just wanted mopeds

    I eventually talked her round to have a test ride on a Ninja 250 bought that then an R3 and now there will never be another moped as she is well and truly converted plus for shopping their is always a daysack, or dare I say it the truck once a week to Makro...

    If she is anything like my missus was she just had the impression that larger geared bikes are too complicated and once you show that aint so they never look back

  16. Pity it is not yet possible to harness all that verbal diahhorea that will be spouted, I have heard of similar where cattle's fart's are captured and the resulting methane turned into electricity

    One can only begin to imagine the amount of effluent that will be spouted over the day let alone the full three days originally touted, I feel Bangkok's power problems would be a thing of the past...

  17. This guy perfectly captures the gun problem in the US and shoots it down in flames...

    Go on NeverSure, Andreas and co educate yourselves...

    This guy is nothing more than a not so funny Australian comedian. What he says or thinks has no meaning regarding law abiding Americans being able to own firearms. It is interesting that Thailand has a gun death rate twice as high as the U.S. per capita.

    And that right there is the crux of the problem as people like you are unable to listen to facts, Jim nailed it some people just like guns and think their right to own their own penis extension is more important than a child or other innocents right to life. It really isn't that hard but as soon as you mention this to certain members of US society they instantly get sand in their vagina's and throw a hissy fit, it would be funny if it wasn't so tragic....

  18. I'm a yank living here and say bravo to both diplomats for their statements. Especially the Brit: well played indeed. I am not worried at all about being "in danger". These two said what many of us have said to each other here on TV, but have said it where can get a bit of attention from the current self installed rulers. Those who wish to can cower in corners. I will not join them however.

    Very well said!!

    You put into words my own thoughts far more eloquently than I could and it is refreshing to see the replies to this topic

    Seems to be a lot of weak scared people on TVF I wonder if they were always like that....

    Fact is that no one in Thailand can say what they really think - and that includes you and me on this forum. Therefore pragmatism is called for. Realpolitik. For an ambassador simply to carp in this context seems to me both gauche and counterproductive. Thailand is going through an extraodinary process and I should think the situation calls for something far more cunning and Machiavellian. The diplomats should be smoothing the path for that, not making waves.


    For the ambassador not to speak up about the blatant double standards would be wrong, their countries have a set of standards they work to

    If this place was somewhere that mattered maybe they would temper their remarks but actually in the grand scheme this place is nothing so niceties aren't required especially when the people in charge keep ignoring (edit too dim is probably more apt) the subtle stuff

    Thailand is not going through an extraordinary event the military and ruling elite stamp their authority on a regular basis but the problem they now have is that the great unwashed are getting education from sources the little man and his cronies cannot control

    You keep burying your head in the sand mate because that will make things better....

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