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Posts posted by mark131v

  1. Quick answer, you cannot put a baby onto the mothers passport anymore you now need a seperate passport for the baby. We have just done it for our 12 week old daughter and it would be funny if it was not such a pain in the arse you have to give the height of the baby i tried explaining that she was taller than yesterday but not as tall as she will be tommorow but thai beauracracy is not a place for common sense, they even took the babys fingerprints



    Another thing I have to go through. I thought my lady had the hard job giving birth!! There is a lot of paperwork to be done once my boy is born in mid august so that I can get him to Australia by late october. I definitely need to make a list and check it off as I go.

    Another Mark

    You are right mate, there is always one more hoop to chuck yourself through but still keeps life intresting

    all the best


  2. You are best to get the child both Uk and Thai passports. Because she is a baby it is quite a simple process and because she is a girl you have no downside to dual nationality (possible national service if a boy) The process for the UK passport is straight forward but for the Thai one you will have to travel to the embassy in London make sure you take photos and cash to pay the fees (cant remember exactly how much but i saw a few people having to go find ATMs)

    As with all our dealings with the thai embassy it is frustrating we tried to get all the information off their web site but as usual not everything was on there so what should be a quick painless operation was not. We also had big problems in that they wanted us to return to London (we live in Dorset) to pick up the passport and in the end after much wailing and gnashing of teeth i managed to pursuade them to post it in the recorded delivery envelope i bought but this was not routine practice.

    good luck


  3. Quick answer, you cannot put a baby onto the mothers passport anymore you now need a seperate passport for the baby. We have just done it for our 12 week old daughter and it would be funny if it was not such a pain in the arse you have to give the height of the baby i tried explaining that she was taller than yesterday but not as tall as she will be tommorow but thai beauracracy is not a place for common sense, they even took the babys fingerprints


  4. Hi DC

    we have just completed and it is probably the most simple step of all.

    From putting in the papers which are really easy and even more so with the checking service it took about 4 weeks to get the letter advising that we had been succesful

    Next you are given the location of your nearest place where you have to attend your citizenship ceremony and we rang up and booked the soonest available ceremony which was about 3 weeks away and within 2 miles of our house.

    We had a group ceremony of about 15 people where the wife swore an oath and offered a pledge of loyalty to the Queen then a brief waffle from the town Mayor and that was it. All really really painless.

    The wife was given a pack from the Borders Agency containing her naturalisation certificate and a passport application pack and another certificate confirming that she had attended a citizenship ceremony

    Next step getting the passport admin and expense out of the way and then it really is all done.

    Good luck but iam sure you will not need it all the real hurdles have been completed by this stage

    All the best Mark

  5. These types of drunken Marines types they should have put up against JJ and his crew, not the tea drinking scaredy cats British Lady Marines.

    Bloody hel_l, you not shit yourself to death yet?

    you sound somewhat delerious to me, cant make any sense of the above

    the tea drinking lady marines if i recall correctly where not actively trying to give JJ a BJ unlike those tough american boys but hey at least they got a receipt with their bill

    laters Nobber

  6. seems some posters here have less brain as the British Marines, which REALIZED there are in trouble. Dont forget these lads are around 20 y.o., not like the most posters here over 50 (60) AND another thing, I bet these members here which criticise the English Marines are never in a situation where someone brought a gun out. But ok, its old John Wayne logic....he can shoot only one of us, before WE kill him......woa. Btw, I know both, British and American Marines, the Brits are able of thinking BEFORE acting,

    Someone here writes Trailer Trash..... :D I bet he`s right. But if they had worked out the situation with violence I bet they are not back on their ship right now :) Ever been to a ThaiFarang Fight? .....Thais coming out like rats of a sinking chinese containership and you are overwhelmed before you can count to twentyfive.

    Poor Micha or Michelle, but if there is nobody who is paying the bail for her (and I doubt that) she will now after the bravo story experience the full strengh of Thai Law. :D

    and @ ALL Farangs which are living in Thailand. You should be aware of one thing. You are always with one foot in the jail in LOS make an accident, guilty or not, have a neighbor which doesnt like you and hide some drugs in your garden before he call the police, say something wrong to somebody wrong......all whats important in Asia (not only Thailand) is money money money....and the easiest way to get it.

    Got to agree with you,

    read a lot of drivel from some of you internet warriors and old has beens. Looked like a BB gun!, gloves off, cant shoot us all, USMC would have done this or that. Complete load of old <deleted>

    Credit to Royal kept his composure till the MP turned up, i reckon he would have got away without paying anything like the amount he did but he had already agreed to pay 35k so that is what he paid. What would have happened if they had ended up brawling and the gun was used international incident nobody comes up smelling of roses after that possible serious injuries, fatalities who knows.

    The UK Forces do not have any regular exercises in S E Asia unlike the US with Cobra Gold every year or have any people based in Thailand so do not have the same contacts and regular experience the yanks do. If the guys get in trouble while pissed up on R+R they will have the book thrown at them and everyone is fully aware that if they get in trouble ashore they are going to be in the shit big time.

    Pussies, Royal Marines these are the people who strapped themselves to the outside of Apache gunships and landed inside a Taliban Fort under fire to retrieve the dead body of a colleague. These are the same guys who took the town of Al Faw Iraq in 12 hours after the USMC 1st MEU had been unable to hold it. Any real Devil Dogs (not you internet John Waynes who dont know your <deleted> from you elbows!!) out there who have worked with Royal want to comment

    rant over

  7. I'm confused by some of the comments here, it seems from reading them that most UK posters think that having a UK passport is the holy grail and that is what their loved one wishes. Personally I don't think it is so and that most Thai partners simply want the right to live in the UK with their partner but the idea of obtaining a UK passport is very much secondary. Certainly that is true in the case of my partner and myself. I suppose that if the the idea of immigration is to take advantage of state benefits then a passport is becoming increasingly beneficial and if that is the case, I say, let's make it it as difficult as possible for immigrants to obtain them!


    I dont know if you or your partner have ever lived in the UK but if you had you would have a better idea why getting UK/European passport is a big bonus.

    The wife has an aunt in France we would like to visit them but that would entail a trip to the French Embassy in London to get a Schengen Visa i dont know how straight forward that would be and dont really care

    We have friends who holiday in Europe again admin, cost, time means we dont bother going there on holiday

    Your point on benefits is i think incorrect once you have ILR you can take advantage of the welfare system and can certainly take advantage of the Medical system

    I do agree it is not the holy grail but once you have citizenship and a passport it certainly makes life a lot easier reference travel


    Cant remember exactly what they took copies of but all the usual stuff passports, visas, marriage certificates (both original and certified copies) photo etc. All the info is on UK Borders Agency website specifically on Form AN.

    I think it would be of benefit to you in that you do not have to send in any of your documents (passports etc) when using the the checking service so if you wanted to go on holiday or whatever it is not a problem. I think if you do it yourself you have to send all the stuff to the Home Office and i cant remember whether it is returned back quickly or not.

    Hope that helps like i said compared to visas, ILR etc it is pretty painless


  8. We have just put in the paperwork for this last week. Used the nationality checking service and even though it is a bit pricey at £50 i thought it was worth it just for the peace of mind angle. Before we went to the register office to get the paperwork checked i would have laid money on having all the correct documents included turned out we had not. All in all when compared to the hoops you have to throw yourself through for visas and ILR etc it was remarkably painless and like most stuff in this catagory comes across as a bit of a money making scheme (£720 for naturalisation most none refundable if you get knocked back and then a further £72 for a passport further down the line). I dont envisage any problems but the advice from the registraar reference a friend and his wife was that she reckoned it was worth getting it done sooner rather than later as they were expecting a big surge in applications, she was also of the opinion that the application process was only going to get more time consuming and costly


  9. Very good post,Mark,next time I'll have a problem will wait for the slower,more expensive,ambulance from a good,expensive,hospital,and don't trust the amateur rescuers.Not that I did trust them before!

    Sorry,joking,but only a little,and with my hide.Regards, :o

    Just my opinion mate,

    It would not need a world changing amount of work. As it is at the moment i have absolutely no doubt people are being killed by some of the treatment they are being given. Example during Vietnam war a very large %age of injured where bleeding out from extremity wounds. Now through proper training very very few people bleed out from exremity (compressible) wounds. Why is this, TRAINING. The issued equiptment today is virtually identical to that issued in the 60s. The wounds are exactly the same, evacuation times are pretty much the same certainly in Afghanistan its all down to training

    You dont need to be driving the most expensive up to date ambulance carrying the most expensive state of the art equiptment that is window dressing if you dont have a clue about the basics and how to use the equiptment you have. What you said about waiting for an ambulance to arrive that took longer and is more expensive well can only say that is exactly what i would do rather than be treated by the guys i saw in Pattaya. It is simple training generally utilising simple equiptment and common sense that save lives at the roadside. Bad treatment through lack of training is no excuse wouldnt imagine anybody wants to end up a quadraplegic because the rescue guys couldnt fit a collar properly.

    It is not an insumountable task if the thai government wanted to save more lives maybe they dont. I think i will buy a few amulets next time iam over and try not to leave my room too often (joke!!!) Seriously though we/you pay a lot of money for health insurance you would have to be mad not to. The hospitals especially the private ones are world class and certainly not third world the Drs in general when they are not trying to scam more money out of you are good. All of this is for nothing if the emergency care at the scene is crap and the moron at the scene puts you in a wheelchair for the rest of your days through lack of training or because he is just there because he likes the uniform


  10. great thoughtful post # 19 - but wait, did u just mention the "t" word? :o come on man, thai's dont need any training in anything when there's an amulet for every occasion.

    as for the farangs moving around here in various types of uniform, most of them are living out nothing but their childhood fantasies.... :D

    Your probably right mate,

    that said the training doesnt need to be deep, just the ability to triage and to know when something is serious.Perfect world have a limited number of doctors on call who could be called to work on the serious cases, really it is not brain surgery. On New Years Eve saw a lot around several with nurses in the back. These were not in the hearse type but the ones that the fallang on walking street were in and appear fairly well equiped with the basics. That said if you dont know how to use the basics, collars back boards O2 entonox etc pointless carrying it because it can make things far worse (collars in particular if you dont know how to size them or use them properly you can really f%^k some one up) i realise you probably are not going to get a western service right away but from my limited experience what you have at the moment is bloody dangerous and is probably leaving a few people paralysed or dead in their wake.

    If i was injured like the guy in Soi Buikaow i think i would rather have a concerned bystander do their best and stick me in a taxi than the dangerous morons who turned up. There is a saying that a little medical knowledge can be a dangerous thing and they deffinatly had very little and no common sense at all. As for fallangs in uniform if theyhave some knowledge by all means use it if you were a nurse, doctor, paramedic, technician, or whatever medical proffesional in your previous life its a good thing and the training you could give would be priceless. If however you are a Walter Mitty that wants to stand around looking important or looking at accident accident victims and dead bodies that is very disturbing and dangerous, again just my opinion based on limited experience watching and talking to these guys


  11. Exactly! How on earth is this going to be implemented.

    the public shall cooperate and have accidents closer to the rescue workers lots..... :o

    sorry got that wrong

    dont post very often so forgive me, back to the point. Who exactly are going to crew these rescue vehicles. Have had a couple of experinces with these rescue types both not good. Iam a UK State Registered Paramedic serving in the Forces during the summer i witnessed an accident in Soi Buikhow in which a guy was hit by a trailer. He was out cold lying on his back with a big crowd of people just stood around looking at him so i went over and maintained his airway and had a quick check of his neck and head. During this i found a bleed on the back of his head and a possible fractured skull. Couple of minutes later the rescue turned up so i tried to hand over to them, was completly ignored. There treatment was probably as dangerous as the accident. They did not check for any injuries at all and instead wrestled the guy into a spinal collar without sizing it up or placing it correctly then forced the guy onto a spinal board even though he was actively fighting them by this stage. Iam not an anally retentive type who always does everything strictly by the book after all all situations are different but i can honestly say that his treatment was shocking and he would have been better off and safer without it

    A couple of week ago was in walking street saw the usual fellows larging it up as tourist police trying to look important when i noticed an ambulance with a fallang in uniform sat in the back. Went over and told the guy what i do and enquired as to what qualifacations people require to work on the ambulance at this he started to look a bit uncomfortable. His reply was that if you had some first aid knowledge that was usefull bit disturbing really when you see the amount of RTAs round Pattaya involving bikes and cars etc

    In my opinion some of situations these people could be responding to (the guy i spoke to had no real medical training) then they probably are killing or certainly making bad situations worse. The first rule of any doctor or medic is to do no harm without training and regulation it is inevitable that some where along the line that must happen!! Untill the training and regulations regarding total amateurs driving around responding to potentially complex medical emergencys are addresed the rest of the points are moot. Pointless having world class hospitals and surgeons in thailand if some joker has just left you paralysed or dead at the side of the road through not being properly trained or even worse doing the job for the wrong reasons, a yellow jacket and an ambulance does not equal paramedic!! Just my toughts getting people to move out of the way or driving faster on blues does not make for a better service


  12. You have to have passed the test before you can apply for ILR, before you didn't, it is being introduced next month. So anyone applying after that is affected. Also, the costs have more than doubled to about £750 for postal application and £950 for same day.

    Bloody hel_l mate first i have heard about this,

    have literally sent the Mrs ILR forms in on the first of this month seems like another money making scam from HMG to me how can they justify virtualy a 100% rise in the costs. Hope you are right that it only comes into force next month because if not we are knackered.

    Mark, what date does her actual SV expire? By the looks of it, if you have sent it in 28 days prior and that was the beginning of this month, you should be fine.

    Looks like we have had a bit of luck on this one. Yeah the visa was up on the 31st of this month but i had been looking at the ESOL thing with ref to getting Brit Cit cant believe they are now saying you need that for ILR load of bol*&cks if you ask me.

    Thanks for the info mate cheers Mark

  13. you don't have to apply for citizenship as soon as the 3 years are up though, if you need more time - why don't you take more time?

    Are you aware of the NEW rules DSK?


    You have to have passed the test before you can apply for ILR, before you didn't, it is being introduced next month. So anyone applying after that is affected. Also, the costs have more than doubled to about £750 for postal application and £950 for same day.

    Bloody hel_l mate first i have heard about this,

    have literally sent the Mrs ILR forms in on the first of this month seems like another money making scam from HMG to me how can they justify virtualy a 100% rise in the costs. Hope you are right that it only comes into force next month because if not we are knackered.

    In principle it is hard to argue with the fact that people applying to live here should have a knowledge of the language etc but i looked into the ESOL life in the UK thing yonks back and like most other people cant see what relevance that test has to day to day living here it seems to be just an hurdle rather than something that might benefit us.

    As for getting on the course when we checked it was booked solid and the local course didnt include the citizenship bit so was a bit of a waste of time. Like most others my wife doesnt drive yet so the nearest course that was applicable is about 20 miles away (even if you can get a place on it!) We both work so how we are meant to sort that i dont know.

    Right from the start i have tried to get the wife studying english i work in the forces so i spend a lot of time away on operations so it is left to the wife to run the house while iam away plus i really think it benefits her. She has a mate at work that as been here 7 years and speaks hardly any english and even Pia thinks that is wrong and it deffinatly makes life harder for her.

    For the people who are struggling with getting english courses we have been using Rosetta Stone for about a year and it is good (even if she does get bored with it every now and then) it is well worth the money and simple to use even if your mrs has never seen a computer before.

    Hope someone sees sense on this subject but iam not holding my breath common sense seems a rare commodity with UK govt and to anyone going through this good luck and keep us informed

    cheers Mark

  14. I concur with several of the posters, don't buy Sony, don't lock yourself into their proprietary and inferior technology just because it looks nice.

    Iam with Phill on this,

    if you are looking for light weight good battery life good system etc go for the IBM thinkpad blows everything i have ever had out of the water and i think it is a lot cheaper than the sony.

  15. rubber trees are no problem, all growing well, now the in-laws tell me they need to build a 2 room hut on the land for drying the rubber and doing something else to it that i didn't quite follow, anyway the question is, how big should this hut be, what exactly do they need it for and how much should i be paying to build it (if neccesarry) ??

    the land is between buriram and satuek.

    Hi BB,

    good to hear that your trees are doing well. As for the question i will try to answer it though iam no expert myself.

    There are a number of reasons for building an hut. Firstly as you mentioned is the drying of the raw latex. You have probably noticed as you drive through the area lots of mats of latex drying outside of buildings or being stored untill they have enough to take to market this however is the final part of the process.

    Prior to this the raw latex is tapped from the tree and then accumalated into one place. The liquid at this stage is milk like in appearance and some preservative is now added (cant remember exactly what it was called) This process is quite equipment heavy in that you need lots of pots and trays for the prepared latex to be stored in

    After the material has set for a while each individual pot is emptied onto a work top and it is rolled out (almost like pastry but with heavier duty rolling pins!) This is done to get the material to a suitable thickness and ready to be rolled. This is done through a selection of rollers (thicker then thinner and almost like your grannies old mangle in appearance) and can be done by hand (bloody hard work spent a couple of hours doing this and you soon get a sweat on) or you can rig up a motor (tractor) to the system.

    This has to be done to each individual mat of latex and it is only after all this is done that the latex is ready for drying. If you are working out in the sticks or a long way from home it makes a lot more sense to do this in situ as the prepared latex is very easy to transport at that stage but you need somewhere to store the machinery and equiptment. As for size well depends how much latex you are going to be processing/storing and to be honest i would leave that to the in laws they will have a pretty good idea of what they need.

    Cost wise the only thing i can imagine costing much is the tin for the roof. It sounds like they/you own the land and they will probably use there own timber off the land (that is how my in laws build everything on our/their land) Hope this helps like i said iam no expert but i do have a working knowledge of the process and i think it is pretty reasonable that they would need a building to store equiptment and work from

    all the best Mark

  16. Prior to moving to Thailand from America 6 years ago I was an avid Anglophile and did not have much contact with British nationals, except for a few vacation visits.

    However I now find that most of them I have encountered in Thailand are boorish, loud, aggressive, abusive YOBS (think that is the correct slang term). There are exceptions, of course, who behave and dress like gentlemen.

    In all fairness, I assume, by their accent, British Nationality. I cannot distinguish between British, Australian, NZ whatever, but lump them all together as Brits. This is no doubt unfair and perhaps Brits are getting a bad rap from the behavior of others.



    This is for chuck6660

    you from the other side of the pond by any chance? i assume though by the drivel you are posting. First of all iam just 1 of the hooligans you mentioned. I have been 1 of these hooligans since before 11/11 and iam still one now.

    I have lost friends to US bullets in NI when it was OK for the US to support terrorism because they werent the targets. I have worked along side US forces for many years some are good some are <deleted>. I have worked with your USMC on more times than i care to mention in the US and in every other shit hole but i will tell you something they are ALWAYS glad to have Brit hooligans with them!

    You mention the officers, is that your class distinction coming through, you some officer or hanger on,dont like it when the Brits lower orders dont kiss your arse. You think we should be choirboys? its a dirty world we live in and knobs like you need a reality check. As for Brit bashing that is fine i think it is quite amusing and too be honest we deserve some but your holier than thou <deleted> really struck a nerve.

    The next time iam on the ground and something happens just be happy that your Brit hooligans are there to help no matter whether it is US, Canadian, Kiwi, Aussie, or whoever and that your average Brit bootneck has a slightly better grasp of reality than you do.

    have a nice life


    only an american could write a load of bollicks like that and every other punter on this forum knows exactly what i mean. :D

    of you go and have a nice sleep. :D

    so true, thats calling the kettle black alright. :D

    the loudest ,most opinionated race has to be americans,and of course due to their present president also the most disliked race in the world.

    I have travelled throughout the world, Europe, the America's, Middle East and most extensively Asia. Wherever I go, I am amazed at how people, when you get to know them, are basically the same...there is good and bad everywhere! :o

    As for the British, my experience comes from working with NATO forces. I found the officers to be intelligent, professional, and overall good chaps to be around. as for the lower enlisted...the word "Hooligans" comes to mind! I believe this would have much to do with the "class" system mentioned in other posts.

    Finally, If my history serves right, I believe the Americans had a problem with the Brits 200 (+)years ago...they just kicked them out :D

  17. Thanks for getting back so quick,

    yeah we already new we had a good deal as i said the in laws have been in this business for a few years (primarily for other people but he also has had a few rai of his own for a 3 or 4 years and they all seem to be going well) The reason we got such good prices was through the fact he had contacts and the falang angle was not mentioned also like i said we got in just before the prices went through the roof. The tractor we already have and the land is pretty good and flat but its good to hear the fertiliser angle. I dont know what they are using but i have seen his 3 year old trees and they look in very good condition and seem to be doing well. If we had to rethink how much the overheads are going to be then that is not a problem and i still think it is a bloody good investment as i said we are both working in UK (iam in the forces and fly to Afghanistan this afternoon for 3 months which is sh,'t but never mind) and not planning on returning for a few years. Gone through the prices at baht 105 per kilo and that looks scary good but i know nothing in life and farming is ever clear cut. Thanks again mate for getting back it is appreciated and it is reassuring to know your figures are in the same ball park as mine

    have a good one Mark

  18. i aquired 20 rai of land outside Buri Ram last year, anyway planted it all with rubber tree saplings this year and while i am aware it will be 4-5 years before they will start making money, i keep hearing so many different stories as to how much money they will make, if anyone could tell me from current experience how much 1 rai of rubber trees should produce every day/week/month i would be most grateful.

    Hi I don,t want to burst your bubble, but don't believe what the Thais say about rubber. First you will not be tapping in 4 to 5 years. 7 years is the waiting time, or 46 cm. around the trunk,one metre from the ground.

    Are you fertilising, if not look for 8 years, if you cut too early or small you will lose life span on your trees and about 25% less rubber out put over the life of the trees.

    I have 7000 trees in the ground, the oldest being 4 odd years old, so I have not got any return yet, but the average out put in my area of issan is 1 kilo per tree per month, so you are looking at 8 or 9 kilos per tree per year, the price per kilo varies, but I worked on a price of 60 baht per kilo. So on 20 rai you should have 1600 trees. You can work out how much you will earn, depending on whether you hire tappers or do a 50/50 deal with a local.

    As for myself rubber has been a great investment,[ on paper at least] as the value of the land and trees increase every year, but TIT and who knows what will happen tomorrow. Example 2 months ago rubber was 105 baht per kilo then it went to 56 baht per kilo.

    Best of luck with the trees JIM

    Hi Jim,

    am i right in thinking that is about 100rai of trees. Reason i ask is that is what we planted 100rai about a year ago (visited a few months ago all going very well and looking good) and we had about 7500 trees put into the ground. We where lucky we got in just before the price of the trees went up but i was just wondering if you had lost many trees over the years. The figures you mention look good and they were about what we were quoted from the brother in law (luckily for us he has worked rubber in Issan for about 4 or 5 years) who is going to do the labour on a 50/50 basis. The total investment for everything 50 rai (the missus already owned 50 rai) and 100rai of rubber tree was about £7000 and it is costing about B50k a year for labour fertiliser etc so providing all goes well it should be a good investment as we both work in the UK and have no intention of returning LOS for a few years. Any advice or tips you can give will be gratefully accepted as its good to hear from someone in a similar position and i hope you do really well out of this

    many thanks Mark

  19. Thumchok,

    you sound like you have your head screwed on, there are a lot of bitter and twisted people out there who like to spread the doom and gloom. The whole ex bargirl thing winds me up, we all have a past but that is like saying all scots are tight (total bol**ks!!) if we are completely honest 90% of the girls we are with have probably worked bar at some stage, needs must it doesn't automatically make them some kind of evil coniving witch,we are all different. You had the answer mate go with your gut feeling

  20. Good topic fellas, didnt realise so many other falangs where doing this. I have 100rai up near Nong Khai and they have been in the ground about a year now (visited them couple of weeks ago while in LOS all looks good) We to are doing it as a family thing basically the wifes two brothers doing all the work they have experience they have been doing the work for themselves and other guys in the area for about 5 years. Good advice is to look around the area and see what other people are growing however this is not foolproof as a lot of Thais want to grow rubber but cant afford to wait for it to mature. Also iam lucky the in laws are very experienced with this subject i have a feeling if they dont know what they are doing you could lose a lot of money. I have also spoken to a french guy i know and he advised me that if you tap the trees at for example the 5-6 year point you can lose upto 25% of the annual yield than if you wait till the 7 year point. Cant vouch were he got that info but he is a guy i trust and he has been around a bit. How are you going to split the money the way we have proposed is that i have bought the land and purchased the trees and all the running costs (fertilizer labour over the years) then when the trees are ready its simply a 50/50 split of the profits. The figires we have come to is approx 50k baht per year running costs (the family is looking long term so i think we are getting a good deal) and that at recent prices should give a profit of 1.8 million to me and the same to the brothers providing everything goes well and nothing ever goes according to plan in farming. Long term i think it is a good investment better than any pension plan but like everything there could be pitfalls the Thais will quite naturally want to tap early which is understandable so i had to make them realise that we are waiting till 7 years and we will all be better off. The natural Thai concept is to try to utilise the ground beneath between the trees for some other short term cash crop again you have got to persuade them that this is not such a good idea you want the trees to get all the nutrients they can in the early years. Probably the most important bit of advice is that you need to put a lot of trust into this like we said this is long term and the family or whoever you get to do the work you will have to trust 100%. Well my typing finger is sore so i will leave it there but some food for thought heh good luck with whatever you choose to do mark

  21. While iam on a roll (got two fingers typing instead of the usual one) has anybody got any recent experience of building there own house. Any advice on costs, pitfalls, good builders in the Pattaya area horror stories whatever. Iam not looking to build a mansion and the land is already on a road so the services etc are in place already. Probably looking at a 3 bedroom house so if anyone has any wisdom to impart i would like to hear it

    thanks again Mark

    Hi Mark I am going to tell you to do a search again there are a lot of people on here who have built/building there own houses.

    Look at Blogs, Jaidee is just finishing his house and he has carried a blog on this forum.

    Also search on the internet for 'Coolthaihouse' that is a very good blog too.

    I believe Tuky has also posted his blog and there are others.

    Good Luck


    cheers mate doing that now

  22. I'm an uninformed source but it seems to me that it used to be not allowed for a Thai woman who married a farang to buy land but that law was changed and now it can be very easily done, just find some land out on highway 61.

    Bloody hel_l that was quick,

    yeah i think you are right that the law changed a few years back. As for the land we have been looking for months and prices keep going up (unless you want the middle of no where) initially we where looking for an house but with our budget there wasnt a lot available that appealed

    hence the land option we have arrived at (also i dont want to line some realestate brokers pocket so we eventually found the land through a friend who lives near it) i figure this gives us more options in that we are not in any rush to move and with the rental market appearing to be pretty slow i dont think we are loseing anything, plus it gives me time to save some more.

    thanks Mark

    While iam on a roll (got two fingers typing instead of the usual one) has anybody got any recent experience of building there own house. Any advice on costs, pitfalls, good builders in the Pattaya area horror stories whatever. Iam not looking to build a mansion and the land is already on a road so the services etc are in place already. Probably looking at a 3 bedroom house so if anyone has any wisdom to impart i would like to hear it

    thanks again Mark

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