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Posts posted by mark131v

  1. MAJIC

    did you read the title? do you know what we are talking about? or are you just a bit defensive maybe?

    My point is that a kid of 18-20 is vulnerable, you take them out of their culture away from their family to the other side of the world with some older bloke who they have nothing in common with and you think this is OK because you have an agreement? well sorry I dont think that is right and you know what, that will never change no matter how old and desperate I get

    No need for me to look at my subconscios mate and I certainy aint jealous, if it is wrong it is wrong. I have absolutely no issue with old blokes having younger wives but I will always have an issue with old blokes taking advantage of 18-20 year old kids and using money as a weapon for sexual kicks and it is always interesting to hear someone like you try to justify this and talk like everyone is the same as you and because your older it is suddenly alright

    You want to live in LOS with a 20 year old no issues, when it goes wrong she can go home and take you to the cleaners, not really an option on the other side of the world especially if you dont understand the language or the culture

    ps MAJIC I dont know if you have kids but if you do would you think it was OK for yours? I wouldnt but maybe its because I am not as old as you, then again maybe not

    Yes Mark! I did read the Topic Title,and did you read ? in the Thread, that age discrimination with the relationships that has been discussed here,has now been overturned by the European Courts as illegal Discrimination.

    To be perfectly honest my wife's age is nowhere remotely near the age group under dicussion and what you consider vulnerable,and still there is the narrow minded Bigots,with their Moralistic viewpoint ,that everbody should adhere to what they decide is acceptable in Society,and their Judgemental outdated views. i.e the Male ideally should be only 2 or 3 years older than the Female,that idea is just as ridiculous as expecting people to get Married and stay together into a ripe old age,in often a loveless Marriage.

    From my observations,the Young women are in general treated very well by the Older men,as the old adage goes "Better to be an old mans Darling than a Young mans Slave" (of course there are exceptions to that)

    some people are very strait-laced, and can't accept that within the law,people should be allowed to make their own personal choices,without being Pilloried,by ancient rules of an outdated Society.

    As for my Daughter i'm sure she will make her own choice when the times comes,whether I like it or not? which is usually the case! with Youth.

    I take your point that a Young woman may be out of her depth on the other side of the World,but that also applies to immature older women.

    My view on this is very clear, I am neither narrow minded nor bigoted, I accept every thing that I see in Thailand some things I don't agree with but live and let live, I have no problems with old guys having young wives but it becomes a different issue when it involves potential for abuse

    I mentioned my repulsion at seeing old men with young girls, open your eyes you sound like you have been here long enough, take a trip down walking street where you will see some repulsive old perv with a teenager and I do not mean 20s and able to make their own decisions, for me it is wrong pure and simple but in LOS this happens and in the worst case the kid can get out so I have no issue with this

    The point of somebody especially an old male saying that it is OK for an 18-20 year old kid probably from the most vulnerable group in society with very little education to be taken half way around the world to a totally alien culture by some older male, essentially for his own self gratification is not right no matter which way you dice it. Its all about money and peer pressure and scum bag families and at 18-20 many, not all, are not equipped to deal with these decisions, so as far as I am concerned its wrong and the powers that be have got it wrong

    As for our daughters, well I think we are both probably lucky enough that this will not be an issue but not everyone's children are so well looked after or lucky......I think we will have to agree to disagree on this subject

    just thought of another thing, this is probably the first time I have ever heard anybody on Thai Visa arguing that the Human Rights laws are good for modern society, stranger and stranger?

    Its only strange to your blinkered way of thinking,

    I said or implied nothing of the sort,

    Human rights issues are a collection of seperate issues on their own,and would require a new Topic for discussing them individually,blanket coverage on any subject,does not make one totally on the side of so called Human Rights,as you seem to assume.

    Please try and stick to the facts!

    but as you say:best to "agree to disagree".........


    I am at a loss with this one I am struggling to see how that comment has got you to spit your dummy?

    Are we or are we not arguing about a ruling that has been overturned by the UK High Court because it may breach human rights law? I will give you a clue I am not agreeing with it as it stands right now and you are saying it is a good thing...you know what this really is the first time I have heard arguments about this subject where lots of posters are saying it is a good thing it is usually the opposite about immigrants ruining the UK sort of stuff... <deleted> never mind

    It is plain to see you and me have a whole different set of values, that's OK, I can live with that

    By the way I haven't been keeping a track of what you have called me but I do recall being blinkered, narrow minded, bigoted, jealous, moralistic and judgemental..fair one I must have hit a nerve or something.. you have also said that I should examine my darkest thoughts and subconscious as all the pretty young girls should be looking at me..I cant see how thinking that 18-20 year old girls or boys, I am not sexist before you pin that one on me!!, should be protected from a small minority of older predatory males got that response

    never mind have a good one

  2. MAJIC

    Just to bury the hatchet I have absolutely no problem with who marries who and at whatever age in Thailand. I dont care if you are 99 and the wife is 20 good luck to you both, the only gripe I have is the minority out there who believe it is their right, because they are comparitavely better off, to buy a young girl and then take them to the other side of the world and think that it is OK to do so at 18-20 years old. I have seen shed loads of unhappy Thai/Falang couples back in the UK but if they both choose this as adults then so be it such is life, to take an 18 year old to that sort of existance is out of order


  3. MAJIC

    The only thing that's strange, is how often the younger men ,start playing the Jealousy and Moralistic Claptrap,

    Because an Older man and a Younger woman have an arrangement that suits them,it's wrong, seems to me you want everyone to think like you!

    Perhaps you need to examine your subconscious motives,and darkest thoughts, and admit to yourself,that Vanity dictates that the younger pretty Girls, should be exclusively gazing in your direction!

    Anyway <deleted> has it got to do with anyone else,except the couple concerned,if they are happy with the situation,then what's your problem? if the sight of the couple offends you,then don't look.simple really eh!

    Would you say the same thing about a 30 year old women and a 55 year old man?...... World History is full of Young women and Older men Relationships.

    And if you are lucky enough to have a long life, you will also be an old man one day.

    Your argument crops up on Thai Visa regular as clockwork,it's become a boring cliche!

    No wonder the EU Courts have ruled: The Ban on Foreign Spouses under 21 years old is unlawful. That doesnt give the Young men a chance to bring their Spouses in either.


    did you read the title? do you know what we are talking about? or are you just a bit defensive maybe?

    My point is that a kid of 18-20 is vulnerable, you take them out of their culture away from their family to the other side of the world with some older bloke who they have nothing in common with and you think this is OK because you have an agreement? well sorry I dont think that is right and you know what, that will never change no matter how old and desperate I get

    No need for me to look at my subconscios mate and I certainy aint jealous, if it is wrong it is wrong. I have absolutely no issue with old blokes having younger wives but I will always have an issue with old blokes taking advantage of 18-20 year old kids and using money as a weapon for sexual kicks and it is always interesting to hear someone like you try to justify this and talk like everyone is the same as you and because your older it is suddenly alright

    You want to live in LOS with a 20 year old no issues, when it goes wrong she can go home and take you to the cleaners, not really an option on the other side of the world especially if you dont understand the language or the culture

    ps MAJIC I dont know if you have kids but if you do would you think it was OK for yours? I wouldnt but maybe its because I am not as old as you, then again maybe not

    Yes Mark! I did read the Topic Title,and did you read ? in the Thread, that age discrimination with the relationships that has been discussed here,has now been overturned by the European Courts as illegal Discrimination.

    To be perfectly honest my wife's age is nowhere remotely near the age group under dicussion and what you consider vulnerable,and still there is the narrow minded Bigots,with their Moralistic viewpoint ,that everbody should adhere to what they decide is acceptable in Society,and their Judgemental outdated views. i.e the Male ideally should be only 2 or 3 years older than the Female,that idea is just as ridiculous as expecting people to get Married and stay together into a ripe old age,in often a loveless Marriage.

    From my observations,the Young women are in general treated very well by the Older men,as the old adage goes "Better to be an old mans Darling than a Young mans Slave" (of course there are exceptions to that)

    some people are very strait-laced, and can't accept that within the law,people should be allowed to make their own personal choices,without being Pilloried,by ancient rules of an outdated Society.

    As for my Daughter i'm sure she will make her own choice when the times comes,whether I like it or not? which is usually the case! with Youth.

    I take your point that a Young woman may be out of her depth on the other side of the World,but that also applies to immature older women.

    My view on this is very clear, I am neither narrow minded nor bigoted, I accept every thing that I see in Thailand some things I don't agree with but live and let live, I have no problems with old guys having young wives but it becomes a different issue when it involves potential for abuse

    I mentioned my repulsion at seeing old men with young girls, open your eyes you sound like you have been here long enough, take a trip down walking street where you will see some repulsive old perv with a teenager and I do not mean 20s and able to make their own decisions, for me it is wrong pure and simple but in LOS this happens and in the worst case the kid can get out so I have no issue with this

    The point of somebody especially an old male saying that it is OK for an 18-20 year old kid probably from the most vulnerable group in society with very little education to be taken half way around the world to a totally alien culture by some older male, essentially for his own self gratification is not right no matter which way you dice it. Its all about money and peer pressure and scum bag families and at 18-20 many, not all, are not equipped to deal with these decisions, so as far as I am concerned its wrong and the powers that be have got it wrong

    As for our daughters, well I think we are both probably lucky enough that this will not be an issue but not everyone's children are so well looked after or lucky......I think we will have to agree to disagree on this subject

    just thought of another thing, this is probably the first time I have ever heard anybody on Thai Visa arguing that the Human Rights laws are good for modern society, stranger and stranger?

  4. MAJIC

    'Perhaps you need to examine your subconscious motives,and darkest thoughts, and admit to yourself,that Vanity dictates that the younger pretty Girls, should be exclusively gazing in your direction!'

    'World History is full of Young women and Older men Relationships'

    these quotes say a lot about you, I always get a bit uncomfortable when people start talking about subconscious and darkest thoughts, by the ways girls used to marry at 13 and 14 in the past and still do in some of the shiteholes I have spent time, doesnt make it right though!

  5. MAJIC

    The only thing that's strange, is how often the younger men ,start playing the Jealousy and Moralistic Claptrap,

    Because an Older man and a Younger woman have an arrangement that suits them,it's wrong, seems to me you want everyone to think like you!

    Perhaps you need to examine your subconscious motives,and darkest thoughts, and admit to yourself,that Vanity dictates that the younger pretty Girls, should be exclusively gazing in your direction!

    Anyway <deleted> has it got to do with anyone else,except the couple concerned,if they are happy with the situation,then what's your problem? if the sight of the couple offends you,then don't look.simple really eh!

    Would you say the same thing about a 30 year old women and a 55 year old man?...... World History is full of Young women and Older men Relationships.

    And if you are lucky enough to have a long life, you will also be an old man one day.

    Your argument crops up on Thai Visa regular as clockwork,it's become a boring cliche!

    No wonder the EU Courts have ruled: The Ban on Foreign Spouses under 21 years old is unlawful. That doesnt give the Young men a chance to bring their Spouses in either.


    did you read the title? do you know what we are talking about? or are you just a bit defensive maybe?

    My point is that a kid of 18-20 is vulnerable, you take them out of their culture away from their family to the other side of the world with some older bloke who they have nothing in common with and you think this is OK because you have an agreement? well sorry I dont think that is right and you know what, that will never change no matter how old and desperate I get

    No need for me to look at my subconscios mate and I certainy aint jealous, if it is wrong it is wrong. I have absolutely no issue with old blokes having younger wives but I will always have an issue with old blokes taking advantage of 18-20 year old kids and using money as a weapon for sexual kicks and it is always interesting to hear someone like you try to justify this and talk like everyone is the same as you and because your older it is suddenly alright

    You want to live in LOS with a 20 year old no issues, when it goes wrong she can go home and take you to the cleaners, not really an option on the other side of the world especially if you dont understand the language or the culture

    ps MAJIC I dont know if you have kids but if you do would you think it was OK for yours? I wouldnt but maybe its because I am not as old as you, then again maybe not

  6. if it is genuine a couple of years is not the end of the world is it?

    yes i believe a couple of years is the end of the world, how many strong relationships could handle being in separate Countries for 2 or more years? I met my girlfriend when she was 17, me 25 (now she is 20 and im 28) and lived together in Thailand for couple years before trying to obtain a visa in England as our son needed eye surgery. She has been refused 2 times already and we are currently going for a 3rd attempt (how can it be a forced marriage when we hadnt even got married???) Our son has been living with me in england since his mother was forced out of the UK, ive had to obtain flexible working hours due to picking and dropping my son of at nursery, take days off when hes sick, hospital appointments etc..you have no idea! but how would you as you had not had to experience it. The UKBA dont give a sh**t because we are just classed as 1 of the unlucky ones who have to be effected as long as they stick to there 21 rule and dont budge as they cannot be seen to favour one couple over another, its over 21 only with no exceptions!

    The refusal letters are just a joke, even though in the application we had doctors letters stating that our son requires 2 eye surgeries over the next few years, that i need to work in England to be able to provide the best possible care for our family they still just refuse the application and say we can all go and live in Thailand, ignoring doctors advice and the fact that where is the money going to come from if we are all living in thailand, where will i be gaining income? it is a clear breach of our human rights to not allow us a normal family life together and this is having a major effect on our son. The immigration judge even lied in his refusal letter in what me and my partner apparently said at the tribunal, we recorded the tribunal on our mobiles phones so we have evidence of this.

    Its even worse that this rule does not apply to members of the armed forces, its over 18 for them! how come??

    HM Forces are and always have been a different criteria originally because we had a lot of recruits from the former commonwealth who have been recruited because we cannot get the numbers needed from our own population. They have the option to bring their families with them and I also know a few lads in my old unit who had wives from Thailand in the RM it is fairly common and has been for ages in the Army there are massive numbers of Fijian, Jamaicans and other Caribbean lads and there families and as far as I am concerned it is fair in that the chance of exploitation or arranged marriages are virtually unknown

    I feel for you in your situation and that was why I wrote that innocent genuine people get caught up in this and that is absolutely <deleted> and I think maybe there should be some flexibility in the system especially if the age gap is similar.

    Apparently according to the report the High court does not think there will be an issue with exploitation of vulnerable young girls brought into Europe by old blokes either so it will probably be changing soon anyway, I appreciate it will not be soon enough for you and I genuinely hope you can get something sorted for your Missus and kids sake, good luck

  7. Er, No, and as far as I am aware no-one has said or inferred that. The ban was to try and protect the most vulnerable - and I agree that better legislation is needed. Read the dissenting judgement of Lord Brown.

    All bans and restrictions based on age can be criticised, and often are by interested parties.

    Contractor I couldn't agree more,

    even in Thailand there is something strange about seeing a young girl with some old fallang, you get used to seeing it but that doesn't make it right, they obviously have nothing but her lack of money in common.

    You take that and take it out of Thailand and unless the couple are within a few years and look reasonably normal together then it turns into a bit of a circus.

    How can a teenager move into a completely alien culture with some middle or old aged foreigner and be expected to have a normal life when everybody is looking and sniggering

    I know there are exceptions to every rule but waiting for a couple of years and giving the youngster time to mature and make sure that they know what they are letting themselves into should not be a major issue, its all about protecting the vulnerable isn't it ?

    Yes everyone automatically matures at 21 don't they?

    Culture shock is not age dependant.

    And a great bit of stereotyping there. Home Office figures for you:

    Pre-Age Restriction: In 2007/08 the majority of Thai spouses were in the 31-40 years old range (40%). Contrast that with 2% in the 18-20 range and 8% in the 21-23 range. These both represent the two lowest age ranges.

    After the age restriction was introduced: In 2009/10 the majority of Thai spouses were in the 31-40 years old range (44%). Contrast that with only 6% in the 21-23 age range, which is in fact the lowest.

    Away from the age gap red herring and back to the issue of forced marriages: some take place within the UK with no immigrant element and some even involve British nationals being forced into marriage overseas. An arbitrary rule just for those coming to the UK is discriminatory and fails to fully tackle the issue of forced marriages.

    Take a British woman aged 18 years who wants to marry a foreign national (the age restriction affects sponsors too, not just applicants). You support that she should be exiled from Britain to live with her husband or have to live apart from each other? Or indeed to put her life on hold, leave friends, family and job, moving to an EEA Member State in order to exercise her treaty rights (spot the irony)? The problem with any rule based on age is that it negatively affects genuine couples more than it protects potential victims of forced marriages, in my opinion.

    No everyone does not mature at 21 but most everyone is immature prior to 21 but to different levels

    This from my perspective is not about some 18 year old British girl wanting to marry a cousin from Mumbai (though I would agree totally that they should have to wait) but about old blokes wanting to bring an 18-20 year old bar girl back home as some kind of house keeper come bed warmer.

    I like many others have experienced a lot of the questions asked on this board, I have married a Thai, we have lived in UK and managed to get her and my Daughter citizenship and we are now back living in Thailand and after all that It still makes my skin crawl when I see a kid with an old man

    We spent 7 years in the UK and even with only a few years between us you get the looks every now and then but we are both old enough and in my case ugly enough to take that, we have met more than enough unhappy Thais married to old men but very few of them were under 25-30.

    I just see this as people trying to justify that it is OK for an older bloke (Middle to old age not 20-30) to bring a young girl back to his homeland for his gratification with little or no thought as to what is right for the Thai

    For me it all keeps coming back to protecting the vulnerable and it is really unfortunate that some genuine couples get caught in the crossfire but then again if it is genuine a couple of years is not the end of the world is it?

  8. Great news

    Not for those for whom the ban was designed to protect perhaps.

    Immigration through arranged/forced marriages (whether for religious or financial reasons) can lead to suffering and abuse, and I can see why the Government was trying to do something about it.

    so... forced marriage is ok from 21 and up??

    putting a ban based on age was nonsense.

    Er, No, and as far as I am aware no-one has said or inferred that. The ban was to try and protect the most vulnerable - and I agree that better legislation is needed. Read the dissenting judgement of Lord Brown.

    All bans and restrictions based on age can be criticised, and often are by interested parties.

    Contractor I couldn't agree more,

    even in Thailand there is something strange about seeing a young girl with some old fallang, you get used to seeing it but that doesn't make it right, they obviously have nothing but her lack of money in common.

    You take that and take it out of Thailand and unless the couple are within a few years and look reasonably normal together then it turns into a bit of a circus.

    How can a teenager move into a completely alien culture with some middle or old aged foreigner and be expected to have a normal life when everybody is looking and sniggering

    I know there are exceptions to every rule but waiting for a couple of years and giving the youngster time to mature and make sure that they know what they are letting themselves into should not be a major issue, its all about protecting the vulnerable isn't it ?

  9. This is about the USA. Americans know what we are talking about. American Homeland Security is HARDCORE! Also, where do you think most of those pirated movies are produced? That's right ... Hollywood USA.

    Which part of the bit about a number of my colleagues (8 on this job!!) being Septics and traveling to and from every 5 weeks did you miss?

  10. I never realised that there were so many paranoid people about, I travel to and from BKK every 5 weeks or so and usually pass through London Paris or Amsterdam I always have an HDD and memory sticks as well as a laptop with me. I have been searched on several occasions but have never seen or even heard of peoples HDD and stuff being searched, then again though, I do not often travel to the "land of the Free" but that said I have a lot of colleagues who travel to and from the US carrying similar stuff to me and this has never been mentioned, I think some people on TV need to chill a little. I think Big Brother has better things to look for than a blag copy of series 3 of the Sopranos

  11. Be careful with Maladrone. Side effects are pretty bad




    Malarone side effect: Nightmare

    addthis_pub = '[email protected]';addthis_url = "www.ehealthme.com/ds/malarone/nightmare";addthis_title = "";var addthis_config = { data_track_clickback: false}Share Print comments.pngComments page_text.gifPremium report A study of Nightmare (Nightmares) among people who take Malarone. The study is created by eHealthMe based on 31 reports from FDA and user community.

    google_protectAndRun("render_ads.js::google_render_ad", google_handleError, google_render_ad);

    <P style="MARGIN-TOP: 10px; FONT-SIZE: 11pt; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px">Your drugs in real world: many side effects, drug interactions, and effectiveness can not be detected when drugs are approved. They may be found only after drugs have been used by millions of people and for a long time. On eHealthMe, you can study 30 million latest drug outcomes since 1977 from FDA and community, and personalize the study to your gender or age. Check your drugs now >>>

    On Sep, 9, 2011: 1,549 people reported to have side effects when taking Malarone. Among them, 31 people (2.00%) have Nightmare.



    All medicines have side affects but it is about balancing pros and cons, malaria= bad= could die, Malarone= might get mouth ulcers if I am unlucky or if I am really unlucky a few other possible side effects I could even get nightmares though in the packaging this is mentioned as 'other side affects have occurred in a small number of people but the exact frequency is unknown"

    Personally if it was for me or any member of my family I would take the chance (as In fact I do for 5 weeks at a time!) but hey we are all responsible for our own decisions, OP as somebody with a lot of experience in this subject I would have no qualms about giving you Malarone and I would go as far as to say that you are playing Russian roulette by going to an endemic region and not taking the best precautions you can... like I said before this isn't a dose of the squitts we are talking here

  12. I've also tried to get Malarone in Pattaya but after trying everywhere including the hospitals I had to make do with the local one.

    I did not need it for use locally but for a time when I was sent to West Africa, in the past when i lived in the UK I was always prescribed Malarone for journeys to Africa. However, i found out that the local Pattaya drug I took to Africa was not very effective there.

    With Malarone you don't need to take it so long in advance for it to be effective, but different drugs apply to different area's - Malarone may not actually be that effective in SE Asia, there are different strains.. I'm guessing this might be an issue simply because it is not available here.

    The other one mentioned Doxycycline is all that I found available here and it also cures acne apparently :ermm:

    Robroy, here you go mate no opinions conjecture or old wives tales and no duff information that can make you sick!!

    Malarone is a relatively new treatment and is virtually free of side effects. It is licensed for use in stays of up to 28 days but there is now experience of it being taken safely for up to three months.

    Risk substantial.

    Chloroquine resistance common.

    Borneo - Sabah

    Cambodia - Most of the country except Phnom Penh where there is no risk.

    China - Yunnan and Hainan provences only. All other remote areas use chloroquine.

    East Timor

    Irian Jaya & Lombok

    Laos - except Vientiane where there is no risk.

    Myanmar - (formerly Burma).

    Sabah - Part of Malaysia (Borneo)

    Vietnam - Most rural areas, no risk in cities, Red River delta area and the coastal plain north of Nha Trang.

    Regimen 1 Mefloquine one 250mg tablet weekly. OR

    Doxycycline one 100mg capsule daily. OR

    Malarone one tablet daily.

    Resistance to chloroquine began from two epi-centres; Colombia (South America) and Thailand (South East Asia) in the early 1960s. Since then, resistance has been spreading world wide.

    Recently, cases of mefloquine resistance have been reported from areas of Thailand bordering with Burma and Cambodia. Travellers to Thailand are therefore advised to avoid using mefloquine when travelling to these risk areas.

    b]So this now leaves two choices Malarone or Doxcycline! [/b]so I refer you back to what is said about Malarone and its side affects, bit of a no brainer to me!

    Doxycycline Start two days before travel, throughout your stay in an endemic area and continue for four weeks after return.

    Malarone Start two days before travel, throughout your stay in an endemic area and continue for one week after return.


    Take the tablets absolutely regularly, preferably with or after a meal.

    I would do as Satcommlee recommends and bring them with you as they are not easily available here and at the end of the day catching Malaria is not the same as catching a cold or getting the squitts, its still the number 1 killer on planet earth and even though it is treatable prevention is a lot better than cure

    Information courtesy of traveldoctor.co.uk

  13. Be careful with Maladrone. Side effects are pretty bad


    Mate you are being given some appallingly bad advice here I suggest you ignore it

    Malarone you take 1 day before travel to a potentially malarious area not 4 or 5, take 1 per day every day you are in country and for a week after coming out of area

    Malarone does not have loads of side affects in most people but it is a medicine so you can have some so read the information leaflet in the packet however if you are taking it for short terms it is the best anti malarial on the market for most people

    Doxycycline is a very old drug it has side affects like everything else not least of which is sensitivity to sunlight, you need to take it for 1 or 2 days before travel but continue for 4 weeks after return

    You do not stop taking pills until you think you are infected and then double the dose this is crap advice and dangerous if you think you are infected you go to a clinic, malaria is hardly a new disease in Burma so they know how to treat it effectively

    The only good advice offered was to avoid being bitten, sleeves down between dawn and dusk and use plenty mossi rep

    Have a good trip

  14. I have no idea where you get this information that weights is better for a 48 year old person than CV that is contrary to everything I have ever known

    One should find a balance between cardio and lifting (body weight can work well). As a former marathon runner and true believer myself, I'm convinced now that the benefits of pure cardio have been vastly overstated by Ken Cooper et al.

    You might read these articles and explore the site--lots of diet info that actually works (not so easy at first, tho'):




    Mark himself is a remarkable physical specimen for his age (or any age). Now, we're not talking about bodybuilding.

    For the last year I've stopped going to fitness centers of all stripes and have just been using a homemade suspension trainer and a stepper, along w/ a lower (not extremely low) carb diet (home cooked, as you must in Thailand if you're serious) and I'm quite satisfied w/ the results. Sure have saved time and gym fees.

    Totally agree, finding a balance of resistance and CV is the key though I still have to be convinced that body building/weights is healthy as I have met too many muscle bosuns who were completely unfit and who would be out of breath walking up the stairs, cant see how that can be good for you and I struggle to understand how lifting weights and not pushing yourself CV wise can be better for you than say rowing

    I don't know if there is anywhere in town that does circuit training but if there is then the OP could do a lot worse than to invest a bit of time and money there...it is always easier to start training with other people that way you can motivate each other and swap ideas and pick each other up when you are having a bad day

    Jsixpack, I will have to have a look at the suspension training thing as I have had to stop running due to osteoarthritis, at present I am using the concept 2 rower as my main CV and mix in lots of press ups, pull ups and low weight high rep phys as well which I am finding very effective compared to running miles everyday as I did through most of my life prior to my knees packing up, I do agree with some of the stuff you posted and it is hard to argue that pure CV (running in my case) has not contributed to my knackered knees and thus knocked my health back for a while

  15. Your diet is the first thing to address.

    Exercise without a good diet is not going to do it.

    At your age you also need to do resistance training. You burn more fat doing weights than you do with cardio.

    Once you have lost a bit of wieght I would look for a sport to play one that interests you.

    Sports are a great way to meet people and do execise without the grind of doing gym day in day out which is hard to maintain over a long period of time.

    You do not burn more calories doing weights unless your heart rate is being pushed consistently which does not happen doing weights, put it to the test do 20 minutes pushing yourself on a rowing machine or 20 minutes doing weights see what gets you sweating more, by the way sweating more generally equals burning more calories

    If you want the best of all worlds which is possibly something for a bit later for the OP then try circuit training CV interspersed with body weight exercise (press ups, sit ups, pull ups etc etc) and then throw in some low weight max repetition weights and you will burn calories no matter what you are eating. Don't get me wrong diet is crucially important but more from and health point of view as in salt intake cholesterol etc and less about the calories

    Weights aka resistance training will keep on burning calories for hours after you have finished exercising unlike cardio where you stop burning calories as soon as you stop exercising. So in reality you will boost your metabolism and burn more fat by doing weights than by doing cardio.

    In addition if you only do cardio you will lose not only fat but you will lose muscle which is not desirable especially as you get older.

    All things being equal resistance training is more important than cardio.

    I agree with some of your argument but not all.

    Weights is seen by most people as lifting big weights to get a body beautiful, you seem to think that all cardio is running cycling etc have you tried rowing or cross training I can assure you that you or the OP will get a good all over workout and will quickly end up toned if you persevere (I say persevere because pushing yourself on a rowing machine when you are starting out is a special kind of misery!)and it is all about pushing it until it hurts and then push some more, no pain no gain and all that!!

    Weights for me and I suspect a lot of people people conjures up a picture that may or may not be correct, for me resistance training is own body weight exercise such as press ups, sit ups etc and light weight high repetition high impact exercise, Rowing or cycling is also resistance training as is swimming all of which have very high Cardio Vascular output thus burning calories efficiently.

    I have no idea where you get this information that weights is better for a 48 year old person than CV that is contrary to everything I have ever known but I am willing to be convinced, you need a strong heart and lungs to do all exercise and stay fit and healthy for life and CV works the heart and lungs so for me it is a no brainer I am already convinced by resistance training as I have spent a lifetime being thrashed doing circuit training so know this works

    OP no matter what you choose to do you have taken the biggest step all you need to do now is stick with it,any exercise is good exercise and if you couple it with an healthy diet you will get were you want to be.... I wish you all the best

  16. Your diet is the first thing to address.

    Exercise without a good diet is not going to do it.

    At your age you also need to do resistance training. You burn more fat doing weights than you do with cardio.

    Once you have lost a bit of wieght I would look for a sport to play one that interests you.

    Sports are a great way to meet people and do execise without the grind of doing gym day in day out which is hard to maintain over a long period of time.

    You do not burn more calories doing weights unless your heart rate is being pushed consistently which does not happen doing weights, put it to the test do 20 minutes pushing yourself on a rowing machine or 20 minutes doing weights see what gets you sweating more, by the way sweating more generally equals burning more calories

    If you want the best of all worlds which is possibly something for a bit later for the OP then try circuit training CV interspersed with body weight exercise (press ups, sit ups, pull ups etc etc) and then throw in some low weight max repetition weights and you will burn calories no matter what you are eating. Don't get me wrong diet is crucially important but more from and health point of view as in salt intake cholesterol etc and less about the calories

  17. The real key is diet... getting in shape is 70 percent diet and 30 percent exercise and remember you will lose weight simply through diet but not through exercise alone unless of course you are hiking twelve hours per day. It takes two hours of solid exercise to work off a McDonald's meal.

    Stay away from sugar, artificial sweetners and simple carbs as they will spike your blood sugar, store fat and make you hungrier. If you can do it you will never get fat again once you've lost the weight.

    Absolute cobblers!! exercise is the key not diet throughout history humans have pretty much eaten whatever they can without having an obesity problem it is only since we have moved to a sedentary lifestyle that the obesity thing has become an issue

    If you are burning calories you can pretty much eat what you want without putting on weight, really simple more calories burned through work or exercise than calories taken in through what you eat and you will lose weight, eating a low fat diet but burning no calories through work or exercise and you will still gain flab

  18. Guys are you this daft in real life (tactfully put !)

    These forums are monitored 24/7 in particular by the British home office and you have just told/suggested you're going to fabricate information in reference to a British passport ??

    And before anyone suggests its not traceable I can assure you it is !!!

    Mate are you a knob in real life?

    Sometimes in this country the information is impossible to obtain, this is no exaggeration, if you have gone through all the issues in getting the visas, ILR, citizenship and all the other time money and aggravation you would know this, nobody is telling the OP to wing anything but if you cannot find exact dates sometimes you have to go with a best guess

  19. Hi, not sure about that Malanil,, but to increase your search options I use Malerone when travelling to Africa and it appears fairly mild with little if any side effects, but I don't have to source it in LOS since I bring enough home with me for my return trips so sorry other than alternatives I can't help you much there,, one to be careful with I would suggest is Larium, since I believe there are many side effects with that.

    Malanil is just another trade name for Malarone and they contain exactly the same ingredients

  20. Cant help with the Triton but we have had a 2WD Wildtrak since March this year and we have not had any issues with the vehicle at all as should be expected I guess. The truck is no slouch (for a diesel pickup truck!)and the 5 speed automatic box is really slick, the engine is powerful and has been around long enough for all the glitches to have been sorted and all in all I am glad we got it rather than the Triton which was the other vehicle we considered. I get a bit bored looking at a constant stream of Vigos and the like and it is nice not to blindly follow the herd. I really would have liked to wait for the new Ranger but we needed a vehicle and I reckoned, maybe naively, that we should get a good PX from Ford when we swap it but to be honest I am not in any rush to change now, cant help with the vehicle weight other than to say you wouldn't want it to run over your foot

  21. One day you will come across some locals who don't appreciate being shouted at and the outcome could be pretty nasty.

    I am wondering if some of you people ever leave your homes? it seems apparent that a lot of you are terrified of Thais and live your lives in fear, right is right and wrong is wrong, doesn't matter where you are bending over and taking it because you are frightened seems like a depressing way to live your lives

  22. Just be happy with whatever you get....

    Good one Cloggie, couldn't agree more!

    Why should I be happy with whatever I get?

    Have you read my post ?????

    No mate I had not seen your other post but I have had a look and can completely emphasize with you now I have, they are a complete shambles from my experience and I think I will just bite the bullet an go with 3BB and see if they are any better, I am sure they cant be any worse

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