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Posts posted by mark131v

  1. As mentioned by SuperNova, the 54Mb connection is just the sync speed connection between your router and computer. Normally with a good TOT 6Mb connection, the 6Mb sync speed is between your TOT modem/router and the TOT DSLAM at their central station; the actual "data" rate will only be around 5.2Mb...the remaining Mb's are used as ADSL control bits.

    Ok, you also said you are using StrongVPN...even with a good TOT connection the VPN server is going to determine the download speed you get and it's most likely going to be in the 500Kb to 2Mb range. Still more than enough to stream video "if" a smooth/consistent flow of internet electrons was occurring; but most likely you are not getting a consistent flow...you are getting bursts of speed...then a big slow down....then a burst...then a slowdown, etc. Non-pausing streaming video requires consistent/smooth data flow.

    I've had the TOT 2, 4, and 6Mb plans....the 2Mb plan could not stream video worth a durn, the 4Mb plan did a little better but not much, and the 6Mb plan still gives a lot of video pausing. Can't speak to their higher speed TOT packages. But as mentioned, if your StrongVPN server is slowing things down, you could have a TOT 20Mb plan, but it's the StrongVPN server that's you ckokepoint. Or, the StrongVPN server may be able to provide smooth/consistent flow, but your TOT plan is not. One or both could be our chokepoint(s). My guess is it's the TOT plan. You can check the speed of different StrongVPN servers on the StrongVPN web site. Good luck.

    Note: just a few days ago I got aTrue Cable Internet 20Mb plan installed; up to then I was stuck with the TOT 6Mb ADSL plan. Until True came to our moobaan, we were all a captive audience of TOT and 6Mb was the fastest plan they had to our moobaan. With TOT in most cases I could not stream video's such as YouTube videos without a LOT of pausing..so much pausing I just gave up looking at most streaming video; but now with the True 20Mb plan I can even stream High Definition YouTube videos without pausing.

    Cheers PIB

    I have tried to load you tube with and without the VPN and you are correct, even though it is still crap without the VPN it is impossible without it....back to the drawing board

    vmt Mark

  2. Just be happy with whatever you get....

    Good one Cloggie, couldn't agree more!

    Why should I be happy with whatever I get?

    I am paying for a service that I am not receiving, do you continue to pay for stuff you are not getting or do you try to sort it out or move on?

    As for what the neighbors are using there is a selection as I have seen 3BB wifi but most people are on TOT, there is also a TOT server on the estate, I think 3BB has only arrived fairly recently

    I can put up with crap service but what really gets me is the constant excuses and hanging around waiting for engineers who are often pretty useless when they bother to turn up when they say they will

  3. My computer is new and Hi spec and says I am getting 54.0 mbts

    54Mbps is the connection speed between you and your wireless router. It has nothing to do with your Internet connection.

    Thanks for the reply, a friend has just told me the same thing but it doesn't help me with is the 3-6 mbt package sufficient to watch live or online TV or am I going to have to upgrade or change providers, are there others with this package that are able to watch live or online TV?

  4. I have TOT internet 3-6 meg package and use strong VPN

    I am a bit of a techno bif and I am hoping somebody could enlighten me on what I should be getting for this package

    When I try to watch live TV or stuff on BBC i player or seesaw it is pretty much useless and I was wondering is this situation normal on the 3-6 meg package?

    My computer is new and Hi spec and says I am getting 54.0 mbts but when i check my line with pingnet.com it says my line is a grade D and that explains why it is crap for TV etc

    Is it worth my upgrading my package to sort this out?

    I have been really unimpressed with TOT as their customer service has been none existent and the only thing they have been good at is finding excuses and fob offs, i wish I had gone with 3BB and still may cut my losses and do that but are they any better?



  5. their website seems down now too.

    Working fine for me.

    Maybe that is because it's on your own server :whistling:

    Did you actually try it? Website is working for me too, and I do not have any connection to this Company.

    Yes the website is working, I wanted information about an house and that prompted my question,the website will probably continue to run until someone pulls the plug or whatever but there is nothing behind it no office no phones nobody answering inquiries etc etc......you get my drift

  6. Their office has been closed up for months now .

    Strange that they miss out on such a flourishing Pattaya real estate market.

    Strange indeed, but perhaps something is not flourishing :) And I think you are aware of it :)

    Cheers Guys I suspected that but good to get it confirmed



  7. Title says it all really,

    does anybody know if Fair Properties are still in business, have been trying to get some information off them but nothing has come back and I am beginning to think maybe they have gone bust rather than just being rubbish at answering emails. No phone number on their website and I am not back in Thailand till next week so cant check the office myself

    any assistance gratefully accepted


  8. Whoever is in charge of clearing and delivering your goods in Thailand most likely has a warehouse...unless you have used dodgy removals, in which case you may be taken for a ride when it arrives

    Agreed. When I had my stuff shipped over from the States about 1 1/2years ago, the shipping company could have provided either storage or delivery to us, as we are in the Surin area. Fortunately we were ready for everything so I picked everything up at the docks and that was that.

    Probably your shipment will go to a freight forwarder in KlongToey upon arrival, and you will need to deal with them. Ask about storage. Good luck!



    will get the missus to ring the shipping office in Bang Na tomorrow as everything is in her name and see what they suggest, Yep it would appear that there is definite scope for being shafted for a few baht more but what can you do? life in Thailand I guess

    many thanks


  9. Not sure, but I think people normally store their belongings in their home country first, then ship them over at the appropriate time.

    I think if you risked storing anything here. Most of it would have disappeared by the time you wanted it?


    You may be right JB but I still think someone is missing an opportunity here, will have a chat with the shipping company before the container arrives and see what they suggest, worst case is we will have a very full house for a while!



  10. Blimey,

    I cant believe I am the only person who has moved over to LOS and has had this problem before, somebody must have done this before and it was either sorted out or not, either way any pointers would be nice

    If this is the case that there is nobody doing this service then I reckon somebody is missing a business opportunity!!



  11. Good evening Ladies and Gents,

    me and the family have recently moved over to Thailand in April and we have rented an house to live for the next 6 months or so before we buy or build our own.

    Does anybody have any ideas or recommendations for storage companies as all our worldly goods are arriving from the UK later this month and we don't really want to unload everything into the rented house, if possible we would prefer to keep everything containerized until we are in somewhere a bit more long term any help or advice gratefully accepted

    many thanks Mark

    ps anywhere within a 2 hour drive of Pattaya will be good, Phuket or Chiang Mai not so good!!!

  12. He is, obviously you are not so who would you think knows more about immigration practices at LHR?

    Probably come back to argue that one!

    People on here have too much time to try to argue about information that are not invloved with. Get a life pal.

    I'm sorry but my experience with UKBA staff at Heathrow is at odds with your brother in laws advice, just hope I don't get in his queue next time then, assuming he is an IO.

    Egg12345 : Since some many boardmembers have gone through the UK line with their Thai spouses and kids though your BiL says cannot, could it be that your brother-in-law is a pompous prick ?


    I have a feeling the pompous prick thing could be a family trait they both sound a barrel of laughs


  13. Very true, excellent advice, If you or your Thai other half have only left Thailand for a weeks holiday that wont work, then again I don't think most people really need the obvious pointing out to them, or maybe that's just me


    On the contrary.. I have the complete opposite experience..


    really sorry to hear that mate, must be quite difficult if you miss the obvious on a regular basis and need someone else to point it out to you, still just goes to prove we are all different anyway chin up fella maybe the obvious will become more apparent over time


  14. It is also much better to put everything in a Thai name if possible as then no tax is payable and that is something all the companies agree on.

    That is only true if the Thai in question is returning to Thailand after having lived abroad for a while. The OP didn't mention whether the Thai he was thinking about had been living abroad with him or is living in Thailand. If the latter there is no tax exemption.


    Very true, excellent advice, If you or your Thai other half have only left Thailand for a weeks holiday that wont work, then again I don't think most people really need the obvious pointing out to them, or maybe that's just me


  15. 20ft container will be shipped from the UK & it will be pretty full...

    It was shipped to the UK from Oman & that was about $8000 USD ( company paid ).

    This will be shipped with me personally fitting the bill so would like to keep the costs down.

    Is it better if i ship in a Thai nationals name? as this is possible for me



    We have just gone through all of this and it is a nightmare and frusting. The companies tell you what you want to hear to lure you in then mess you about. The company we were initially talking to Eagle relocations gave us a really good quote of 1700 pound for our stuff. They worked this price out after I spent ages going round and house and counting up everything we had for there online quote thing.

    I was really honest and in fact aired on the side of caution and over estimated everything. When there guy came round he literally did a quick 5 minute around the house but could not give me an idea of the price but said he would get back. Eventually after me ringing they sent me a quote for 3200 pound, suffice to say we didnt use them

    The company we have used is called Remner International Removals for a price of 2600 pounds and I think we could have got a cheaper price but I got sick of being messed around by people who appeared to be out to fleece as much as they could out of me. You can send your information request to a few different companies in a oner by using some of the companies on the web (really moving .com)but I would say that you really need someone to come around and measure up your stuff as we have managed to get a full 2 bedroom house of stuff into 538cu ft

    It is also much better to put everything in a Thai name if possible as then no tax is payable and that is something all the companies agree on. we had a serious clean out and decided to only take the stuff we really need and stuff that is very expensive in LOS, range cooker good pans cuttlery etc and that too cuts down space. Up to you really but my advice is get rid of any company that does not get in touch promptly or when they say they will, the company we are using have been straight and that counts for a lot

    good luck


  16. I have a ATM account with Bangkok Bank. I transfer money from my Barclays account in UK every few months. Barclays charge me £25. Bangkok bank charge me something, but the interbank exchange is usually not too bad.

    Unless you are going to bring cash over...I don't know of a cheaper way. Anyone more clued up?

    Halifax Bank; £7.50 to £9.50.

    Is that a swift transfer?

    Yes it is,

    whats more you can do it online, so if for instance you had a pension or whatever being paid into your UK acct and was in LOS you can transfer money at I think £9.50 to your Thai account without having to be in the UK. I found this and started doing it because I got p$^ssed off with having to go into my Nat West bank everytime I make a foreign transfer and paying through the bleeding nose for the honour. Just set up an acct and make sure you sign up for online banking. Ps if you pay your wages into the Halifax bank account they will pay £5 per month intrest to you, if you also take out a Halifax clarity credit card as well and use that as well after setting it up to pay off in full each month you can earn £5 per month for using that as well as getting the best card for overseas usage. No I dont work for Halifax but I hate being ripped off by the other thieving bunch of b...........


    check out money saving expert for more info if you dont believe me

  17. Yea, everyday there seems to be fewer and fewer credit and debit cards that don't charge a foreign transaction fee/reimburse ATM withdrawal fees. I beginning to think we need to update that old saying that Nothing is certain other than taxes and death, to Nothing is certain other than taxes, bank fees, and death. :)


    you are already doing the right thing. The Halifax Clarity is about the best of all the UK cards for spending overseas, you have it set up to pay in full so you will not get hit with the intrest. There is a charge for getting money out of ATMs but the charge is far less than a debit card and by all accounts the exchange rate is good as well. It will not make a difference with you topping it up because you have already said you have set it up to pay in full. Other than bringing in a big bag of cash your doing the best thing, unfortunatly getting money overseas aint free. Google money saving expert that should give you a more informed view than mine


    Bloody hell take 2

    sorry Pib should have sent to MarkyM3

  18. Yea, everyday there seems to be fewer and fewer credit and debit cards that don't charge a foreign transaction fee/reimburse ATM withdrawal fees. I beginning to think we need to update that old saying that Nothing is certain other than taxes and death, to Nothing is certain other than taxes, bank fees, and death. :)


    you are already doing the right thing. The Halifax Clarity is about the best of all the UK cards for spending overseas, you have it set up to pay in full so you will not get hit with the intrest. There is a charge for getting money out of ATMs but the charge is far less than a debit card and by all accounts the exchange rate is good as well. It will not make a difference with you topping it up because you have already said you have set it up to pay in full. Other than bringing in a big bag of cash your doing the best thing, unfortunatly getting money overseas aint free. Google money saving expert that should give you a more informed view than mine


  19. In answer to your posts

    War is wrong, there is no justification for killing another human being for any reason.

    Thou shalt not kill

    Make love, not war.


    you are very, very naive I would love the world to be that way but human nature will not let that happen. The only reason people like you are free to be naive is because other people give their lives to allow you that freedom.


  20. http://www.powerbuy.co.th

    Is basically the Thai equivalent of Currys and although they don't really have high end stuff, it'll give you an idea of what sort of prices to expect.

    And yes - PS3/Xbox360/Wii if bought from the non grey-market retailers are SERIOUSLY expensive here, and games cost an absolute fortune. (PS3 games are global, but Blu-ray movies have region coding. Not sure about the games for the others.)

    Large screen TVs are also more expensive here but their prices drop so fast that by the time you ship them over, the price may have dropped to the same as the UK (and you avoid the risk of shipping - plasmas especially can be very fragile in transit...).

    Cheers Mike

    tried telling the missus that but she seems to think everything in LOS is cheap, still what do I know

    vmt Mark

  21. Thanks for all the information it gives me some food for thought. Reference just leaving and buying new, yes we could do that but we are attached to our furniture and do not want to get rid of it. QED thanks for your input, can you remember which shipping you used? £1500 sounds pretty reasonable. As for the TV bit will probably keep it and use it for DVDs Games etc. Does anyone know what you are looking to pay for a decent large LCD TV as i have noticed that quite a lot of electrical and white goods appear to be expensive

    many thanks Mark

  22. Hi ladies and gents,

    just a quick one,hopefully, we are looking to move to LOS early next year and are looking to bring a container of stuff with us.

    Has anybody had experience of doing this and more specifically can anyone tell me if UK TV sets X boxes etc work in LOS

    Any information gratefully accepted

    vmt Mark

  23. I obtained my sons passport when he was 3 months old.

    No you don't need to take him to the Embassy.

    The photograph can be a bit tricky but the guidelines (as per the link above)are pretty clear.

    Thanks for that. Really happy we dont have to take him to Bangkok. My wife is still recovering and the baby is doing very well at our home.

    We just did the same as you but in London. I would recommend getting the photo done properly most of the print shops should be able to do this for you and we held up the baby and the photographer did the rest even in UK it only cost a fiver. Its just not worth the risk especially if you are travelling to bankok. Just wait till you do the thai one they wanted to know how tall my daughter was, she was 4 weeks old at the time and i explained she would be taller tommorow so what was the point in waking her up to measure her, did no good, they also took her fingerprints as well it was a bit surreal really

    All the best mate


  24. I fully understand and respect people’s concerns about the lack of training and knowledge some of the Sawang Boriboon volunteers have or don’t have, but I have got to say that the guys I worked with did and where willing to learn, which is more than I can say about some people in the UK. I do understand that more harm than good can be done when first aid is not carried out correctly ie C spine injuries ect. But I have found this lack of knowledge seems to be across the board as regards to pre-hospital care. I came across a road traffic accident where the Bangkok Pattaya Hospital Ambulance was in attendance. They walked the casualty across the road then placed him on a spinal board then placed a collar on him. I could not believe what I was seeing as one of the crew members had the word Paramedic on his shirt which I doubt very much he was. My point being if this practise is being carried out by so called professionals then what chance do the likes of the Sawang Boriboon volunteers have? I feel that more should be done in this area of Pre-Hospital care and if there were not so many restrictions on what you can or cannot do then maybe more people would be willing to help train and donate equipment. My friends mother was on holiday in Pattaya and suffered a heart attack and died two years ago, hence the reason I want to help train these guys because one day that could be me who needs there help. But some help is better than no help and there is the matter of life over limb.

    Thank you so much for everyone’s advice on this matter please keep it coming.


    I applaud what you are trying to do reference getting these guys some training but as it stands they are dangerous and I really wouldnt want that crew I saw any where near me if me or my family were injured. I do believe sometimes they absolutely have to be doing serious damage an enthusiastic amateur at serious RTC is a bad combination.

    In the UK we have Ghouls and ambulance chasers I dont know whether it is a uniform thing or not but i have met some well dodgy St Johns and other EMT type people stands to reason they must also have people with strange motives in thailand too.

    Dont get me wrong I believe that given the right training you can make anybody usefull but if the system wont allow it (the ruling on defibs makes that point) then all you have is a bunch of amateurs driving fast on blues and until that is sorted and they are given some kind of screening and certifiable training they are dangerous.

    Life over limb is one thing but manhandling a semi conscious victim into an unsized collar then tying him onto a backboard with absolutely no idea what his injuries are is absolutely unacceptable no matter which way you look at it so no i dont agree that some help is better than none. His treatment could have killed him he had blood coming out of his ears and a boggy patch on the back of his head while they were fighting him onto the board. He would have been safer in the back of a baht bus

    Iam also curious about why a fallang with no real medical experience or training should be allowed to ride around on an ambulance it does not happen in the west for good reason victims are in a vulnerable position and again i do not understand the motives.

    I do not know what the answer is so I will continue trying not to have an accident and next time i will purchase some more amulets


  25. cfrmatt,

    glad to hear someone is giving them some training unfortunatly from what i have seen of them i was far from impressed maybe i saw a bad crew hope so anyway it would be bloody awfull if thay were all so hopeless. I posted this a while back and i havent time to type it again but this was one of my experiences .....

    dont post very often so forgive me, back to the point. Who exactly are going to crew these rescue vehicles. Have had a couple of experinces with these rescue types both not good. Iam a UK State Registered Paramedic serving in the Forces during the summer i witnessed an accident in Soi Buikhow in which a guy was hit by a trailer. He was out cold lying on his back with a big crowd of people just stood around looking at him so i went over and maintained his airway and had a quick check of his neck and head. During this i found a bleed on the back of his head and a possible fractured skull. Couple of minutes later the rescue turned up so i tried to hand over to them, was completly ignored. There treatment was probably as dangerous as the accident. They did not check for any injuries at all and instead wrestled the guy into a spinal collar without sizing it up or placing it correctly then forced the guy onto a spinal board even though he was actively fighting them by this stage. Iam not an anally retentive type who always does everything strictly by the book after all all situations are different but i can honestly say that his treatment was shocking and he would have been better off and safer without it

    A couple of week ago was in walking street saw the usual fellows larging it up as tourist police trying to look important when i noticed an ambulance with a fallang in uniform sat in the back. Went over and told the guy what i do and enquired as to what qualifacations people require to work on the ambulance at this he started to look a bit uncomfortable. His reply was that if you had some first aid knowledge that was usefull bit disturbing really when you see the amount of RTAs round Pattaya involving bikes and cars etc

    In my opinion some of situations these people could be responding to (the guy i spoke to had no real medical training) then they probably are killing or certainly making bad situations worse. The first rule of any doctor or medic is to do no harm without training and regulation it is inevitable that some where along the line that must happen!! Untill the training and regulations regarding total amateurs driving around responding to potentially complex medical emergencys are addresed the rest of the points are moot. Pointless having world class hospitals and surgeons in thailand if some joker has just left you paralysed or dead at the side of the road through not being properly trained or even worse doing the job for the wrong reasons, a yellow jacket and an ambulance does not equal paramedic!! Just my toughts getting people to move out of the way or driving faster on blues does not make for a better service


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