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Posts posted by Kalorymetr

  1. On 11/2/2021 at 7:06 AM, falang1969 said:

    I can share my recent experience I'm currently dealing with.


    I went to my bank, Bangkok Bank who I have banked with since 2008. I put millions of baht a year through the account. I have ample assets and cash in my home country and regular flows of cash into Thailand. I showed them everything!


    I was putting down 50% cash on a very modest small house.


    Initially, the branch Manager said, absolutely no problem after looking at our Thai and UK bank statements. The house was to be in my wifes name, with me as a guarantor. She said that we could use the income I send over, to say that was my wife's income, around 200k month.


    We were looking for THB1.5m only! 50% loan!


    Then it started, asking for pictures of my property in the UK, rental agreements from the UK...it was now...."we're not sure".


    They now have an inch of paperwork showing absolutely everything I own and earn and has been referred to Head Office....I'm not holding out much hope!


    I also went to SCB and they also said the same thing, the issue is no income/job for my wife, throws a spanner in the works! 


    Their view is that even though I am married with a couple of kids, I could <deleted> off at any time! They don't care about the 50% LTV and cashflows through mine and my wife's bank accounts.


    Your wife needs a job with regular (not erratic) income every month or a business where she can show her income.


    The only other thing they suggested was getting another Thai to be guarantor to the loan, which was a non-starter in our circumstances.


    Looks like I'm going to have to put down 100%!




    Why would you marry someones that has no income? This can only cause trouble

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  2. 2 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    I am not aware any embassy certifying a translation. The Department of Consular certifies translations. Any translation service can do the translation.

    Some embassies will certify and/or will legalize a document.

    Polish Embassy will translate a document or certify the translation for you. Translation costs 5000b per document and certification only 1200, so it is well worth it. 

  3. Small update as I did my license 2 weeks ago:

    First, I got all my documents.. 

    • Copy of all the important passport pages
    • Proof of address
    • Medical cert
    • IDP

    I live in Bangkok and got all the docs in BKK.


    First try - I went to Bang Chak DLT. They signed me up for an appointemt 50 days from the date I visited.

    Okay, I was on a trip in Prachuap and went to the DLT there. All went good up until I got to 'reflex testing', the examiner told me I need either proof of address from Prachuap immigration or I have to go to DLT in Bangkok. I called DLT later and it turned out to be a lie, but I was on a trip anyways.


    Third try was in Chatuchak DLT in Bangkok. I went there early morning and told them I want to transfer car license with my IDP(I didnt even have my license with me) and pass exam for bikes as I had never got it in my country.

    1 hour and 105 baht later I had car license in hand and I was waiting for my theory exam for bike. I failed the exam Twice and they told me to come back next morning. I came back and once again I had the license in my had in under an hour.

    Very good and smooth process. No sign up, no waiting, no discirmination. I didnt have to watch any videos.

  4. On 6/18/2021 at 7:10 PM, Yellowtail said:


    I think the only real issues driving on the opposite side of the road are:

    1. Looking the wrong way when pulling out onto a not so busy road from a parking lot/side road. 

    2. Using the windshield wipers rather than the turn-signals .


    It was much easier to get used to than I thought it would be...


    For me, only real issue is the 'feel' of the car. As I cam used to sitting on the left side and. Now it is hard for me to estimate how much space I have left on the left and I tend to drive close to the ditch. I hit a dude with a mirror when in the UK first time long time ago.

    • Like 1
  5. I have a work permit, I don't want to start company to get it. I want to use my current WP to do other jobs/make my life easier when starting a business.


    I have a friend here that runs a software company. It should be perfectly legal for him to employ me with my current WP and then me running my contracts thru his company?

    Or my gf starting a 1 person business and basicly me being one and only guy working there doing all the work for all the money.



    Did I just cheat the system?

  6. 6 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    Until now I didn't kill or injure anybody with a car or a bike and I try to keep it like that for the future.

    And one of my bikes has ABS and I like that - even if that ABS was never active when I was riding that bike


    What irritates me is this whole trend that more and more cars and bikes have lots of power and lots of electronic functionality to make sure "inexperienced" drivers and riders don't kill themselves or anybody else. If the vehicles wouldn't have so much power then they wouldn't need all that electronic to control it.


    And then there are cars with so called auto-pilot. And they are sold like they drive themselves. And the "driver" can basically sleep or be drunk and look what happens. That is until the moment when the electronic decides the electronic can't handle the situation anymore. And then drivers who didn't really drive since a long time are supposed to be able to handle difficult emergency situations. What could possibly go wrong? ... 

    If you think you think you can react fast than a computer, we have nothing to talk about.

    Your argument: "I didn't killed anybody yet.." It is common fallacy, also discouring me from discussion, as you cannot provide arguments. Your example doesn't mean a thing, and if you crash it might be you won't even be there to tell as about it.

  7. I came across article saying that a law was pushed during the emergency decree allowing foreigners with WP to do addintional jobs not specified in the document.


    Can someone please post details? I cannot find anything on that topic. Can I start 1 person company? Can I be employed by my gfs company? Can I work as a contractor in Thailand legally?



  8. 19 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    Since when do automatic gearboxes save lives?


    I think the best life saving issue is a competent driver. And it seem with all those extras many people never learn that brakes have limits and all these little things. I think everybody should learn to drive and ride on vehicles which don't have all those things to make it easier. If people know how to emergency brake without ABS then they can still buy a car with ABS later.

    No, sorry. I was talking about life saving and just making life easier kind of improvements. NEither is neccesary but both nice to have. You can ride your oldschool no electronics bike though. It is a free world ???? I just hope you don't kill a pedestrian or other biker with your manual breaking.

    No human will be as effecient as ABS, this was tested many many times. 

  9. Paying for social status in the village.. My god, how uncivilized this sound? No offense dude, but to me this sound like a joke.


    Also improving your social status with 4k pounds, hehehe. Maybe I have higher expectations from people I go out with.


    I just aske my current GF, what kind of money would she expect from me. I will never marry her, but I am curious. She said 500-700k Baht. I just smiled ????


    That would make her Queen of the village I suppose.

    • Haha 1

    43 minutes ago, Ventenio said:


    Once again, the falang comes to LOS thinking they are the smartest humans on the planet.......wanting to exploit the young ones.


    they leave broke, bitter, and sentenced to a lifetime on TVF.


    welcome.  lol

    It is exactly this. Some people here are so deluded its true love or whatever, but reality is its money for the family unless you are the same "quality" -  both have good job and money, or both good looking and young.


    I have money but I pretend to be poor in front of the girls, this filters 90% gold diggers out. The more persistent and smarter ones, can stay for a while, but it is easy to spot them quickly, when they come to my condo and start asking me how much I paid for each thing I own to asses my worth.


    I will get a SG girl anyways after they reopen the borders. Its a very good experience to have a girlfriend here, but as a young normal looking guy with decent job, I can get same quality girls everywhere in the world I guess.

    • Like 1
  11. 1 minute ago, BritManToo said:

    The British government F#@$s as many of it's citizens as it can, at every opportunity.

    You haven't lived in many countries in Europe I guess. British government is very good compared to eastern and south Europe.

  12. 3 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

    Odd that sexy Italian women aren't attracted to fat bellied, beer swilling old expats like they are in Thailand.......yet another mystery........having said that my first wife was Italian!!

    Thai girls are not attracted to them either, but if they made you think they are.. Well, they do damn good job ????

    • Like 1
  13. 5 minutes ago, paddypower said:

    the great mystery: what is it that gets men besotted with Thai women? I have lived in several countries, know couples who ''are in love''. But I cannot ever recollect coming across a case of a man besotted with a western woman?


    As my Thai girl said. They will take care of you and have sex with you not like nurse in your country. Old, ugly fat? No problem for a Thai girl ???? They want secure live in exchange for their 'services', this reminds me of middle ages.

    That is the mystery



    Oh! and its accepted and encouraged by Thai society too! in my country in Europe, people would be disgusted by relation ship of this sort



    Use it while it lasts. This will change some day, hopefully before I get old.



    BTW, my colleague at work, met his Thai wife in London and have been living here in Thailand for over 10 years now with her.

    He told me, he would never ever marry a Thai girl met in Thailand as majority is just in it for the money. His wife he met in the UK on the other hand was already loaded when they met.


    From my personal experience, there are many nice, normal Thai girls(and they would never ask you for paying the "fee"), but they will not date anyone.

  14. I think its quite safe to drive in BKK, because of the low speeds. If you are not stupid and wear proper helmet you will unlikely die..


    I learnt how to drive here in Thailand and now have over 10k kms on the bike. 


    I drive 6km daily to work every day. I have a big bike and a scoooter. Big bike is too big for BKK

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