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Posts posted by Kalorymetr

  1. On 5/22/2019 at 10:27 PM, SenorJorge said:

    I can't make it here either.  Wife just threw me out and no way in hell I'm buying the elite visa.  The sick part of it is I married her because I really love her... I'm fed up with thailand.  Sick joke of a country for me anyways sorry to offend anyone ???? please understand all my involvement with this country is bad and my wife gave me an std that made me unable to walk now..unreal

    Well mate, you say you live in Isaan, so I assume she's a country girl. I would not date and especially marry anyone that is not middle class at least here, but thats me..

    And ofcourse the same goes in any other country, including my home country. No poor people.

  2. Thanks for the discussion, I was expecting trolling, but who knew ????


    On 1/13/2021 at 9:16 PM, wordchild said:

    Also on the BTS, remember it came along after all the original shophouses had been there for many years, little consideration was given to issues such as light and atmosphere of the area. I lived in Ploenchit pre the BTS construction and I can say that the character of the area completely changed post the BTS construction and that station which dwarfs everything else.

    only a couple of year ago city hall wanted to build an elevated section of roadway from Rama 9 all the way along Asoke coming down somewhere along Asoke Montri near the park there. Can you imagine what that would have done to what is a fairly narrow road  and the atmosphere of the Asoke area?This would also likely have entailed the removal/relocation of the walkway crossing Asoke at the Sukhumvit junction. There was a well organised local campaign and the planning was suspended, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see that one back on the agenda , at some point in the future.

    This is very interesting, so it seems, they don't care about anything at all. If they want a road, they will build it even it it will make trendy area complete <deleted>hole.


    I don't understand why they choose Sukhumvit to have the BTS line and not some other street/empty plot of land. There are already plenty of buses on this road and only thing that is needed is a proper bus lane. Now all the traffic from all the side streets concentrates on this one street and we can all see how it looks like. It will only get worse with more condos.

  3. Depends on what you like.. I have never lived in Singapore, but I could have as I had job offers both here in Bangkok and in Singapore. 

    To me Singapore is like Zurich of Asia - very clean and efficient city, with the asian vies still going on if you venture to more poor areas.

    I for example like bicycling, which is not doable in Bangkok or at least where I live in Bangkok. I would have to buy a car and pack my bike and drive it to a special track which I think is stupid.


    So why did I choose BKK then? It is simply more fun and if you get bored you can hop on a motorbike/bus and go to some other city, which is not possible in Singapore, especially now.

    I am 29, so I plan to live in SG some day, but not now.

    • Like 1
  4. Mate, I know what visa type I have, the problem is you have to choose something from the popup field and its all in Thai - and yes I tried google translate, no help


    Let me attach first page of possibile choices:

    Theres nothing like B or NON B or extension 


  5. Hi all,

    First of all. Thank you very much for your answers. I really do appreciate it.

    I have never taken any sedative in my life and I do not intend to unless absolutely necessary. I bought hydroxyzine, because I feel better when I have it on me and that is all. I would never take any beznos or other highly addictive substances, because it's simply not needed with my mild anxiety disorder.


    I however think, I might need low doses of SSRI(to be decided by physiatrist), until the therapy starts working, because I simply cannot do my job as good as I would have and I think all the stress induced by my SAD is slowly killing me.

  6. Hi,

    I need to fill my TM30. I know this should be done by the landlord, but I have to do it myself, so please help me.

    What do I put in 

    -visa type


    -expire date of stay


    I came on non-b visa which is extended until november 2022 because of work and I also have multiple re-entry permit

  7. Hi,

    I saw the mental health resource topic, but I look for a doctor recommendation and not a hospital.

    I suffer from social anxiety disorder. Nothing life breaking, but it started to be annoying after I had changed jobs recently and I am afraid it will spiral into something worse.

    Could you please recommend good English speaking doctor that could help me? I also do therapy, but thats online as I rather do it in my native language.


    Don't want to start a new topic so I will also ask here as its  related. Is Allerax-FC same as Atarax?


    Thanks in advance,

    I really appreciate it!

  8. Hi,

    I need someone to look at my back problem and help me fix it. I will like this person to show me what to do and how often and then for example meet once a month to check my progress. I think I should first go to the doctor to have it officially diagnosed and then start my training.


    Could you please recommend some professionals?


    That is in Bangkok ofcourse ????

  9. Thanks for replies.

    Can I open brokerage account in my bank(SCB)? I am not sure how it works here or in other countries, but in my country its just few clicks on the mobile banking app and you are trading stocks.

    How do I handle tax then? I understand that I don't pay tax on any gains, but is it instant or do I have to keep the stocks for some time? Also I should probably include every transaction in the tax report anyways, even if the tax is 0.


    And for the answer on why, I just think its better to keep my money in the stock market than bank account, I work here and don't want to be moving the money offshore and explaining to my government that its legal money. I might also invest in NASDAQ or London stock exchange if thats allowed here and not too expensive.



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