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Posts posted by Anant72

  1. 4 minutes ago, Zenwind said:

    Please pardon the nostalgia of old guys like me, but we carry a heavy weight of memory.  Memories can be precious, and it’s sad to see them go.  Through the years, I have enjoyed so many wonderful movie experiences at Scala and the other Apex theaters.  Farewell. 

    I feel exactly the same. What angers me is that greedy developers (a pleonasm)  are probably drooling already over this space that will most certainly be filled with another high rise or another useless mall. Another case of TIT (sigh!)!

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  2. And for the billionth time, a significant amount of those deaths are due to some Democrat states direct mismanagement and executive orders in the early stages of the pandemic, killing thousands of elderly Americans in nursing homes. How that is not a scandal to anyone on here is beyond me.”

    FACTS , please, FACTS!  This is just an assertion. Of course everything was much better handled in redneck states, right? Numbers, please, numbers. 

  3. “There is now such thing as Covid-19 it's just a strain of seasonal flu as shown by all of the independent doctors and virologists speaking out over the last month.


    The figures point to it being even less dangerous than common flu with less deaths than a common seasonal flu around the world.”

    So why did countries around the world take the risk to run their economies aground? For the pleasure of laying off millions of people? Have you lost any loved one to the disease? If not, just SHUT UP!

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