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Everything posted by Briggsy

  1. Thailand revoked his permission to stay and stuck him in the IDC so he won't be entering Thailand any time soon. He will have to report to a North Yorkshire police station probably in 28 days. He probably will have been strongly advised to remain where the police can contact him. I don't understand why you think the police would have withheld his passport. The UK is not Thailand. Do you have expertise in the field as a duty solicitor perhaps? It would be very unusual for such a move for pre-charge bail.
  2. Who will the owner of the vehicle look to to foot the bill? I don't think any insurance company is going to pay out with an unlicenced uninsured 15-year-old to blame. The total cost could be considerable.
  3. What do we know about James Sangwine that does not originate with his girlfriend? Are there any local or international verifiable reports such as a police report of his unexplained death? If a Go Fund Me account is based on a completely false premise, is that a criminal offence of fraud?
  4. Very possible. He probably "no commented" or used a prepared statement. Actually the UK used an Interpol Blue Notice. This led Thailand to revoke his permission to stay. This led to his detention in the IDC. This led to his return to the UK. It was not of his own volition. Quite possible. Given the deterioration of the evidence, both scientific and non-scientific over time, a successful prosecution may be impossible. We will see. If so, they may be able to charge him with something else, perhaps a failing to report offence of some kind, I do not know.
  5. I am afraid we will have to disagree on this one. The police may well have very little or they may have a lot. "Released on bail" at the very least tells us they have some incriminating evidence but it may not be enough to charge or they may have enough to charge but are still waiting for further information. Or there may be others involved in any crime they are seeking to incriminate before charging David Armitage (unlikely but theoretically possible). The point is they have chosen to use bail rather than just release him. This case is absolutely still live and under investigation. Bail can be extended for up to 12 months as investigations continue. And then he can be rearrested.
  6. That is not the case. There are a myriad of reasons the police put off charging. They may have an awful lot but still have some lines of investigation to conclude. If they "had nothing on him", he would have been "released with no further action" i.e. without bail. The bail will come with conditions, a time period and likely a report date. He is by no means out of the woods yet.
  7. The pavements are already full of junk. If they made them any bigger, people would complain they have blocked the pavement, not least the motorcyclists! 😃 In the morning, some bus stops are like a frenzied crowd of Hajjis, so no structure could contain them.
  8. Wrong. Totally busted. Not so clever, are you?
  9. Read the article and the extensive coverage in the UK press. Don't be so lax. The lawyer representing the sons is contending precisely this.
  10. You have taken this post out of context. It was a humorous, intelligent and witty extrapolation of my post. Please go back and re-read. You have either missed the point or you are deliberately being disingenuous by intentionally pretending not to have seen the ironic aspect of the post by @Surasak
  11. And the reason it never happened with my ADV 350 is because the seat only opened to around 60°.
  12. Ha! I figured it out. When I opened the seat to put the helmet in the storage space, the seat presses the hazard lights switch on the right handlebar. And there is the answer.
  13. I believe she will walk away from this out of pocket, potentially seriously out of pocket. With the "security for costs" order she will need to deposit money with the court to cover any order regarding the sons' legal fees. And surely her lawyer will have requested a hefty deposit to cover her own legal fees. Her case seems to be very weak. However, these contested estate cases come up with weird rulings sometimes. It makes me think the judges just side with the person who originally got nothing from the estate and simply share it around so everyone gets an equal part.
  14. I have another Canon printer in the UK and the fake ones always work. But I agree, it can be hit and miss and the manufacturers build in security devices.
  15. I agree. There are so many factors at play that if anecdotal analysis is applied, there will always be an opposite anecdote. I think it is safe to say that the longer you spend in Thailand on VE's and TV's, the greater your chance of denial of entry. Here are some of the theories which on denial of entry which I discount as simply anecdotal. 1. Female IO's are the only ones to deny entry. 2. Youngsters/Backpacker age are more likely to be denied entry. 3. Over 50's are more likely to be denied entry. 4. Scruffily dressed are more likely to be denied entry. 5. Dressed over smartly are more likely to be denied entry. 6. People with disabilities will not be denied entry. 7. Passengers flying long haul will not be denied entry. All shown to be uncertain or untrue. Probably the most likely factor is when the IO's last attended a meeting in which they were reminded to flag up to a supervisor those with months of VE / TV history. And the potential repercussions for not doing so. This information, of course, we will never know.
  16. There is no problem. People are exercising personal choice. I view it as a positive.
  17. Whilst it was not listed, the other cartridge for the printer, the black cartridge was listed. And the good news was, that was half the price. So, perhaps I will persevere with these cartridges for a while.
  18. I consider it a compromise offered by the Government. You can stay here on a rolling temporary basis with a relatively low bar, very low bar once you factor in agents circumventing the financial requirements. or You can gain permanent residence and/or citizenship (depending on your family circumstances) but the bar is high and you are going to have to make a real effort to attain that. I am sure lots of others are going to say this but it would have been better if my country, the UK, had adopted this stance. In answer to the OP's question, I would have applied for Permanent Residence at the earliest possible juncture when I had a work permit with the benefit of hindsight.
  19. 600 Baht for one CL57 cartridge. I don't use the printer that much. Maybe 10 sheets per week. It can vary. I am guessing the tank is difficult to transport and can be messy particularly if you are a bit clumsy like me. I just figured it was easier to buy 2 or 3 or 4 cartridges a year but 600 Baht per time seems over the top. Perhaps the tank is the way to go.
  20. Okay, I am 80% wrong. Most of Third Road falls in Nong Prue and about 40% of Third Road Soi 3 falls into Nong Prue. Thanks.
  21. Absolutely. Thailand must be one of the most CCTV covered countries in the world. He might as well have left a confession note along with his passport. It did occur to me he might have been very drunk, not that that is any excuse.
  22. Certain SIM's are only available if you are a Thai national or "hold a work permit" (standard line from DTAC/True/AIS customer services officer). So, the foreigner has a SIM in a trusted Thai friend's / partner's name for convenience. You could have asked politely but instead you asked in a condescending interrogative manner as ever. Could you tone it down?
  23. 55-years-old is an unusual age for this kind of stuff to be happening. I would love to know this guy's history. I don't believe his two different stories for a moment, even more so, when he has an ongoing insurance claim.
  24. These are the same pictures as the guy from 2 weeks who claimed to have been arrested for "a few days overstay". His story is full of holes.
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