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Everything posted by Dart12

  1. Besides the burnings which is a whole cultural issue they'd have to overcome... One of the simplest would be overall motor vehicle exhaust regulation. Seems like every Thai vehicle has been modified for 3 extra hp from bike to truck that just bellow out black smoke
  2. you can’t open a bank account if you have a long-term retirement visa now? You have link to your other thread you can share please.?
  3. It's true, but you know this when you get here and I accept it. Hell, I won't even move to Jomtien area because I get pulled over at the police stop every drive by it to go into town. I don't get a ticket. It's annoying. It is what it is . I'd still rather live here than the what's happened to USA since 2021.
  4. he should demand a forensic labs test results. Pretty sure he’d get off on zero counts of cocaine possession then.. Probably come back half Drano half Yabba lol
  5. I agree with you,. I approve of the word, transgender woman or lady boy because that is a classification itself that is explanatory. do not agree with the west attempting to state that a transgender woman is an actual woman and that it’s inappropriate to use the correct adjectives in front of the word woman when you speak about them. There’s nothing wrong with people being people, but it gets ridiculous when they’re trying to remove labels and state that they are one in the same.
  6. Problem with ST is there is no roll over in the middle of the night or morning when you have been transformed from a tree into a steel beam lol.
  7. Must be the unluckiest kid in the world getting called out for that here. Or are police blocked from viewing thai friendly ? lol
  8. The same newspapers that write these stories also inform us there are no freelancers or sex work in Pattaya and confirmed by gov. I'm sure there was plenty wrong on both sides that is not written and shared. Still disgusting to see military weapons being put into use though.
  9. Ummmm. Looks more like a serial killer situation than bad batch of alcohol being served. unless this drug only affects beautiful , fit white women in their 20s of a certain shape and size. and usually this kind of demented person is a white man as well through history. hope they find him.
  10. So, what do you plug this SIM into, if not a phone? looks interesting to run the condo on.
  11. That's long gone. Now it's Biden and Kamala's free (undocumented bus rides) into free American housing.
  12. It's like he discovered "the fork, spoon, and/or chopsticks" and bragged he no longer has to use his hands haha. Only headache in the plan is getting by all the other hungry less popular girls who attack you first before you can get to the one face deep in her phone always
  13. I was about to joke ..."The police shut down Lazada, Shoppee, and SHEIN??" nah. Just some small guy instead.
  14. Tyrants frequently use those words: We are inacting these regulations/laws for YOUR safety. Not saying this, per say, is directly relatable quote. But is definitely what USA has done the past 4 years, as well as Canada, Australia, sounds like UK... And I agree with you. I dislike it. One of the best things about coming to Thailand has been streetfood on every corner.
  15. I'm starting to believe that there is more "freedom" for everyone with "loopholes" than when govs get more and more unwaverable and strict absolute control. THAT is corruption at it's worst.
  16. I've had the (prepaid) delivery person mark the order delivered when they never did. (it was something heavy so I suspect they didn't want to deliver it haha). I now order that product ONLY COD. otherwise I always order prepaid . I don't sit all day everyday waiting for random deliveries at unknown times and days. I've also had to go to support for a return of items that never showed up and the seller gets to win by saying "show video sir" lol
  17. 100,000 hike on a 10,000 visa hahahaha. They can't even keep you IN Thailand to do it. Those fees are WITHOUT air travel and hotel and taxi. Go get them stupidzzz. this is NOT an agent necessary visa. You can even keep your funds in your own country bank.
  18. Standard price to get a bank account thru an agent is 5k to 6k. Just ask around. They can do it on tourist visas even. Sorry, don't have one in BKK to recommend explicitly. Someone else asked about get a bank account with an ED visa from language school. I was turned down by every branch type out there in January in Pattaya as it was a new restriction just started back then...HOWEVER, I think Bkk bank was doing them still (but I already had that bank and was looking for a second, back up bank). that was almost a year ago...things might have loosened.
  19. It was a change across the board in January. I went in asking what I needed in Dec. I went back in January with the necessaries, and they said they could no longer do it. My visa was long term ED visa thru language school. They said they only accept UNIVERSITY based ED visa any longer. I tried every bank, and a couple different branches and managers with no luck. ONLY one that would possibly do anything was BKK, but I had one with them alreaady and they would not let me open another even though it was a different branch. There was one that offered me one if purchased Thai life insurance, but my GF is cambodian so neither of us qualified.
  20. if not, the new going rate for bank accounts thru Agents is now 5000 or higher, up from 3k just a short time ago.
  21. and can apply of course thru an agent IN Thailand. Timing of all my requirements seem to make it a wash in what I'm going to spend, but the dTV allows me immediate travel lattitude and $600 less immediate costs. Only reason I've found to go to retirement quickly is the possibility of the base number requirement in the bank increase and getting grandfathered in. Anyone know how often they do this increase? last was 2004 I researched, from 400k to 800k
  22. Well, I have 2 answers , make that 3, with your answer. Thai Visa center helper told me it's NOT considered a long term visa as a non immigrant visa is. But is considered a long term tourist visa... but the caveate was that we were also chatting about retirement visas and they lose that income if I go DTV route. So best to keep me buying a product they sell I just used Gemini AI for google and it comes back that DTV is a Non immigrant visa and would be very easy to transfer over to a retirement visa unlike a tourist visa requires the extra step of conversion to Non O. And I had it double check several ways.
  23. Anyone know exactly what the DTV visa is classified as officially?
  24. I just checked too, and it goes WAY beyond that for booked. either they aren't going to do it any more OR website has a glitch. Vientane is open to book daily everyday.
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