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Everything posted by Dart12

  1. RETIREMENT Visa Vs DTV Has anyone on this thread or eslewhere done a comprehensive PRO's / CONS list of evaluation of which is better if you are over 50? Top of my head it seems like DTV wins in ease Cost. (Like 29,000 for first time retirement, 5000 for additional bank account 3400 for multi entry pass and 12,500 per year after. (Roughly 40,000 your first Retirement visa). vs only 10,000 plus 1,900 each ext less overall requirements WHERE your money can be banked at is better (leave money in home country bank) and Validity length Only thing retirement wins on is Proven Track Record that holders don't get messed with and it's been around for years? Or am I missing anything that makes RETIREMENT a better option? If this has been done in the 44 pages here or somewhere else I'd appreciate the link :)
  2. was that $340 above and beyond the 10,000 baht? or total?
  3. Did you somehow find a way to blame 50 nationalities NOT in the fight instead of the 3 that DID fight?! Are you a politician? 😂
  4. yeah I'm just now becoming eligible for retirement visa...I have to either renew one more time my ED visa and then get retirement...or just do DTV immediately. At first glance the DTV now looks the better option (on paper) with 10k fee for all 5 years and one extension done each year and one border vacation. But I can see how new leaders come in and start hating on that Visa and giving issues about "not for living here" after 2 years. And yeah, agents haven't really figured out a way to monetize this for themselves yet. Although I have had 2 agencies say "if you have problem....we can do you in Laos" for 85,000 plus you cover all airline and hotel and visa fee and such still. My assumption is this basically is a bank statement help.
  5. Thank you for all that. Last items you may be less likely to have any idea about: Do you know.... is This is a one time 10,000 fee per 5 years? or annually 10k (both are cheap), but curious. To me I read it as 10k one time and then 1900 for any re-entry (which is required at least once a year at minimum). I'm also wondering if I choose medical now if being more nomadic in nature next year will be problematic. On your visa... does it label you as 'nomad, concert goer, class taker, medical or such? or is it once you get it you are simply a "DTV visa holder" and there are no more labels than that? This sounds better than retirement visa, but we know how they flip flop on these things in 6 months to a year and worry they give you problems in a year for a border run. VS retirement they seem to just leave you alone once you get it.
  6. sounds like medical treatment is best choice, no matter what you here for based on reading thru a few pages of what people did. Any additional fees at teh embassy you went to? And it sounds like a 7 day turn around time approximately?
  7. ok. So you had to spend a week out of thailand then. I'm just trying to account for the full cost and PITA time requirement to do this. Obviously not as easy as go inside thailand for retirement visa. While 10,000 is much cheaper, got to account for the required hotel and airline tickets and like you mentioned $400 usd additional where you got it. if you don't mind sharing...what were airline tix costing where you went vs MCMC? I know it changes daily for when I'd really need to search myself. Just trying to get some broad estimation in my head. Thanks for sharing everything you did as well!
  8. I read your post. Couple questions: 1 So you went sept 4 and got the visa sept 4...same day? 2 You mention $400. So Phnom Penh requires $400 usd fee over and above the 10,000 baht? 2B. if so...why didn't you choose an embassy that had no additional fee? 3. Do the 500k funds in the bank accounts need seasoned at all? or can I transfer them in this month and be fine? Thanks for any help you can provide in helping me choose this or a retirement visa
  9. it takes a month to get the visa?? is this always the case? or if I went to like Malaysia or Laos is it a single day process? **And how many months does teh 500,000 need to be seasoned in my bank account? Going back and forth on this and a retirement visa.
  10. I’m surprised there is only one testimonial recommendation here for this service
  11. A quick Google of Fred show she’s been testing new angles every week for something little stick and keep himself in the headlines. I get the distinct feeling uncle refused to do some business deals with nephew in the past
  12. Olympic boxer can just change pronouns and win...then why can’t Pattaya lol
  13. they fully flipped the switch for what their intentions are when they manufactured A lockdown. People are so fixated on Trump. Trump is just the distraction being used to keep eyes off the real problems. They’re not looking at everything that happened is absolutely insane as happened in the last four years. Don’t give me anti Republican rhetoric Neuro linguistic repeated bs. i’ve been on the left most of my life, but this stuff is liberal. It is a tearing down the fabric of the ability for anybody to oppose the government And the money that’s running it and the media and now Big tech. Burn The books ,burn history, create censorship,. Rewrite history and ignore facts.. All of It is happening right now in the west. And a lot of it it’s kind of like jealousy to get to where China is. Got Vanguard and Blackrock buying up all the property residential and commercial that was affordable for class. And you have Half the population Allowing it because they just put the focus on Orangeman evil. Distraction at its finest
  14. most likely this is what they did in the US too. Basically made a cartel or only amount of Uber Rich can sell And grow plants for a profit
  15. if you like the hassle of losing a day to get these, sure. But worth my savings of time to not have to do that.
  16. I'm not too familiar here with all that as I'm pretty isolated. But yes many like to cherry pick benefits but not take on the responsibilities that would would have had to be completed to get such respect before actually getting it. I follow you.
  17. Yeah, no deep analysis by me just throwing out some possibilities. I personally miss sept thru Dec 31 in USA. it's the change of seasons from hot summer to winter and it's all the extended family holidays. NOt to mention our favorite sports season for both the pro's and college. Man, I really miss attending college game days. And of course family and some close friends.
  18. Social media apps on cell phones changed everthing everywhere. Distinct cultures are being meld into one. That one being the western culture. And if you are from the west, it's actually the culture you dislike that is being adapted here rapidly. You loved all the differences. From clothes styles, TV/MOVIE quality, music sounds, attitudes, and beliefs they have been imported. Where once you might have been exotic, now you are an intruder? (not sure if locals opinion has changed on this one I'm not old enough). All that you brought here is not distincltly "yours" anymore that made you exotic. They also now have access to everything as it's been duplicated over here. I live in the digital age...but I can only imagine how one's own stock took a huge drop once beautiful women now are inundated with 1,000'-10,000 white knights messages in their apps VS them having only the choice of their physical radius of people they met. ***this is actually a problem for most men worldwide. The influx of messages and choices they have mean you are disposable af. It's created a narcism that is fueled perpetually. That's my quick 2 cents on why people's joy with here may have faded. I'm not old enough to have experiences the past way, but I can imagine how much more exciting it was to change cultures before. However, godbless translation app lol
  19. right. You can abuse any similar drugs their friends profit from.
  20. this is scary: invoking a right to go after anyone anytime with no viable reason. This is not forcing tests on all people in a club at 5 am . (I think this is also principally wrong). You can never stop users (or even selling for that matter). So this is NOT about helping people. This is about opening a door to personal rights violation under the guise of "help". As for "who" won't get the tests. Idk. But I know who definitely WILL. Non asian foreigners. I got stopped at a checkpoint 2 nights ago. Helmet on, etc etc. However, it was really not a checkpoint...it was a foreigner mouse trap lol. All asians waived thru, helmet no helmet etc. I was of course quickly whistled in for my test. This feels more like a power and neck to throat law than anything to help anyone. I wouldn't even doubt it if the higher ups out there selling the goods to get people nabbed. (more possible than ever thought in usa now thats for sure)
  21. Who cares. but What happened to the wine tluxury import tax that supposedly ended months ago but is still on all the bottles at the stores? 😝
  22. Set clear and defining boundaries that are acceptable to you. Require new accounts that will not have been business lines in the past. Buy her a new phone as a gift and install child protection software that monitors all app messages and location of phone. Unfortunately removing old habits are hard if you live in her old stomping ground. Ie same friends who live her old life and thus all advice comes from poor sources for good advice. Same men still around. Same spots they they All frequent for social activities. Without new environment and new friends for her that have a more regular job view of life...you are fighting an almost impossible fight where it's easy for her to slip into bad habits again. Single Women also absolutely are jealous other relationship women always trying to bring them back to single. They will lie and , here, show off the endless vacation life they live as sad men beg for their attention with the last dimes in their pocket. Girts to woo. And then they will ask why don't you provide that daily life as part of a relationship. They can be good people but their brains are poisoned daily if you don't take them somewhere for fresh life. Triggers everywhere if you live same city you met them. * And no I would never move to their home villagee either lol
  23. In 2024 those are no longer concerns. your 2 fa should be tied to a Voip when possible and or a cell company that is digital based. I use Google voce for most but those that I cannot I have a real number and it is thru an e sim in my phone. Even when phone down I can access thru a pc 2fa codes sent to my numbers. I can call and get a new virtual credit card / ATM card within the hour instantly If they are lost. Your assumption is you also still have your passport You can go to any local bank and pull money from your home bank if you have your info... Or you can use remitly and send yourself cash instantly to a bank. Carrying cash like that is an unnecessary liability nowadays unless 5k is nothing for you I have friends that carry a few $1000 USD k in their wallet at all times bc they feel broke without it on hand. They lose it it's like only losing $20 for normal people though. You obviously are nit hurting in life cash wise, But im simoly updating your tech knowledge of what's available now at everyone's disposal that negates the old issues you mention that werw ONCE a true problem
  24. In country language school visa 20k to switch from tourist for first 3 months then 12k for each 3 months after in Pattaya. Sure there is similar in Chiang Mai my friend used to go there from here to do it.
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