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Everything posted by Taboo2

  1. Can't wait until the Russians do the same to the Brits, Aussies and other Europeans who think this Black Brit was hyping the issue.....just wait, your turn is coming. You think they like you because you guys are the same skin color....think again. I know Russians...they despise the west! Ok.
  2. Everyone knows the Russians welcome black people in their country....55555. The only group of people in Thailand who are exhibiting racist attitudes are the Russians. I know, I live with them in Pratamnak.
  3. Oh well, problem solved, the economy is going to rebound and life is great again. China to the rescue!
  4. LOS - remember that term...and it is not the Land of Smiles....55555.
  5. Just think, if the meters are used, we would not have post comments on why the Yank posted the vid and learn so much about the Defamation laws. Humans, the worst species on the planet...absolutely the worst on the planet.
  6. Excuse me..."Mac and Cheese"....WTF. No way on the earth would I go there to pay extra for Mac n Cheese....
  7. There is more radiation from your new Iphone 15 than a thousand fishes from the waters off Japan....FACT! Do not believe me, go buy a device and measure the radiation from your cell phones.
  8. I thought Chinese were smart people.
  9. Always focus on "Attention to Details" when you live in a condo. Just get some tea or coffer or a cold drink, go on your balcony and read everything in your Condo rule book.
  10. Yes, same here in Pattaya, but the quality and money spent is no where near what the Western tourists spend. I see and hear everyday about certain Indian tourists haggling over established prices in 7-11 and other venues. I try to get along with everyone, but a certain group of Indians from parts unknown are just not the type of people I can be around in Pattaya. There disrespect for this city is disgusting.
  11. Tell him to visit Pattaya...he will learn that there are no issues with Indian tourists coming to Thailand.
  12. Would be great if they can stick to this timeline during High Season.
  13. They are learning from the American IRS....which is the world's # 1 crooks and thieves on the planet. No one can compete with the American IRS...they worship money...it is their God!
  14. Because we do not care about those two men with micro sized members in their pants. They are psychological deviants.
  15. Any man who pays a dowry needs to have his head examined! I do not care what culture it is...do not ever, ever, ever pay sinson (unless she is a virgin) or a dowry. More Runs!!!
  16. Unless Xi Xi Ping approves that plan, forget about it.
  17. Wow....Thai babes worship Koreans in Pattaya, so this is a big surprise!
  18. If I want to go to Russia (Phuket), I would fly to Moscow....No Thanks.
  19. I hope a very long prison sentence is given to these scumbags
  20. Of course they will say this....they have no choice and everyone knows who run that island now.
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