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Everything posted by Jenkins9039

  1. Have HULU, Netflix, Prime, Disney, Apple, ESPN+ etc. Multiple VPN requirements based on the service... Grown weary as paid for HULU package and don't bother watching as too much <deleted>ery. Don't want to do one of those dodgy tv services as they always have issues (had one a decade ago - update issues, codec issues, etc). Who's the best domestic based service where i can watch in any room (on the wifi) remote if possible, and get western style tv (as in documentaries, history, etc). Not so bothered by sport - rarely if ever watch.
  2. I bought 2 baht and was asked for ID - a first lol.
  3. Chiang Mai (private company) or Silver Bullion by state in Bangkok
  4. NEO banks? Can't mean 'real' banks as they take a lot of D/D
  5. Probably a bit of a weird one, a decade and a bit ago i moved away from the UK as I was fed up with the taxes (5k a month) going to bailing out Irish banks whilst the country was a dumpster fire and everyone i knew was struggling. I was fortunate to have been earning well, and with a skillset that as beginning to flourish world wide. Unfortunately this meant i was not entitled to the UK Gov Pension as i've got a gap of 10 yrs even though I was paying far more than the average person in taxes and towards the social state whilst there. Question i have, wife has just had two sprogs, are the sprogs entitled to anything from the UK Gov (kick in the teeth to them) or is it yet another kick in the teeth to people like me that paid in fairly previously? "Sponging of the state" comments - I will refer to a immediate response of 'getting what i'm owed'.
  6. Well to be fair, it was a arms dealer for a drug dealer (pusher/user/other) in the view of the Russians.
  7. Sailing, Central, Food (specific restaurants we enjoy), Wine/Cheeses/Hams, BBQ's, Visit Places. May drink (session) in a bar one night a year... fell out of that scene years ago, lot of jealousy and resentment in those bars.
  8. changes based on mentioned above.
  9. Been here well over a decade, over the past few years, specifically the past two years. I've at times, felt exhausted in the afternoon on occasion, generally when sitting watching the news, i'd lay down and watch on laptop, within ten minutes asleep, 2 hrs later at most wake feeling 'faintish', 'thirsty' etc. Obviously i drink copious amounts of water (mixed in with other things - tea, coffee, etc). If i consume straight water I don't come across tired or dehydrated. I've never looked in to the science of such, in my mind coffee, tea includes water thus should be the same as drinking water, ergo no dehydration issues. Anyone else gone through similar? or is it a symptom off perhaps too much caffeine (or an ingredient in such).
  10. Have a couple of babies born last month, that need to get insured. Any recommendations on insurances for newborns?
  11. Don't believe they provide a letter anymore. Greetings from Thailand Privilege Card Member Contact Center Refer to the stay extension at Phuket Immigration. You will get the new 12-month length of stay permission under the benefit of the Elite visa. Should you have any further inquiries or inquires, please feel free to contact us; we are available to serve you. Best regards, Manat K. Member Contact Center ---
  12. Am i good to go based on the above Joe?
  13. I have a feeling (it's in Thai) it was all done at the same time last year, so in theory i am getting a new stamp 21st for a visa that expires 25th, so in theory the reporting also expires 25th.
  14. I'd be getting a new visa, the elite visa comes in 1yr increments.
  15. Wife is currently in hospital, can not move from the bed as she's carrying twins, had to be taken in on emergency earlier this week, and hospital advise not leaving, was due to give birth middle of Dec, now they're saying at 34 weeks. My visa expires 25th, meant to get new 12 month stamp on Monday. I have all the paperwork, but one issue i don't have is 'owner' reporting, i have one from last time round (done 25/11/2021) and I haven't moved since (its our home). Wife on the other hand has numerous properties, her ID card is not in the same address as our main residence (tax) for being able to sell. She won't be able to visit immigration (its looking more and more). Does the alien reporting last 12 months? Advice on this as flummoxed as Elite are useless (entire point is so you don't have to jump through hoops).
  16. ETH outpaces BTC as its 'potentially' deflationary, has real use/utility (multi-faceted) and pays a yield via staking.
  17. Oh and just FYI. Just because a token doesn't return to its ATH, or its initial price, doesn't equate to being a rug pull, or even a scam.
  18. Never touched it, was known as a questionable project in the last cycle.
  19. Been around a long time - real interest and growth
  20. Has real utility and commercial interest outside of speculation.
  21. Just had a letter through the door, seems SCB has offloaded my Credit Card (SCB Platinum) to a company called CardX. https://www-scb-co-th.translate.goog/th/about-us/news/jun-2565/card-x.html?_x_tr_sl=th&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc Anyone know of the changes ahead ? Had it since 2012 (1m THB limit) - actual credit card not pre-pay card. Avg expenditure of 2-300k a month Have to admit, irked by the action, get tonnes of vouchers annually which keeps the wife happy when doing the grocery shopping at Central, and convenience using the card around the world, likewise the prestige of the card (in restaurants) which leads to x Discounts etc, never heard of CardX until today but pretty certain it won't have the same appeal/prestige within the consumer markets
  22. Seriously easier to transfer, wife has a 2m paid up cap company dormant since covid, if you want to buy.
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