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Everything posted by Jenkins9039

  1. Wasn't there a tv series for something like this where they all live on a train circulating the world?
  2. I'd imagine, with higher concentration of carbon in the atmosphere, there's higher sea-plantations growing to absorb it.
  3. Have a glacier just above our home in Swiss. In the snowy months its barely there as it is, in the summer months it's rapidly disappearing. Only issue is when that goes, the mountain destabilises.
  4. I know someone that immediately sold his sports car, I've started closing the garage door for similar reasons.
  5. Did they ever determine whether he was 'dead' before they started carving him up in football size pieces (yeah seen the pics by accident reading thai news on FB). Gruesome, and all over such a small amount of money.
  6. My wife had a friend which worked at the Embassy, going by the discussions had. 1) British Embassy is 'Broke' - can't afford drinks for staff, let alone severance (even legal required). 2) Everything is being pushed to India.
  7. Where is right here?
  8. I stake on-chain (stSOL)
  9. He was previously arrested for trafficking and being caught with a young (15yr? old) if you google his name... perhaps related...
  10. Er... perhaps you don't recognise that the UK MP's specifically in charge of the Military are openly discussing the need for a full on war with Russia. That becomes a full on global war. Russia is proxy for China Ukraine is proxy for US, UK, EU etc
  11. Pretty interesting thought process/discussion. Seems the UK has a couple of MP's pushing for Britain to formally enter the Ukraine (US Proxy) v Russia (China Proxy) war and send troops to the meat grinder. As someone who has been a non-resident UK Citizen longer than resident it brings up a interesting dilemma, as the UK citizens (if it occurs) are drafted (conscripted) what happens to us Non-Residents (observe on TV down the local watering hole) - What happened during WW2 with non-resident Brits (yanks, Cad's Anzacs etc). Obviously from my view, the demographics of Ukraine (pre-war) and Russia (pre-war) ultimately represent countries that were all but on life support anyway, the UK / West pushing the idea it's for democracy is laughable as we've essentially (with the EU) taken their natural resources (young fertile females, children) into our system, and even IF Ukraine wins, they won't likely go back when pre-war a doctor would earn roughly 400 Euro a month... (IF memory serves - approx) and now being in Europe/UK etc for x years applications for citizenship would be in their favour, opposed to returning to a bombed out hell-hole, no infrastructure (10+ yrs to re-build), agriculture mined (10 yrs to clear) etc - it's what makes this war so interesting as a observer, Ukraines are literally being slaughtered to no benefit as in a generation or few the country would have collapsed anyway, then its claimed for Democracy and Sovereignty, at the same time they are pushing to join the EU (become a member state thus a province of the EU, which means Sovereignty gone, and Democracy doesn't exist in the EU as the elected head branch are elected by representatives but not by the people). Setting that aside, are we non residents citizens residing in LOS (i don't mean the old <deleted>, you can carry on slurping beers in the brothels) heading to the front :D
  12. Drink coffee every-time you have an urge for alcohol.
  13. CBDC's explained.
  14. 100% disagree with this, half the population if not more shop at markets, and sure QR is eating into trade, but it's still predominantly cash based society. The problem I've highlighted is because I usually need cash to pay for day to day etc when in little shops/stalls/etc. As for Criminals only this or that, had a neighbour sprout this before "nothing to hide", "no reason for cash", only recently left and now trying to figure out how to get his money out of Thailand.
  15. In Phuket it is !!!
  16. When i first moved to LOS, there was ATM's absolutely everywhere, 2-3 outside 7/11, rows inside robinsons, the malls, etc. Increasingly its becoming difficult to find ATMs or worse ones that actually work (thankfully PTT). Thailand is still very much a cash based society, curious how people are finding this ramp up, i.e every small 7/11 being closed and large 7/11's being opened, no ATM's etc.
  17. Keep us updated. I don't particularly want to have to go to their office... Are you still able to trade?
  18. Pretty much what i was doing with USDT-> THB. But if they want to play funny games, then ok, funds now deal with outside of Thailand.
  19. Don't trade, but do keep my savings in crypto. Live off my savings. So not really sure, will just opt to utilise non-domestic in future.
  20. One thing foreigners can do is open a exchange account overseas with payment rails and exit there into a EMI/Bank and transfer to Thailand as pure fiat. Thai Government looses out on the revenues of-course (tax loss) but well, that's what they force people to do.
  21. Noticed i am a VIP 0 (what ever that means).
  22. Think my account has been open quite some time, was getting a popup about verification for about 7 months but when i checked the account page it showed as verified. Popup now gone, and verified shows, but my verification was done years ago. What does interest me, is the mention of Immigration in the email.
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