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Everything posted by quake

  1. They come out with this once a year, and nothing comes from it. But they will come for you all, one day. Good luck.
  2. Looks like they are getting ready for an interview, for a new job. Can't see the flower that's squirts water yet.
  3. I think it will be the greatest time for Donald Trump, as POTUS. He will get them all round the table. and hopefully a good out come.
  4. Sounds like your very unhappy with your lot. TIT.
  5. I did, for 15 years, but it was starting to get a bit old. ( how many do you need to do ) ?. There is value in a relationship, even if sometimes, we wonder why The F we did it.
  6. Op, if you buy, make yourself aware of the tax rules for bringing money in. and how to avoid a large tax bill. plenty of info on threads on this forum. Ps if your old, rent if still young buy. bought my first condo in 2000 still have it, and it owes me nothing, just my take on it.
  7. Sex is great and will stay great. ( unlike in the west ) Other stuff like, money, family, well that's a different story.
  8. Yes, Be a few expats changing soiled underware today.
  9. No, they will only except Big-C check out girls, certification of your passport. Yes, it's all part of big brother checking up on us. we can't escape it all. But we all know the bad boys, will still get away with stuff around the world.
  10. Truck driver, must be a fully payed up member of the Thai, wide awake club.
  11. Got the same email a few hours ago. Going to hang back a few weeks, see what info comes out about this. no need to go rushing info to them, just yet.
  12. OK mate. Who did you say you work for.
  13. No way are they that organized at present, with regards to expats.
  14. Sorry I'm about to eat the last one today, but making a new batch in December. Here's the recipe I follow with a little more pepper. Give it a go, better then the ones you buy in Thailand. you can just make a patties instead of using a sausage machine, if you like. Give it a go.
  15. Make my own sausages. So bangers and mash, no problem at home.
  16. Thai monks not very quick. k.
  17. Man, it all started to go down hill when this idiot got in. been going south ever since. Good luck, new Islam.
  18. The uk. ( new Islam) Nothing to see any more , move along. Turn the lights off and grab your coat, on the way out. But maybe a possible turn around come 2029.
  19. Newcastle brown ale. The breakfast of champion's.
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