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Everything posted by quake

  1. No disrespect. But you have had over a year to keep funds separate.
  2. quake

    Water meter taken

    No that would be the op and this story from 2 years a go. But thanks for the put down. have you read the bit, i posted about the electric meter.
  3. quake

    Water meter taken

    Op. Is there any more to this story you may wish to share.
  4. Scum, hope they get him. Sadly hit and run is the norm in Thailand. and government or the police don't care. Hope she makes a speedy recovery.
  5. Nah. He just made himself look a right snobby <deleted> on a different thread. and he got the hump. His a child.
  6. Ok. tell me. why have you followed me on three threads now. after I called you out, on being a snob on a thread about the sale of alcohol on buddha days. ? Yes you have stalked me. and my age is 12 when talking to you. I like to keep it simple for kids. Now off you go, must be time for home work now.
  7. Not according to my stalker. But yes, your right. and T.I.T is racist now days. What a Woke-er.
  8. Are you stalking me now. That's nice.
  9. Oh dear. are you offended. I don't care. I make jokes about everything. Even gays.
  10. No, but I enjoyed his reference twice to genital herpes. Think he should have put on long pants as he looked like the average shopper at Walmart.
  11. Dog farts in the bed, No way !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. You could up your game and get some toilet paper. Must admit, I like Trump. But I still have a large quantity of of joe Biden left over.
  13. quake

    Water meter taken

    Nail on the head.
  14. quake

    Water meter taken

    yes, it smells a bit. why did the wife not get straight on the case two year ago.
  15. A bit over the top scaremongering mate. Have you been caught with the little man out in the rub and tug shops.
  16. No . Just know a snob when I hear one.
  17. quake

    Water meter taken

    Its a 100 baht at most cop shops. But no worries happy water Bye.
  18. quake

    Water meter taken

    No worries mate. Good luck to all. Happy water.
  19. Raise the head of you bed 6" on blocks. see if that helps. I suffer with serious acid reflux, I have a hiatal hernia and the top sphincter muscle is partly open. diet, weigh loss, made no difference. I now take Mir-Acid every 36 hours, ( Omeprazole (Miracid) is a proton pump inhibitor ) problem gone away. Life back to normal Maybe get checked out to see what your cause of acid reflux is.
  20. quake

    Water meter taken

    What with one of these. Well hard.
  21. quake

    Water meter taken

    The op has given us very little information and has also taken two years to get the ball rolling, that says a lot. Going to the cops may not be the best move, straight off the bat. Does the original land owner have more land adjacent to the op's land. is the water supply going across his land ? does any electric cross his or his family land. there are many reasons not to involve the cops. if you want a peaceful life here. Happy water.
  22. quake

    Water meter taken

    Pay the cops to visit the guy. ( the gravy train rolls out the station ) 5K for return of the old meter, sounds like a better deal to me. Interesting that the water company never told him to just go get a police report. and come back ?
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