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Everything posted by quake

  1. Yes, reading some of the stories here sometimes. I have to agree with you there.
  2. Hope the guy recovers That's a very nasty mugging. Wonder what they will go with the little barstuards. not much I bet.
  3. Ok, so you loved Blair. good for you. He was the one who opened the doors to mass immigration. The uk is in the state it is now days because of him, and the rest of the idiots after him on both sides. Saddam. The proof is in the pudding, Sorry mate there was no pudding. No WMD found. Yes , Saddam is gone, is the world better off for that. I would say so. But look at the cost. that war inflamed the middle east even more against the west. great job. and no WMD. As for your remarks about our servicemen and women dying or maimed in combat. Well that just speaks volumes about you. Good day.
  4. I think we could let the Americans sort it out. I don't think Muslims, like apple pie.
  5. On-line reporting, is only as good as the monkey on the other end. TIT
  6. Probably a give and take situation.
  7. R.I.P to the falang. Was he over taking, or passing a stationery bike, or avoiding someone riding up the road the wrong way. not enough info on this. so far. You need to be riding slow and on ultra high alert, at all times on the streets of pattaya
  8. Maybe he should have returned it to them. Possibly dropped it, in to one of there hats.
  9. You tell that to the dead servicemen's family's. Action was taken on one operatives so called knowledge. That was proved to be a lie.
  10. Most likely the Windrush generation off spring. 1948 and 1973.
  11. Very nasty business, what a P.O.S. he is. R.I.P to the lady.
  12. Outrageous behavior. Sullying the good name of the Royal Thai Police Force. Hope he is made to do at least ten Jumping jacks. Outside the police station. for all to see. for that.
  13. I'm sure she was a nice lady
  14. Oh, 5 year old thread.
  15. Yes, here they both are, what a sad state of affairs' that they run the best circus on earth, now days. Billy Smart would be proud of there double act.
  16. that's some good news, not much of that now days from the uk.
  17. Not 100% true. You are guaranteed with certainty, inconsistency at government offices. TIT
  18. He should be in jail for the WMD. Many people died and many maimed for life. because of that BS.
  19. What you got in mind. .
  20. Yes, if ever there was a time the uk needed another Maggie Thatcher, it's right now.
  21. Think you could go back to 1997, and this disgraceful specimen. he set the ball roiling down the toilet.
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