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Everything posted by quake

  1. Get rid of Gf / Wife. Go for short term hire agreements as required
  2. Or Semolina and brown sugar or jam !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! disgusting
  3. Yes he will laugh about it in time to come. But now, oh dear, can you imagine the things that will be said on social media and by the people in his home town. ,
  4. Yes. Now he will have the piss taken out him for the next 5 years. Well done Mum and Dad.
  5. 10,000 baht reward. Got to be a Thai person come up with that figure. Is that what your boy is worth mum and dad. says a lot about them I think. He will not forgive you for going to the news papers now.
  6. Bet he gets sucked dry !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well done mum and dad for embarrassing, him like this. ( he will dislike you more now ) Bet his filling his boots.
  7. The place needs to move into the 21st century. Don't go there, Don't holiday there. Don't bank there. .
  8. Give it time. Maybe immigration reforms 60 day reporting. 1.5 million in bank for retirement extension. 5,000 baht for extension 1 million in bank for married extension. 1000 baht for residence certificate. Free water whilst you stand in the boiling sun in the car park waiting for this so called service. Tip box to come back into play at all offices.
  9. I fill it up with Leo beer twice a month.
  10. Was that one of those ones, that hang about at the top of Soi white house.
  11. yes, his well out of date.
  12. Privacy, World tour 2 coming up. Possible new book as well, Waaagh 2
  13. Not if you twist your ankle and need medical assistance.
  14. Use it as a rubbish dump and a toilet. just the same as the locals do.
  15. Of course you can. But have a bong first. your feel much more mellow.
  16. They could have exercised some control over the way it was implemented in the first place. Just stupid idiots. and more stupidness to come by the sounds of it. It's all gone to Pot.
  17. Now that would be funny.
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