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Everything posted by Blumpie

  1. Oh yeah and they were just FLOODING INTO THE COUNTRY LMAO!!! Frankly, there will be no russian tourists now. Not that they could even reasonably travel there over the last 2 years. The ruble is now toilet paper. We live in very very very interesting times friends.
  2. Their english is as bad as my Thai. Speaker native better than english speak from baby. That says people but what know I says me? Right says me. Right!
  3. The biggest problem is that if you did that then you would live in Cambodia.
  4. The hot season means the end of another tourist season and what a season it was! Hundreds of millions of people pouring into the hub, everyone employed. Great year TAT!! Oh wait, what year is this?
  5. Honestly, I have no earthly idea what they would find interesting in Thailand. The culture is so foreign, so open, sex masseurs all over the place, it's just weird to me. But what do I know?
  6. Hey, I am really sorry that you're sick. Everyone who I know that has had omicron, and it's been a lot has been "like a cold" to more common "I had a runny nose for a day and had a nap" and that was it. Colds suck. I guess we will just have to have it and get over it won't we? If I get it I won't be happy being sick but hey, life goes on right? I've had the flu, viral pneumonia, and lots of sickness that lated a week leaving me in bed. I lived!
  7. Absolutely agree with you. Test and go, they can give me a blow. I'm vaccinated, on a plane, so is everyone else, that's enough.
  8. Again, don't care about unvaccinated. We are 80 percent vaccinated and the death rate / hospitalization rate is a joke. I am not in favour of lifetime lockdowns because of anti vaccination people. Life is going on here. The vaccines have served their purpose very well.
  9. That's great! You would be surprised how many fools aren't vaccinated here. Fully vaccinated and boosted people have nothing to fear from omicron. Those that aren't fully vaccinated I really don't care about in any way / shape / or form unless they can't get a shot. I'm done with this pandemic and life is great. On March 1st our mask mandates, isolation rules, etc. are all gone. We are going to be fully open very shortly with no restrictions whatsoever except for travellers who aren't fully vaccinated. They can stay home.
  10. You will be seeing this more and more as the pandemic is declared over. Just give it time. Omicron is a total joke. A total utter joke.
  11. I heard that they got an exemption for putting their wives on a leash with a locked collar.
  12. Seeing as we're all whipping ours out and showing everyone how big ours is, I'll barf out an opinion that nobody will like. It's sad that people take the bait and think that they will talk an antivaxxer down or show them a thing or two online. Pathetic actually. It's what they want and you give them what they want. I could care less if a person gets vaccinated or not. Or croaks because they didn't. Honest to god, I just don't care or give a damn. Keep arguing internet warriors.
  13. Just look at your pictures. They really carry the reality of what is going on in Thailand right now. I am one of the many whom you refer to has "writing off Thailand". There is no interest for me to go there in any way. I've gone to Mexico instead, and it was no big deal. Alll the younger ones in my family are dying to travel now - to Bali. Thailand is not even on their list. Thailand has changed, for me, irreparably. We know who they want to go there once the borders open - and that's fine I guess. Central america is awesome (but not as safe of course!).
  14. They certainly are short and I"ve noticed that for many years. Why do people jump? Any number of reasons. Trouble with the locals, the law, a bad diagnosis, depression, money problems, drunk, <deleted> off girlfriend, in the end the reasons don't really matter. It's just sad really. Just edited to add that I am not making fun of this in any way nor do I think that many (or any) people are here. This must be very sad for some who are reading and this has affected them.
  15. Is this a serious article? I think we all know why there are so many expats that "fall".
  16. I'm pretty drank but even drunk as hell this headline is preposhteroush (sic).
  17. The pandemic is basically over. Just wait for countries to start really declaring this. Omicron is a total joke. Know 3 people that have it now, one had a runny nose for 4 hours and took a nap. That was it!
  18. Where's China? All kidding aside, I'd pick Malaysia over any of them hands down. Vietnam is a nice place to visit, and Laos has horrendous health care. I wouldn't want to live in either. And definitely not Indonesia.
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