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Everything posted by Blumpie

  1. Ah yes... fighting with the locals fresh off a flight. It's a good indoctrination into Thai life. Getting scammed. High class tourism with shakedowns, scams, and dirty beaches.
  2. Of all the things I follow this is it - vaping. This is by far the #1 thing that worries me. Thank god the thaighland pooleeeze are all over this. Excuse me, I'm still drunk from last night.
  3. Because airlines are hardly functioning right now and can't attract pilots. There aren't enough in the world right now. And all that money during the pandemic that went out the window they will recoup those losses. All the experts agree airline travel will be more expensive in years to come.
  4. Yep it's brutal. And all signs point that airline tickets will be going UP not down in the future.
  5. They are readily believed when it supports a narrative, true or not. This is endemic on the internet. ???? And when they are not believed when they do not support a narrative. Now I know who they call "tourists" and who they don't call "tourists". Therefore, I purport that the 11 million number is a touch askew. But in the end, it doesn't matter. The truth is the truth and one thing I can say about Thailand is you will never know the truth because its leaders want facts to support narratives.
  6. I don't think that the surcharge will bite much of anything. After all, they are going after "high class tourists". Wink wink... But let's get serious here - airlines, if tourism takes off will have a really hard time keeping flights going. This is't thailand its everywhere. It will be much much worse. The labour shortage is real and it's everywhere. The point of the matter is... what will happen? Will there be a recession Will people travel? ** edited to add: By the way, Koh Samui totally sucks!
  7. Hello friend! During years covid english not good so much now. We get good talking not as much so we say what we don't want to know if you know friend! Nice see you, thanks you for listening to english i try. Thanks you much.
  8. Well howdy friend. ???? China's not been priced into oil yet. The recession is priced in however. And if it happens I doubt that oil will do much of anything to be honest. But I digress, where was I? Oh yes, stories. I like stories. ????
  9. 30 million... muuuuhahahahahahaaaa!!!!! Booohahahahahaha!!!
  10. You're not being calloused you're being pragmatic. I agree, it's pretty bad to get desperately old and need care.
  11. Also, a scooter they frequently calla motorcycle when it's under the 500cc limit so it is legal in some countries to operate these. Anyways, it doesn't really matter does it in the long run?
  12. Obviously this gentleman's insurance was not valid or he wasn't driving with a license and they aren't paying. They have a gofundme page all set up and raring to go. Insurance should pay for repatriation of remains, but I could be wrong. Very tragic for the family that's for sure. If I ever died overseas, burn my body huck my ashes there and don't worry LOL.
  13. Chinese numbers right at the bottom. It's hilarious to see these people think that Chinese will save their tourism, when most don't have a passport at all due to their offices being shuttered for three years! Pathetic how they try to making nothing out of nothing. Do you think Thais notice this?
  14. Oh Thailand, you never change... the only way for you to notice is to get backed in the corner with people from all over the world laughing at you... Ha ha ha! What a society.
  15. i heard the #1 google for Thailand is "how to not get mugged by police in Thailand".
  16. Yes it is.. Despite all the news reports that you're reading tourism hasn't even started to return. 25 percent of what it used to be is a joke. When it truly returns, it will be a disaster in Thailand. Prices will go up, staff will be short, and service will decline significantly. Despite the government opening themselves with "open arms", it won't feel that way. And you will be reading about this starting next tourist season for many years to come. Remember what I wrote, this ain't nothing yet.
  17. Yep all great ideas. Never raise your voice to them unless you are asking for a lawyer. Don't let foreigners who embrace third world shady practices as "normal" get you down or listen to one word they have to say. Thailand is a nice place, its police are third world. Always have been and it seems they are happy with it this way.
  18. Ah.. friend... you forget the power of delusion. Never forget this power. ????
  19. There is no real step forward here... this is a huge black eye for tourism and there's no way to stop the bad press. In a world where it's hard to get tourists back they really shot themselves in the foot this time. I don't care what anyone says, chinese are not coming back in the numbers that they said they would so far because of previous passport restrictions, etc.
  20. Mexico? Who wants to live in Mexico? Mexicans sure don't! Mexico is a good place for organized crime to get a hit out on people with little to no consequences. I"m referring from your home country. There are quite a few who get shot down there while on vacation. The place is lawless.
  21. Im not at all sorry to write this but if you think that paying off police anywhere in the world who are trying to extort you is no big deal you've either been dropped on your head six times too many or your brain is pickled from your 20 beers every day living in the LOS. This is yet another huge black eye for Thailand. I mean come on, the place is completely corrupt. News stores like this get around.
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