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Everything posted by Blumpie

  1. You can go through endless minutia here (which isn't bad) about how it's changed, but what I can write is what I know. The younger people are not interested in Thailand. It is not adventurous or that interesting. The new backpacking spot it Indonesia, not Thailand. IT's safe, fun, and the food is good. And that's not just Bali. Thailand is no longer a place to go for a cheap holiday per se. For less money you can get a better experience if that's your cup of tea. For me, I"m not a Bali person. I'm more of a vietnam person now.. Plenty of other places to go to too. That's just my experience - Thailand has changed no question as they go after asian tourism. Be it better or worse.
  2. Just stunning how they run in circles like a dog that has brain damage chasing it's tail for its entire life. It never ends does it?
  3. Wow... Thailand is really aligned with China now. No medical expert on the planet agrees with this approach. The science agrees that it is completely impossible to control omicron. Just a little boy on a leash!
  4. They certainly need to start thinking about ramping up. Nobody can predict what will happen but it's becoming more likely that this is indeed the end of the pandemic. How fast it comes back is anyone's guess. The time frame is far too fast I think. Of course what the hell do I know or any one of us?
  5. Its up to Thailand to demand vaccines for its citizens or not, not expatriates. They will do as they do. One thing that I can assure you is if you want to travel to Thailand and are not vaccinated I highly doubt that they will ever let you in. IT doesn't matter how you feel about it, that's just the way it will be. I've travelled for 33 years all around this planet and I'll tell you that you cannot get into south america without a yellow fever vaccine. And that's that. We all have choices to make and are all free to exercise them accordingly.
  6. They were never coming to begin with. I have friends in central america, no problems.
  7. Let's get a thousand threads ready about how foreigners can't sell their land at a regular price because Thais will offer them half price. I wouldn't buy land in Thailand as a foreigner. Maybe I'm the minority but let me assure you that you are asking for big big big trouble.
  8. AAAAIIIGHH!!! AAAIIGHHH!! Someone forgot the cream in my coffee. That's my only worry today. Did the doctor fall off a tractor and land on his head or something?
  9. Seriously, I never thought that I"d do it but I"m going to Mexico. I'm not interested in the consistent evolving goal posts being moved, hidden, removed, re-appearing.
  10. Seriously what the hell do I know but I think that there has to be truth in this. Ive written it from the beginning, lower vitamin D levels and obesity must make this way worse. In any event, we will know one day from real medical professionals, not Blumpie.
  11. Because Omicron's symptoms are so ridiculous most people don't get any symptoms whatsoever. The vast majority of people who were found to have omicron in south africa were... wait for it... going to hospital for other procedures. They had no earthly idea they had it. If people cannot see that omicron is nearly completely ridiculous I don't know what they are looking at.
  12. I have to disagree with you. Delta caused chaos. Omicron hasn't. They are letting it go and you can't find a happy headline to save your life. Deaths are so low it's the people hanging on by a thread to succumb, unlike delta. Our curve is going down here and there is talk of relaxing restrictions and sticking a fork in this.
  13. Better spreader but is still recognized by a previous omicron infection so you have nothing to worry about. This is in fact a brother or sister of omicron, it did not evolve from omicron, they evolved together. Nobody is concerned about this.
  14. In Asia (all of it) if you tick someone off and they snap you don't know how far they will go. IT's called losing face. It is really important not to let it get to that point. Obviously there is no excuse for someone acting like a fool to be murdered because of it. What tourism will this affect? There is basically no tourism in Thailand right now anyways. Anyone who thinks there are lots of tourists in Thailand are the government. There isn't.
  15. Fuel prices are going nothing but up. Fuel is a huge price inflator on all goods, particularly food. All prices will go up. And a war room won't fix what is going to happen. Get fuel prices down and inflation will drop too. I'm sorry to say that I don't see it happening in Thailand.
  16. Not a chance! If you go to mexico you can get insurance easily that will cover any additional costs if you test positive and have to quarantine there. Unlike glory land where you go to a hospital on your dime. No no and no!
  17. I was only worried about long term effects of Delta. Omicron is nothing more than a bloody joke. Hospitalizations are not going up at all because of omicron unless you're an unvacced um, person.
  18. YEP - reading today that more and more epidemiologists are getting on board saying that this is going from pandemic to endemic very very shortly. The pandemic could soon be declared over and this virus will simply mutate over and over again like the common cold is today.
  19. They are just being careful because those on the edge, so to speak. I think in the coming weeks there will be lessening restrictions. I had a friend who had it - 3 days, a cold is what he called it. Many more report 72 hours and it was gone. It is very very very mild unless you are obese or have some problems.
  20. If it becomes endemic or not has nothing to do with how we feel or don't feel. It will simply morph into whatever it is. Just to be clear, I am triple vaccinated. However, I agree that people who are struggling on the edge things like the flu can push them over the edge quite easily. So can other things. When this enters the endemic stage the same thing will happen and there is nothing that we can do about it. The only way for people to truly be safe in some cases is just to stay home. We are not there yet, and I agree that we need to be careful about hospital admissions for now. The whispers are growing into a bit of a chorus now that this may be the end but scientists are generally very cautious about these things. Many news stories are out saying that it could be the end. I really hope that it is, but just to be clear, hope doesn't negate what will happen. I have no control over what will happen. But I am very hopeful. Furthermore, I am no longer afraid. Delta is bad omicron is borderline ridiculous unless you are unvaccinated.
  21. The stats are there and don't lie do they? It's nearly time to stick a fork in this pandemic and call it over. WE just have several billion more people for this to sweep through.
  22. Indeed they are. But I digress, This will go into the endemic phase, which is the end of the pandemic. The only question is when. Many researchers think this is it - once this wave is finished the pandemic should be over. The only way to be certain is to wait some months and see what happens. There seems to be a real fear among some nations to say that what is happening is in fact good news - it is highly infectious and has about the same outcome as the common cold, vaccination status and on the brink of death cases not included. The fear is letting people run around without masks and really overload the system. I feel in the next months, if they are correct, mask mandates will go the way of the dinosaur and things may start to return slowly to normal. We live in very interesting times.
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