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Everything posted by Blumpie

  1. I'm with a lot of people here and always have felt this way - this body, when I've stopped breathing, isn't me anymore. Where do I go? Pluto? Heaven? Hell? Eternal blackness? IT doesn't matter. Huck my remains in the trash for all I care.
  2. Well I hate to say it but like it or not this is 3X more catchy than Delta and it's going around the world, killing or not. We all get that it takes 10 days for things to get worse - it could kill you a month from now. That's why we're all waiting with baited breath. ???? Either way it doesn't really matter, now does it? ITs happening.
  3. On the other hand, if this is a flu and that's it (like a flu) then honestly these are great numbers. Again, as you mentioned they have to be cautious. IF it isn't and they let her rip well hooooweee, there's going to be a lot of coffins put in the ground.
  4. Honestly it's beyond ridiculous in a way - nearly 75 percent of the cases are asymptomatic! They don't even know that they have it. Of course this is all preliminary but my god virologists are astounded right now. To play the devils advocate they are still not 100 per cent sure, but this data so far isn't lying. IT's there, but obviously more people need to have this disease run its course before they jump to conclusions.
  5. Well I should mention to my previoupost so far it appears if this is the case this will be the end of the pandemic.
  6. And every day it is less and less afraid. Figures out today? 90 percent who were admitted to hospital with DELTA required oxygen. Currently 10 percent who have Omicron require oxygen. And hardly any are going to the hospital with omicron. There is the news, and there is rough scientific data being released and picked apart every day. Go with the latter, not the former. No wonder JP morgan said that this was the end of the pandemic, and rightfully so. One more wave and that's it.
  7. I never did understand why everyone wanted to go there for a HOLIDAY (not yelling) not to get back to someone. Yes, nothing is open there and there is nothing to do. Watch the ocean? Watch thai TV (not recommended)? Sit around by yourself and get staggeringly drunk is about it and that doesn't seem like fun to me. It will open eventually and the suns rays will bake our white brains again some day. ????
  8. Very true words here. The only problem that people are facing is it 1 percent end up in the hospital is all. Other than that, let her rip I say. As for killing people, the virus hardly even does that. You don't even get a sniffle! I think what they are doing is waiting for the hard data to come in which is taking time. I am not afraid of omicron.
  9. Well I see this 9th omicron thread is degenerating splendidly. ????
  10. This is thai time with thai logic. It's really nice of you to print this but it doubles every three days. So, in essence, you are already hooped. But hey, thanks for the offer you smart people you.
  11. So far it is so don't sweat it. ???? During the last two days I have been accused of being an anti vaxxer (never ever have been) and now a fake news spreader. Does anyone want to add on that I spank babies or something? I mean, let's get this over with. ????
  12. It bloody well is so far and most virologists are blown away by the recent developments.
  13. Because they hospitalize you in south africa and 75 percent of the people who are getting it show no symptoms whatsoever. Testing is crazy there. And everyone is confusing delta with omicron. Omicrons numbers are staggeringly good. Look at the data, look at what experts are saying and, if applicable, stop reading outdated news stories. Every day the news is nothing short of incredible with many saying this could be the end of the pandemic. Caution is required because they wait 2-3 weeks after the cases to see if they fall over dead after week 2. It ain't happening so far! They don't even have a cough with this thing!
  14. Oh man, You are so so so wrong there buddy. So unbelievably wrong. 100 percent, totally wrong. No no no it is not. You are confusing delta with omicron. Delta is, most people don't even realize they have omicron. No oxygen required. Ha ha ha, every day it's getting better and better. Everyone is cautiously optimistic waiting for the full course of the symptoms to present in a large group. So far this is hardly even considered a cold. People are feeling better from aches and pains in 3 days.
  15. Eight... eight omicron threads... ha ha ha ha.... Nine... nine omicron threads ha ha ha ha..
  16. It's coming right to your door very soon! ???? I can't find this thread, there are omicron threads all over the place. This place has more omicron threads than omicron in Thailand!
  17. Scientists all agree that if the effects actually are what we are seeing it will in fact become an endemic and the pandemic should be over.
  18. My apologies - omicron has basically no health effects whatsoever. A headache, no runny nose, sore muscles, that's about it! No breathing difficulties. The percentage has shot up to 97 percent omicron vs 3 percent delta. Delta is done in south africa so far. The fact of the matter is if all this is true, it may come to a point that you will be able to just let this thing run its course and that is the end. Yes, they are keeping it out for now with some restrictions but you will never stop it. Eventually it will come. The numbers are coming in daily. This is great great news, and patience is key here. It's stunning that the health effects of omicron is literally nothing - most don't even realize they have it!
  19. The news coming out is very good. How we get to total saturation of the latest variant isn't really up to us - it is coming and that is that. If the variant has no worse ill health effects than now and it keeps going, most experts agree in this hypothetical situation the pandemic should be over. We are still waiting for the final word and it will take some weeks yet, or so they say. You cannot keep a virus out. Full stop, end of discussion. This has nothing to do with governance. I just wanted to edit this post and add that it has displaced delta by 95-98 percent of new infections. Delta is basically done right now. Furthermore, 75 percent of people getting diagnosed with omicron don't even know they have it. They are going to hospitals for something else and they get a test as a matter of course and are surprised they have it. Good news indeed!
  20. IT is too early to state that it is benign or deadly. Nobody should be jumping to any conclusions yet. Every health care expert on the planet is telling people to just stop and wait. So far it does look benign, however, things can change for the worse quickly. Nobody should be making any judgements for a few weeks. To do so is irresponsible. The good news is so far it IS looking benign. If people were flooding hospitals at this point then there would be no reason to have to sit back and wait. Even as late as yesterday they were saying so far so good with the latest numbers just released from South Africa. Good being it's not a blowout yet. Let's hope that the numbers stay low. I am not a doctor, just parroting what doctors are all saying.
  21. Perhaps the children will listen to the illustrious leaders voice in some manner and go ahead and eat that candy and get the rush. (go on a holiday) The dental bill will come.
  22. Candy brains: Spend now, pay later. No job? Spend now, think later.
  23. The problem will not be so much getting to Thailand. It will be how to get home and how much $$$ it will cost with testing, isolating, etc. Omicron is in its infancy and it will be months before the dust settles. Flip flop? Yes, Thailand has done that. Once or twice.
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