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Everything posted by Blumpie

  1. I prefer fairy tales.
  2. I wouldn't expect a huge influx. The economy in China is not doing well at all and a simple reduction in red tape does little to help the underlying problem. Chinese are not travelling like they used to and there isn't a catalyst for them to start anytime soon.
  3. Thank you for your honesty. It's nice to see the way that it is. There are some who dont do much of anything too - but the main beat which I completely agree with is people who spend long periods of time in Thailand dont spend like crazy. But hey, beggars can't be choosers.
  4. You're asking for a lot. Its a second world country run by third world kids.
  5. Currently being a deterrent? It's always been that way.
  6. What you are seeing is fluctuations. When Thailand first opened people freaked out getting back to their friends and lovers. Some were locked out because of health concerns, high prices which have actually come down a bit. Now it's perfectly "safe"to travel and these are coming now. There will always be a base for Thailand but until Chinese start coming back the base will be falling. The real question now is when will the Chinese come back? Will the improving economy there actually get a foothold and improve or will they flounder, and if so will they vacation? Or will Indias upper middle class start coming? Do you see where I"m going with this? Again, Bali people.
  7. The arrogance of Thailand is quite astounding. Rather than treat people properly, they think that by changing their tune and being friendly to some nationalities they are giving them some kind of privilege for being "invited" to thailand. Honestly if you want thailand of old go to Bali. Thailand is second world run like a third world country.
  8. Why are you trying to make insane comments sane? There really is no point to it. Just point at them and laugh like everyone else.
  9. Oh boy third world medical insurance which I wouldn't trust at all. Thanks Dr. Thailand!
  10. The lesson here is candy rots your brain. For the love of god and all things holy, the last two years have been nothing but numbers of how it's going to explode and everyone saw that it wasn't. And for those brain rotted people who gobbled up those news stories they already forgot how foolish they were. When you forget it never happened and you've saved face.
  11. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!! Oh mercy, thanks for the laugh.
  12. Troubles getting passports, added expenses, and this foolish administration with egg all over its face. This ain't rocket science kids.
  13. I wouldn't give this bum the time of day. Plenty of poor in Thailand that need to be taken care of
  14. Its not so much that they are necessarily better just the same same and thailand is well, competing for a pool of people that have substantially declined.
  15. All the more reason to understand that the entire country is corrupt. Everyone knows it, hell dogs know it walking in the street. They like it this way.
  16. Oh my, Did thailand get upset because a foreign country was coming in to be the police? Ha ha ha! This is so absurd. I mean can anyone understand how screwed up Thailand is?
  17. I mean I cannot write how much I agree with this statement. Every Thai should be absolutely humiliated, disgusted, horrified that China is policing in Thailand. But you know how that will go - no need for me to ruin the ending! Maroons!
  18. Nothing like demonstrating to the whole world that you are so inept, so pathetic that you give up your sovereignty to allow a foreign power to come in and look after public safety. Dont expect an average person there to realize how appalling this really is!
  19. Well making money they aren't doing. It's high season now and the braggart articles aren't appearing about how many visitors are coming and kabillions (sic) of bhat are being spent. I'm sure its busy in some spots but overall tourism is plain jane down.
  20. Having people travel all the way to Thailand for festivals is nothing short of bloody ridiculous. Nobody is going to do that. The TAT is out to lunch and their minds.
  21. On the topic of tourism they need to do whatever they can to get people there. Obviously tourism numbers are down and it's gargantuan. You dont see any news stories anymore bragging about tourist numbers. And its getting towards high season!
  22. If thats your most memorable experience travelling, well.....
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