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Everything posted by Blumpie

  1. Id say start thinking about 2023 NOT 2022. This story is plainly obvious - they aren't even issuing passports in China, so just forget about them for a long long long long long time.
  2. Of course! And as I pointed out earlier, to retire in Canada is just about the most stupidest thing I have ever heard in my life. Everyone here - EVERYONE - does not want to be here in the winter. No matter where you are it is nothing short of horrible.
  3. IT's been nineteen hours since this story was published. Where are the goal posts now? Certainly not in the same place!
  4. Ha ha ha I lived in Vancouver and Victoria. You only know when spring is coming when the rain feels warmer. To retire there is not in the cards for most. I know many people go south to Phoenix AZ they sure don't stay here!
  5. They like vegemite so don't worry about it - there is something wrong with them. Too many alligator bites? I don't know.... But I digress... It's sad to see Thailand's people suffer with no tourism. I hope that international travel picks up meaningfully next year if not sooner. ** edited to add ** I'm only kidding Aussies. I wouldn't want you flaming me using idioms only known to a country of about 25 million. ????
  6. Canada? Canada???? To retire? Ha ha ha! This place is an arctic wasteland!
  7. They have to try something. Believe it or not the Thai government is trying to figure this out day by day and given the um, uh, interesting way that they do things.... D : uh.... it's a lot more weird and doesn't make sense. (did that sound right?) Anyways.... They are trying but it won't work. And their scheme of buying Thai insurance only? Well, they can go straight to ....
  8. There is way way way too much uncertainty about travel. This doesn't apply to one person because he wants to go to thailand, this is a much broader group. Given the current restrictions not just in thailand but world wide, they will have a very difficult time getting foreign travel right now.
  9. I'm so done with the corruption in Thailand. I'm not supporting a Thai company for travel insurance. It's bloody ridiculous.
  10. AS long as he doesn't sing it's all good. For the love of ***** god don't sing Russell Crowe. DON'T SING!
  11. Just checking in, it's been a little over 24 hours. The question is not have they changed it but how much have they changed it? Inquiring minds want to know.
  12. And all these rules will be very different in the coming weeks. You know it, I know it. Dogs know it.
  13. It's nice to see you're all "tucking each other in" here. Oil companies are not drilling so much these days and with the shortages it will be very interesting to see how this plays out. We are already sure of what will happen this year - next year should be VERY interesting. ????
  14. If they didn't that would be the final nail in the coffin for Thailand. When people start taking your money and you have no recourse that's when people pull money out and run. Speaking of which, can you really pull all your money out? I wonder how many hoops they would put you through. Maybe none but I do wonder.
  15. Ha ha ha, of course they don't know what they're doing. IT's Thailand after all!
  16. And let there be no question as to why Thailand is always viewed with a wary eye, particularly when you read these stories like this. Indeed, it's not a story but reality. It is a corrupt place with little in the way of checks and it's easy to get things done underground in the third world, not so much in the second or first world. Just in case you are wondering why you need to be taking extra days coming out of Thailand for quarantine, double COVID tests (checking upon arrival), etc. And that's why Thailand does it too. The entire country is corrupt. It's nothing new though is it?
  17. I don't go to bars and don't get into the bar culture. Is that an adequate way to describe it? I hope so.... Anyways.... I'm a pretty boring person in Thailand, riding around in a motorcycle from village to village sleeping in hotels and making a circuit. However, I am not tourism. Tourism needs things. It needs things open, it needs night life, it needs street vendors, it needs socialization. Unfortunately none of this really exists now, or the restrictions are too difficult to make it practical. On top of it all, it's difficult to travel to and from your home country. It's a no brainer. It's not coming back yet. Give it time.
  18. Of course it will a requirement. You are a piggy bank and the cronies need their money.
  19. An interesting read and it's nice to always get into the resultant circle-jerk in the comments. But I digress... IT will all change next week so I wouldn't worry about it anyways.
  20. ???? Malaysia's handling of the pandemic is a total disaster too. It would be better to open it to safer countries but I digress, we are talking about Thaighland after all.
  21. It's just too early to travel. By this time next year I think that we will be far more open than this year and it will be far easier to do so, dependent on the country and vaccination status of both countries.
  22. I know right? There is a lot going on here. Is it worth the risk? It seems to me that many people will think it's not. For me, it's not.
  23. EXTREMELY. So your son has COVID and you are all stuck in a hotel room, hotel, whatever and it takes its course. Is it really going to be two weeks until you go? Maybe it's much much longer. It is just not worth it for a typical tourist to travel right now. If you're a single guy well OK, try it but what are you going there for? There isn't a lot to do is there? My opinion, which is only an opinion is that travel will not return world wide in any meaningful way until nearly the entire planet has 2 doses of a vaccine. The good news is this is probably the final wave of the pandemic and scientists (real scientists) say that this is probably it. Will it be? Who knows.
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