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Everything posted by Blumpie

  1. Just a thought, maybe it's easy to forge documents, pay off people, etc saying that you had a dose when you really didn't. Think about it. Thailand is pretty corrupt.
  2. Indeed! Canada opened up a week ago. 2 vaccines, no quarantine. The results have been negligible. Nobody is travelling here. The people that need to get here get here but for a holiday? It is NOT happening. To think that Thailand would be any different... Chinese will not be coming either, wide open or not. The hoops they have to go through when they get home are staggering.
  3. Same here but you still have to get a test. And you can still get it prior to boarding a plane. So I get it, have to stay and quarantine for weeks on my dime in another country then arrange transport again... not worth it right now.
  4. This isn't a plan it's a pipe dream. If you go to Thailand thinking that it will be this way or that, you know it will change when you're on a plane on the way there and you will be subject to more quarantining, more tests, more headaches all on your dime.
  5. I believe the number is more like 90 percent. And yes, it won't be achievable.
  6. Then go. The vast majority of the problems there are is when you arrive home, or going. Testing, this, that, isolation. IT's entirely country dependent. By the way, Greece tourism numbers are nowhere near where they are pre-pandemic either. Considering the whole world is dying to travel and with so little open this is a great barometer of what to expect once it does finally open up. More competition. Good luck Thailand with your closed businesses.
  7. The chances of being normal are high, but I'd say one year from now in 2022 we may have a much better idea of when that may be. I don't think it will be 2022 either, maybe 2023 for a full open. Normal being normal visa requirements. Normal numbers? That's anyones guess.
  8. LOL As I've been stating from day one, how many times do you have to be dropped on your head to go on a vacation to any country under any of these restrictions. And for what? To look at all the closed shops? To not be able to leave town? That's not my idea of a vacation. Just sit at home and turn the heat up.
  9. Yep. Reign in expectations. There is nothing truly happening anywhere tourism related on the entire planet. All countries are still recommending against unnecessary travel. There isn't a care free vacation happening yet with the family.
  10. I submit to all that there are very few people willing to travel right now anyways, so it doesn't really matter. Particularly to a country where COVID is still out of control due to poor vaccination rates. Even with good vaccination rates, it will not go away. It will be there. We're open here, and do you know who's coming? Hardly anybody. (vaccinated only) Take away 1/5 of a country's GDP and they will suffer. I think that they are sweeping the true pain under the rug.
  11. Far be it from me to make an insinuation, but getting a booster shot from a sinovac inoculation is a jolly good idea.
  12. There's only a few things I know and this is one of those times... I will go on that train like I'll go to afghanistan belly-dancing.
  13. But the narrative is "they can open", but it won't really be open at all. Furthermore, who will come? A few homesick buffalo looking for lost love? That isn't really the tourism that they are after.
  14. No no, you're reading that wrong. Officially he never said that unofficially. But officially the unofficial version is the unofficial version of the efficient official version, or in the case of this version, versions.
  15. This is normalcy in Thailand. If it resembles normalcy then it's abnormal. That's why expats drink so much.
  16. Medical experts have already said this will probably be a modern day polio. People who willingly refuse to get vaccinated will have to live with the results and I suspect there will be little sympathy for them.
  17. Absolutely. And the bad thing about these side effects is 10-20 percent are felt right now, when you get older who knows how bad the unknown symptoms will be for the ones who have no symptoms right now. Lung damage is not good! As a person who takes his health seriously and runs, this was the #1 fear for me. I don't want to be a prisoner in my own body.
  18. WE opened up here and are slammed back down. 75 percent vaccination rate, cases spiralling. I can't help but feel that next year is too early for Thailand - I do mean 2022 in the fall. IT may be 2023. For the unvaccinated, the best course of action for them is to let nature take its course and if health care is not available, then they need to stay at home and allow nature to take its course, be it good or bad. Chances are it will be good, but they clog up hospitals like blood clots. Only a place like Thailand could do this. They won't do that here.
  19. I like how Malaysia does it - they call it your second home. And at least they are being honest. In Thailand it is not your home, it will never be your home, you are a visitor even if you have retired there.
  20. IT is. To base ones economy solely on tourism is dangerous, but let's be honest, this was the biggest black swan we've ever seen. Tourism is not a light switch. Businesses do not turn on. IT takes time, it takes people, it takes a ramping up. It will take a lot of time, and Thailand is nowhere near welcoming tourism back on a mass scale. The next problem will be the significant lack of employees. It will be a bloodbath world wide getting tourism going again. That is, if people do actually start to travel in mass numbers. It will be many many many many years until things are back to normal, all vaccinated or not.
  21. I know it's just incredible how much further there is to go. And with three doses sounding like being a requirement, it'll be a long time yet. Maybe another year till things settle down? I hope that the next variant is less virulent and a sense of normalcy will happen soon.
  22. Yes, you are. Furthermore, not many countries (if any) will allow you to travel there without a double dose, full stop. In my country too, if you don't have a vaccine you don't fly, no matter what the cause. The only exception is children under 12 with their parents, fully masked, etc. The whole world is going this way. This is a like it or not scenario. It may change once the pandemic eases but we've got a long long long ways to go before that. The WHO is recommending against all booster shots until sometime in 2022 and that's when 40 percent of the population of the world will have one dose. So wrapping my head around this, we have years and years to go yet. I hope that you will be cleared to get a vaccine soon.
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