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Everything posted by Blumpie

  1. IN the case of my country you could apply for a loan of 10,000.00 overseas for the cost. And its a loan. ???? Of course I'm sure that these kids didn't read "avoid all non essential travel" and "things change quickly". What a great life lesson! If anyone thinks its tragic they can pay their quarantine bill. I will bet nobody will take me up on that offer. ????
  2. You have to have a lot, a lot of money to travel in a global pandemic. You have to be willing to jump through hoops that didn't exist and suddenly appear. Less than zero sympathy. If you think you got it bad, imagine being born in Afghanistan and suffering through what they are going through. Less than zero sympathy! Get a go fund me page going.
  3. "One we open we never go back" Sounds like a punchline from a bigoted asian comedy made in america circa 1970. Or a show like the hangover part 4. I pray it hasn't been made.
  4. No truer words have ever been written. But I digress, anyone who thinks they are going to Thailand, get a visa extension, etc etc etc and isn't double vaccinated will have a reckoning starting when they get their vaccine numbers out. At this point maybe maybe late next year.
  5. Trying to think that these numbers mean anything is psychotic. Even Thai doctors know that it's all false information.
  6. Oh it is horrible. I didn't fear death, I feared long covid. People's lives are being destroyed. And it's far more than the 1 percent death rate. Who wants to live when you can hardly get out of bed and eating is the only thing that you can do all day. IT's horrible.
  7. Of course it is. Look, the place is out of control. Again I assert that you would have to be dropped on your head to go on a care free vacation in Thailand. It's obvious to people, dogs, cats, and all barnyard animals.
  8. I very much think that it is decreasing. Not because I believe the numbers so much but most of asia is seeing the same phenomenon. I am no doctor nor any kind of expert. IT's just how I feel.
  9. As I've written time and time again, nobody is going to Thailand for a care free holiday. People going in for reuniting are what is driving this, little else. If you were to take your family on a vacation to Thailand for no other reason to stare at the sea, well, it's very very very foolish. And I have little doubt there is nobody here who falls into that category. Not included in your list is what you have to do to get back home. Testing, quarantining, etc. Until vaccines are widely available there will be no revival in the tourism industry, full stop. IT's only August, you have about one more year of this. Get cozy.
  10. I will never understand why people are so fixated on death. It is long term effects after you get sick that you should be worried about. So you have a 1. something chance in 100 of dying, the chances of long covid are nearly 25 percent or more. It is horrible being sick day in day out with no idea how or when you will get better. At some point if you survive and are faced with years of those symptoms you have to wonder if it was worth it. Some people can hardly make themselves a cup of coffee they are so sick.
  11. Thailand will not be open in October. If it is, I will eat my hat on tic tok (or whatever these kids are on these days) and post it for you all to see.
  12. It seems to be dropping in all of Asia, it did in India, so I am hopeful that this is indeed falling. This is still weekend numbers but given another week we can hopefully say this is flatlined, or a real expert outside of the forum can call that. (no expert here)
  13. They have at least another 2 years to go - and that's being generous. The world is not going to bounce back like it should within that time frame. The good news is low unemployment relatively speaking. When the next surge, or better yet roar starts in the next 3-5 years (hopefully much much sooner) the next hurtle will be the lack of manpower. I understand that there are many people who are retired itching to travel again, but travel as we once knew it will be changed long after the pandemic. People going on a care free holiday on a plane will be difficult for many many many years to come.
  14. What's really funny is they want more "quality tourists". The real punchline is up to this point, the insinuation is people weren't quality or important.
  15. IT's all goggleygook. Look, nobody is going to Thailand for a vacation. People are going there to get reunited and that is it. Nobody in their right mind is going there to have a vacation, get home, and quarantine for 2 weeks. Full stop.
  16. It's literally like Borat. And there is the movie - Borat does Thailand COVID.
  17. Or any other illness for that matter. Get hit by a car? Have an iguana grab onto your member? Get hit by a ping-pong ball in the eyeball? Look, nobody in the world is going to Thailand for a care-free holiday. Everyone in this silly little sandbox is just trying to get in and that's it end of story. I wouldn't go to Thailand for this silly vacation if it was all free.
  18. Delusion can change timelines in an instant and still win.
  19. The sandbox is filled with droppings. And if you get sick you can go to a hospital that is over-run. Yeah, what a great idea.
  20. Oh these people are so completely spaced. Marijuana has been legalized in many countries and do you know what it did for tourism? Jack squat. If you're pathetic enough to want to go on vacation just to get stoned on pot you are in the minority.
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