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Danny Australia

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Everything posted by Danny Australia

  1. Thank you for being honest in admitting your racism. It takes a courage to admit of being so but unfortunately it does not make it ok.
  2. Try (intermittent fasting). It's a game changer. Has so many real benefits including improvement of the quality of sleep. In your particular case with heart disease, a medical advice would be wise before trying this proven method.
  3. I strongly believed in God until saw what is happening in Gaza. There is no way there is some 'God' out there seeing all this injustice and doing nothing about it.
  4. That is why getting it done online from the comfort of your home in few minutes is no brainer.
  5. According to international law, Jenin is an occupied territory. It has been in a continuous state of war with Israel since 1976 Over 6,000 Palestinians have been detained in the West Bank (Jenin included) since 7 October. Since 7 October 2023 and as of 31 January 2024, 370 Palestinians have been killed, including 94 children, across the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. Hardly the atmosphere of anything but WAR zone. Then again, if that despicable massacre of killing 3 injured unarmed young men in their beds at the hospital was not a war crime in your opinion, then how you classify it?
  6. It appears there is no limit to how morally questionable the fervent supporter of a ‘plausible’ genocide can stoop. So deplorable and morally corrupt when some people sink so low and justify every war crime, every atrocity, every bombing and even justifying the first ever live streamed 'plausible' genocide. Back to the recent hospital massacre in Jeninn: 1. You were apparently questioning the source (Al Jazeera), forget the source, was there any dispute of the incident itself? 2. Is it deemed acceptable to take the life of an injured adversary lying in a hospital bed? 3. Is the act of killing, instead of apprehending, considered justifiable when dealing with the enemy? 4. Is disguising oneself as medical personnel, disabled person or women deemed morally acceptable? 5. Is it permissible to enter Jenin, which, under the Oslo agreement, is supposed to be under Palestinian Authority control? It's worth noting that Jenin is not located in Gaza or Israel, and the construction of the separation wall, although deemed illegal, was intended to prevent such incursions.
  7. Israeli forces kill three Palestinians in West Bank hospital raid | Israel War on Gaza News | Al Jazeera Another day, another war crime. Israeli special forces disguises as doctors, nurses, disabled persons, women, elderly etc enters a hospital in the West Bank’s city of Jenin (Not in Gaza) and executes 3 heavily injured Palestinians. Consider the hypothetical scenario: What if Palestinians had posed as Orthodox Jews or medical personnel, executing three injured Israelis? Israel keeps accusing Hamas of disguising as civilians and medical personnel when in fact they do worse than that themselves. It seems that capturing injured people and putting them on trial is not an option for the terrorist state. The act of killing unarmed, injured enemies is condemned as a textbook war crime. It’s because of such daily crimes committed by Israel, peace remains a very remote possibility.
  8. Since he has now been arrested and exposed publicly by those innocent victims, it seems he must have trained them well.
  9. If you are so pro genocide and proud of it, why not go and fight there on the ground with your pro genocide mates? You either get a bullet in your sick head or lose a limb (Those who lose a limb there gets free iPhone).
  10. ICJ thinks otherwise. The International Court of Justice has found it is "plausible" that Israel has committed acts that violate the Genocide Convention. I, and many other posters who are anti genocide, have become accustomed to reprehensible and cowardly personal attacks from the pro-genocide Zionist faction. I won’t to be intimidated by supporters of a terrorist state which kills women and children enmass.
  11. Off topic trolling again. You keep bringing Aborigines into this thread. We discussing here Israel-Hamas war and the unfolding genocide in Gaza. You can start a new thread about the Aborigines genocide, and I would happily contribute.
  12. Not sure how to classify your reply, silly or comical? A soldier in military gear, captured on the battlefield and dragged by the collar from inside a military tank is a hostage??? LOL To the contrary, Israel is well known for taking hostages all the time. Zionists often take mothers, wives, sisters of Palestinian freedom fighters as hostages to pressure them into surrender.
  13. “The biggest insult to the memory of the Holocaust is not denying it but using it to commit genocide against the Palestinian people.” Norman Finkelstein
  14. Israeli soldiers who were literally dragged from their tanks in full military uniforms are considered hostages? We all seen the footages of IDF being humiliated and dragged like dolls that day. Stop your lies about hostages being sexually abused inside dark tunnels. You have zero proof of such allegations and released female hostages in earlier prisoners' swaps all testified to the humane treatment and lack of any abuse or torture.
  15. Nick, but the ruling is in fact against Israel. Every single request by SA has been granted (Except the direct call to ceasefire) but the latter is the logical sum of all other demands combined. If (Big if) Israel complies with all (as you correctly described fair and reasonable) court's decisions, then that in essence as close as one can get to a ceasefire.
  16. My faith in humanity has been partially restored. Thank you, South Africa, you have been vindicated. Those who kept denying genocide in Gaza must feel ashamed. Israel looks so bad now as sole pariah state.
  17. Calm down, no need for insults. I understand the ICJ ruling must have knocked all Zionists out of their balance and senses.
  18. My post is related to the topic though, How the war might end? ICJ ruling might just provide the much-needed circuit breaker.
  19. Hamas spokesman Osama Hamdan stated yesterday that Hamas is committed to fully complying with any ruling from the International Court of Justice (ICJ). Despite being regarded as a terrorist entity by many western countries and not being a signatory to ICJ or UN treaties, Hamas expresses its commitment to abide by the ICJ's decisions. On the other hand, Israeli Prime Minister and various ministers insist that the Gaza assault will continue regardless of the ICJ's outcome. Israel is recognized by many western countries to be a democracy and is a signatory to the ICJ and UN treaties. The irony of the two positions is striking.
  20. The war between the two sides might start to end when the Israeli side start getting a daily high death toll equal to the Palestinian side and start feeling the pain and cost of occupation. Hopefully the imminent ICJ ruling might put Israel back on track to start seriously considering peace.
  21. Teaching hatred and getting children to use weapons is not limited to one side of the conflict. Death chants against Arabs by young Israeli children are all over the place. Israel gives settler children firearms training – Middle East Monitor When Israelis Teach Their Kids To Hate – The Forward “I picture a dead Arab”: In disturbing video, Israeli children’s words echo indoctrination | The Electronic Intifada Ten-year-old children of Israeli settlers subjected to 'weapons training' (newarab.com)
  22. It's crucial to recognize the distinction between Judaism and Zionism. Being Jewish doesn't necessarily equate to being an Israeli citizen or a Zionist. Numerous open-minded and progressive Jews are critical of Israel and Zionism. Drawing parallels between certain actions of the Israeli state and Nazism is a valid comparison and doesn't inherently involve anti-Semitism. While most Zionists are aware of this, they employ the accusation to manipulate perceptions and sway opinions.
  23. It's crucial to recognize the distinction between Judaism and Zionism. Being Jewish doesn't necessarily equate to being an Israeli citizen or a Zionist. Numerous open-minded and progressive Jews are critical of Israel and Zionism. Drawing parallels between certain actions of the Israeli state and Nazism is a valid comparison and doesn't inherently involve anti-Semitism. I am sure most Zionists are aware of this fact; they employ the accusation to manipulate perceptions, silence critics and sway opinions.
  24. I condemn all genocides no matter who is the perpetrator or the victim. This is precisely why the ongoing genocide in Gaza is/should be condemned. I don’t follow your logic though, are you hinting that a genocide against the aborigines in Australia justifies one in Gaza?
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