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Everything posted by Donga

  1. "Pretoria responds to what it sees as a politically motivated intervention in its domestic affairs." Huh??? White mans burden has to stop some. Time for many African leaders to get their domestic affairs in order. And stop blaming a relatively short period of colonialism for their plights, which brought brought more progress than they'd previously accomplished in their feudal, slave states for centuries.
  2. Wow, what a lovely example of irrelevant, righteous pomp masquerading as superior intellect. So typical of many on the left these days - simple minded, may even have a degree or two, which is not that difficult - yet snooty, drawn towards symbolism and idealism rather than contextual analysis and basic smarts.
  3. Yep, she would be a valuable doctor living with her own people and their beliefs. Do everyone a favour and send her packing.
  4. Data presented by hundreds of people, who all have the same doomsday view on Climate Change as they don't allow, let alone encourage others to attend and expound their research. The vast army of government funded researchers are somehow considered holier than industry funded researchers.
  5. I find it interesting how so many people said world leaders don't take Trump seriously, which is clearly being shown to be so wrong. No US president has so quickly got major things done in such a short time, trust you can see that. As far as US in a lot of trouble on many fronts, Trump is addressing many of those things quickly though I don't necessarily agree with all his methodology nor some of his policies. But he is taking an axe to the sheer waste in bureaucracy, legal overreach, absurd regulations especially for business, falling education standards, lousy health generally and the sickening trend of the Left towards the Western civilization, reinforced in the universities and naive arts community. China hasn't been impeded by these, even though it is the Left that so many people in the West now aspire to, kinda crazy uh. Meanwhile China has its own significant problems, despite not having the above US challenges - population in decline and ageing is huge, as is their internal economy while exports will get chiseled away by Asian tigers and India. Let's also see how their Climate Change industries fare in the next few years. In my view Democracy, with all its warts, is the biggest differential as so much better than Authoritarianism, not just for personal freedom but ultimately creativity and efficiency. Folk worrying about Nazi Trump are deluded, he's simply doing what needs to be done, even if it often seems ham-fisted - which most of the bewildered media remind us hourly. Let's see how it evolves.
  6. Reality is the authorities now need to carefully assess the culture within Bankstown Hospital - in a strong Moslem area of Sydney where a few radical clerics have been allowed to preach their bile for many years. Totally foreseen consequences from evil Murdoch media and totally ignored by the ABC for the obvious reasons - gormless hive of left wing activism.
  7. Vapes are "95% safer than tobacco", according to British studies and they are saving hundreds of thousands of lives by encouraging smokers to switch to vaping... https://www.bbc.com/news/health-66852503 There are still a lot of studies to be done, but vapes do not have the carcinogenic agents that cigarettes do and hence why they're seen today as 95% safer. Nicotine is addictive and every effort should be made to keep the kids off it. Vapes should be regulated, and sold next to the cigarettes, with hefty fines for selling to kids.
  8. Not sure where you that notion. Quite a few countries have moved their capital from the largest city for main reason of reducing population, but also make it more neutral - thinking of Canada, Australia, Indonesia, Nigeria, Netherlands, Turkey, Brazil. Think it makes a lot of sense and Nakhon Ratchasima would be ideal. Good political move and with high speed rail, public servants could live half way and not that far from Bangkok or Korat.
  9. Is Trump actually invading these countries - hope you know the answer to that. Is he illustrating with his extreme language, how silly the Left has become - undergoing widespread rejection cos they went too far with ideology and dropped the ball on reality. How the hell and who is going to successfully rebuild Gaza and keep it from doing what they've been doing for decades? The UN? What checks and balances are removed? He has his own party to deal with, let alone the media and the courts. Anti-Trump competent people, really? The US is a mess is so many ways. And in danger of losing to China big time through their lack of policies and cohesive strategies. Musk is clearly an innovator and effective doer, time and time again, who has his own foes within the Trump team. Settle petal and watch it all unfurl and you'll be able to think back on what a Harris reign would have achieved - more of the same old ideological nonsense, ridiculous bureaucracy, weak leadership.
  10. Reversing trans competing with females is mad? Tightening borders is mad? Reducing government waste is mad? Pulling the rug from WHO and UNRWA is mad? Suggest we look at these initiatives in the context of years drifting too far along woke/left ideology. As far as Gaza in concerned, brilliant concept and let's see how it unfolds. Pumping $billions of western aid to extremist based societies to rebuild, only to allow them to continue their destructive agenda for both their own citizens and Israelis alike, will just lead to more conflict and further damage to Gaza. This could be the circuit breaker than ends up sorting the whole mess. Certainly giving everyone something to ponder, some shriek. Above all is Trump is a negotiator, so we shouldn't take his opening gambit as a final position. He is pointing out the silliness of so many situation and disrupting them. I don't like what he says but like what he does.
  11. Frightening really that it has come to this. Brainwashing on a major scale and constantly amazed how my Left wing mates refer to the ABC in Australia as the purveyors of truth on many contentious issues, where the Left/Green have built incredible dangerous power.
  12. Frightening really that it has come to this. Brainwashing on a major scale and constantly amazed how my Left wing mates refer to the ABC in Australia as the purveyors of truth on many contentious issues, where the Left/Green have built incredible dangerous power.
  13. And Keir Starmer would be like, "Oh that's shocking. You poor dear. Now who are UNRWA?" Are they being persecuted by the Zionists as well?"
  14. Yeah, same here, which is counter intuitive. I expect the Thais get better paid in Hua Hin than the Burmese. As for Thais won't work from hotchilli - not my experience, living in Hua Hin and wide family clan in Ubon. Migrants generally work harder in new countries, unless they're pandered with handouts and can't speak the language. In London 45 years ago, they'd employ Aussies cause they would "work harder", at the same time Brits could easily get jobs in Australia 😅
  15. The Kool Aid overflowing in this analysis. Not a hint of why the Dems lost comprehensively and the internal soul searching underway No mention of post election Trump increase in surveys, campaign pledges into action - now there's a novel concept Lastly how Trump's disruption, all going reasonably well, could change the landscape for many years, just like Reagan did.
  16. And the alternative amongst Jihadist goons would be?
  17. Not even a hint of patriotism? His language is so horrid and plain wrong at times but... Hoping you are surprised that his patriot posture, forceful disruption amidst a declining world order with rising challenges from evil autocratic forces and aligned western goons will provide more benefits than pain, especially in conflicts and health generally. It's time.
  18. "Milei’s comments have ignited debate over the validity of his accusations.... others criticize it as inflammatory and lacking evidence" Yep, these folk are either stranded on an island, or are so far gone they think ongoing graffiti of statues, incessant rainbow parades and media attention on a few % of the population, disproportionate Islamic migrant crimes in Europe, rise in antisemitism - are not inflammatory or indeed evidence - but just progressive 🤣
  19. Strange how Hamas are causing the horrid miseries of the innocent Palestinians. Annoying media parrots Hamas numbers: 1) Without recognising how many killed are Hamas - around half which is low for urban warfare, especially where one side is using human shields - firing missiles from school, mosques and hospitals 2) Calling teenagers, children when many of these "children" are also firing weapons from said school, hospitals. Until Palestinians can throw off these crazy f**ks they will continue to be impoverished, especially as Iran funds Hamas not Gazans, and so much money goes to weapons and tunnels etc., but also because none of the moderate Arab nations will get involved until Palestinians can sort themselves out - why would they muck with such morons. Free Palestine - from Jihadists! And KhunHeineken - would love to know who would lead a Palestinian state today, pls tell. Be PA? Fatah, Hamas? Who? How? Meanwhile, don't overstay your visa, though agree there does seem to be more behind this story.
  20. Yep with their anti-nuclear stance over the decades, The Greens delayed the nuclear renaissance to result in energy mayhem and in the countries that took them more seriously, massive energy cost increases and in Germany, recession. The lessons are there. I don't have a problem with Renewables as long as people realise the more we have, the more back-up is required, be it hydro, nuclear, gas or those batteries we keep hearing about. Then there's the reality that the solar panels and turbines will have to be replaced or hopefully refurbished at some cost 3 to 4 times during the life of a nuke reactor.
  21. Wonder how may Jihadists, other terrorists or Climate Change activists live in California or any other state where a few fires can cause such calamity and tragedy. Not sure what the remedy is, but can't help thinking we're going to see more fires and of course they'll all be blamed on Climate Change.
  22. Check out how many people did go through in those ten years, not necessarily tourists - none of those died. We learnt a lot from Fukushima as well - the hundreds or is it thousands of years these places were supposedly going to be radio active is clearly BS. Now days there are more nuanced understanding about radioactivity https://www.iaea.org/Publications/Factsheets/English/radlife Had a banana, X-ray or taken a flight recently? Obviously very low doses, but it helps dispel the fear of nuclear energy, especially when confronted with the prospect of disposing zillions of old solar panels, turbines and giant batteries in the decades to come.
  23. Yep, good media scaremongering. No-one died from Three Mile, great movie though, and a few hundred from Chernobyl according to WHO. Have many tourists going through Chernobyl now, go figure. Think the tally for Fukushima is two and recall the extreme headlines and panic that ensued. Emo hype media to the vulnerable 😅
  24. Civilians are a casualty of war, in this case started by Hamas. Civilians should not be used as human shields. And certainly should counsel their kids not to get involved. But hey, if they die they get counted as children in the Hamas death numbers. These civilians are more involved than most, given their celebrations of the Oct 7 atrocities, support for Hamas, and allowing them to use civilian infrastructure for weapons storage and command centres. I get very annoyed when some are quoted by media with statements like "not here, they don't have any command centres under our hospital" and the like. I am sure there are some who have long been anti-Hamas and such a shame they should suffer, but that's what happens in wars. Ask the French, British, Germans, Russians and Vietnamese about their civilian casualties, which I think you'll find were a much higher % than Gaza, even with the Hamas human shield strategy. NGOs are gormless and have lost a lot of respect with their inane appeals. UNRWA - long actively complicit against Israel.
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