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2 is 1

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Everything posted by 2 is 1

  1. Every even little bigger villages has beer/alcohol/cicarette etc. dealer where all mom@pop shops buy they stuff! If i want buy many case of beer i buy in same place straight from dealer! Need little watch around.
  2. Turn camera off and hit it whit baseball bat! If he come put new one do same again! Let your girlfriend/wife watch that nobody see you in action. And you dont know anything what have happen those cameras, when/if he ask tell him to contact that agent!
  3. Just was in news that Thailand Pass replace COE after 7 days . What i know you need still to do COE to get in? I come back next year after all hassle is gone i hope.
  4. Cheap Charlies pay few hundred pesos and what you pay is what you get! Philippines woman has won many miss universe title (25) Thailand total 3, last one 1988. Even that tell little. But that is in viewers eyes. Also in dateing page's if compare average woman from those (Phil/Thai) average Filipina look much more nice than Thai woman. Every country has minuses and positives. Philippines really are more dangerous place than Thailand but idiots get trouble in any place. Good food you can find everywhere, but people who walk whit blinded eyes not find nothing. But that i agree that fast food places is really sht in Philippines. Mcdonalds dont use real meat and KFC is whitout taste, Jollibee dont earn even mentioning.
  5. Better if they make own travel bubble in airport! Use ATK test and put peple who get positive test result in PCR test. All other can wait in bubble.
  6. Show me country where they not put you in quarantine if you tested covid positive!? Sadly that is the risk what every traveller have to take now days if travel!
  7. Yeah my ex was 149 centimeter whit feather on her head, weight 39 kilogram. Little skinny but really round, firm tush!
  8. Have had both Filipina wife (ex) and now Thai. You can hit gold differ every place not only in asia! That is stupidity of man nothing else! Yes i loose much money whit Filipina but all fold was mine coz not make prenup! To me Filipina woman is more sexy and take care man better. Ofcourse depend woman also and "lvl" of woman!
  9. , 3 Ferrari, 4 BMW, 1 Lambo, 7 Mercedes..... 1 suspect who drive Nissan Micra was released !
  10. What i have notice: when drink much water not even get sweat so much. Beer and soda come right out from your armpit.
  11. What they whine about! Price in Finland €/litre ----> Soon only see friends on road....
  12. Yeah! Who even try to get on plane if not healthy enough to fly! Also airline companys not take sick passenger on plane anyway! You can get sick after you have get stupid fit-to- fly document from doctor!
  13. Almost every (who have job) Thai can get new car out whit few thousand BTH and montly pay that to like Toyota! If he works in goverment he can easily get loan from goverment bank. Why have even relationship to ex has to wonder, coz normaly ex huspend's dont ever contact to they ex's even they have kid's whit them! Why you think in Thailand has sin sod "system" if normaly man has something to do whit ex womans!
  14. Hat lottery not give Belgium's small piece of paper, Pipat have to take grap and only paper available from 21 happens to be Belgium.
  15. Anutin Visits Far South to Solve COVID! How much time he need? He had almost 2 years already! What have solved? Nothing! Better he not visit any place, let people who have even some idea to deal things!
  16. That is the risk what every traveller must take these days! Dosent matter where you are going, airline's demand you are tested before flight. What happen in destination, well that is up to country where you are going. But surely its not nice to get covid , in Thailand or elsewhere!
  17. If they not "keep" BTH so strong they will get export industry way up! Also that may help to attract tourist to come in country! But what i know im not economist!
  18. Many people here are so " KNOW BETTER THAN YOU"! Maybe some think different, maybe some have better than you, maybe some can know more than you, maybe some have even more money than you, maybe some want make chance, maybe some live outside (BKK,Phuket, Pattaya or what ever)., maybe some really think(even try thai way), maybe somebody not have tunnel vision like you, maybe somebody like to know normal people and spend time whit them! Yes its hard if you are whit your attitude (im know, seen all coz been here so long). Seen tourist and fellow farangs , still that fat a hole doing same next door whit my Thai wife friend. Always same bla bla bla .... even dont know nothing, go whit your tattoo GF lol. I have never visit Pattaya think not miss much, never visit Phuket think not miss much, never visit soi what ever have sex to buy! I have never needed and i dont like! Who like to do that go for it support people. Go and think you are the man! I have buy sex few times in my life (if direct buy) once in Estonia and one time i buy 2 girls whit me in Germany! Germany i only want black and latin girl same time! was nice but i was young! I was 15 to take my first trip bye myself yes was stupid as Crete but anyway, next year i was in Ibiza! I dont know why even be bist if somebody answear to me but been drunk again from last friday maybe tell much! I have drinking habit what come when even take one! Hard to cut off, really easy to continue! Was already whitout drinks 4 month need get back that habbit if want let see! I come back and make suprice to my wife just before new year(if easy possible). She think some time january. Most of all peace! Be friend toutch eatch others(not me) love not war. Sauna help everything whit beer after i go bar to see drunk people.....
  19. I never try be Thai! Im not! I know what is real and what is not! My marriege whit Filipina was fake and money base. Not whit my Thai wife! Still people can be better in Phil than in Thailand! If dont have much experience then show how much have or only shut up! If we are not talking from our own knowlege why we are talking about!? All can have own opinion but saying only somebody is wrong is bla bla bla.... and only from people who dont say nothing. Only say you are wrong, whitout say why he/she know better or what kind "experiense" have to tell otherwise!
  20. LMAO! Where you buy yours put link! I know scotland is really boor to play soccer but they have cultural day dream that i had no idea. BTW have had over one gf and nobody dont have had any tattoo ever. I know you fancy to see some "dragon girl" i cant do that. But we all can watch your's ,many of us has seen her from behind anyway.
  21. Yes maybe respect was wrong word. I have raist to respect older and i have shown that my behavior to others. Im not old enough to get "honored" im just 49, but have experiece from many culture's. After i come back home and see my mother in law again i show her thai way respect. Then she going to give me hugh (before anyway). Always when she find out i going out of Thailand , my wrist has been full "white string" everybody in village/family come to be my "friend". When is mothers day i have wai deep and go to ask her "blessing" whit my head on floor front of her. She putt her hand top my head say some whit Loei language. Not even Thai or isaan, at time she spoke Loei. Dont know how other people live in Thailand i live my own way and try be member of country. I only want nobody dont watch me down and be rasist! End of topic!
  22. What if im Buddhist? If i get respect almost every other country why not in Thailand? Thailand want people to come in, you dont think they should chance they attitude? Most of respect i get coz my wife. They respect her high position so they give me crumb's lol
  23. I dont care random Thais! I think Thais attitude. Many some high position Thais watch you like you are circus animal! Should have education to behave and show respect to other's! Just starters you understand they not respect you and that is problem in they way! Even they have many smile, they think nobody farang cant understand they culture, but first meet(what all Thais know right away) if they dont wai or wai is not "high" enough all know! Everybody in room know he/she has already F whit Y, you should know that also! That is point to know meaning of wai!
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