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2 is 1

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Posts posted by 2 is 1

  1. Just now, mikebike said:

    10+ years and apparently you do not understand that Farang are not part of the wai culture. Most Thais don't even see you.

    I see you not understand my txt! That was just what i was talking about! Sorry my English! Point was , almost every other place you can be part of country's life/culture! And what was asked i choose Phillipines. 


    10 minutes ago, 2 is 1 said:

    Yes i have not live Thailand 10+ years in my ivory tower!


  2. 17 minutes ago, mikebike said:

    Awwwww... are you hurt? And do you really, fully, understand the wai culture? Somehow I doubt it.

    No im not hurt! Maybe i really understand and that is problem! I dont know where you move or what you do normaly.  If you go your 5 star hotel and get your "wai" in lobby maybe you feel respected and get nice feeling. Yes i have not live Thailand 10+ years in my ivory tower!

    • Like 1
  3. 3 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

    Thailand does not have much of it. I consider true culture to be a mix of great film making, poetry, fine art appreciation and preservation, live music other than just the latest pop star, live theatre, dance performance, festivals of all sorts (wine, film, dance, etc), and more. I could go on all day. Thailand is fairly devoid of interesting culture, unless you count the occasional puppet show, or Issan dancing. What else am I missing?

    And when you are farang you never get real respect in Thailand! Nobody wai you like should , even you are older person, even farang teacher not get respect what they deserve! Almost everybody look you down sadly not many farang understand that. You try honor they culture and respect they way of life, mostly you not get nothing back! But even from tiny misstake they "crucify" you and show your picture in front page of newspaper! Whit big headline "Here is idiot farang who not take shoes off when go in temple"!

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  4. 13 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    The order was due to the Covid-19 clusters found among drinkers that had been gathered in various places in the province. The governor said that the officials are currently unable to control the spreading of the virus.

    Therefore, the sale, distribution, exchange of all types of liquor and alcohol in department stores, shopping centers, community malls General stores, grocery stores, convenience stores, restaurants or any gathering place is prohibited, said the governor.


    Everybody who want drink can get alcohol! Mom&pop shops sell that anyway. I think even governor not spit in glass! 

  5. 5 hours ago, anchadian said:

    UPDATE: 11,200 confirmed cases, 4,783 probable cases, and 113 deaths (1.04%). Out of 109,022 patients , 39,982 are in hospital, 56,290 in ‘hospitel’ and 10,065 in home/community isolation. 3,000 in a serious condition (-17) with 715 on ventilators (-5) #Thailand #COVID19




    If i have understand right (who can know in LOS)?! This 13.22% number is 7 days average prosentual infected rate? Infected rate was about 30% when same number was still numeral form. Next day after chance it drop 18%! Now they claim 13.22% rate ! From this number if you count how many average test have to make to get this number, its over 80000 test's / day! I think almost everybody know its HUGE BS! Its really good news if other numbers are correct and we go in right direction!

    • Like 1
  6. Maybe there coming new chance desk's before entrance to immigration desk! Prayut have giving clear oder, if todays exchange rate is 1€=39 bth then our lovely tourist can get 1€= 10 bth! Ofcource you cant pay whit amex-,visa- or mastercard coz nobody cant know if you really have money! Thailand say the tourist, that only poor people use credit cards, real people have cash money where have picture of true KING.

  7. 1 hour ago, heybruce said:

    Offshore entities are legal.  They can be used for legal, questionably legal, and clearly illegal purposes. 


    If your clients are going to great lengths to keep their relationships with offshore entities a secret, odds are they are doing something illegal.  At the very least they are taking advantage of questionable tax loopholes that they want to keep secret so they won't be closed or tested in court.

    So that is up to banks and countrys who allow banking system to "wash" illegal money! Its not problem of guys like me who want only use legaly system possible! Before judge all watch system itself! Problem is not user, problem is who allow system! Communist system was really nice idea, only never cant come true coz human (animal) is greedy! If you want marx system and everything for all then maybe need move to Cuba!

    • Like 1
  8. 1 minute ago, sirineou said:

    When a politician whose salary is less than $200, 000 has millions stowed in offshore accounts , It does not take a great leap of imagination to think that such funds are the result of illegal activity. 

    That is problem in that country where he/she has make money not problem of bank! Hope nobody dont want stop global banking system?! Or we can go back in stone age and sent money whit "letters"! Soon i finaly buy Bitcoin LOL

    • Confused 2
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  9. 8 hours ago, Emdog said:

    "It's not illegal" is typical defense of offshore accounts

    Who writes the laws? Who is beholden to the rich and powerful?

    Sorry but to me this kind is pathetic! If yourself want pay more tax be my guest! I say there is not many people in hole planet who want pay more tax! I have pay income tax almost 60% in Finland i think i have do my part! Yes is nice that poor and people who havent "manage" they life get social security +free health care+free house+money+free school...... Still i dont want pay 70% to give money to other's! Reason i chance all my work to my own company to avoid tax! Enough is enough! When i was my conpany owner i paid 29%! After move to other countrys i paid 0% only expenses to move!

    • Like 1
  10. 6 minutes ago, AwwYesNice1 said:


    Makes sense, Facebook has been down all day.

    FB , Watsapp.... have been down for other reasons! FB i havent use 10+ years coz not indrested to get message from people who dont have my phone number. Last message from me was picture from my behind and message hello from here and good bye. If need to know what everybody doing all the time i think some need dog or more love from love ones! Or should close hole internet!

  11. 1 hour ago, chrisandsu said:

    The small guy has no chance of avoiding tax while these massive companies can do as they please all while paying substandard wages and insisting on importing cheap labor from abroad and then watching us fight over the crumbs that are left . The wealth gap is getting wider 

    Citizens in democratic countrys need vote people in parlaments who chance laws! But if most "democratic" country's leader (Donald) doing same kind tax planing him self, what kind message that show to others! Yes rounding tax is huge problem but laws allow to do that! I think nobody want all kind tracking to all things what doing! Or total police state! 

    • Like 2
  12. 11 minutes ago, digbeth said:

    The shops that buys gold don't need to see any import certificate, it is melted down fast enough with the rest of the jewelry they buy in everyday that it's not a problem, at most they will ask for some ID, it won't even trigger an investigation unlike deposit into bank account


    Half a kilo in bullions might be a bit much, but the odd troy oz minted coins thrown in your purse with the rest of your coins aren't gonna raise any suspicion


    most luggage is x-rayed coming in now, so the customs might notice if you have multiple bars stashed in your luggage, but a single half kg bars carried on your person like a phone is feasible

    Only want to know if some have some facts about sell gold. Only know price wife sold my ring when was bist lol. Few days later buy new one (bigger) coz we go her work party! She have nice half carat diamont, but she dont understand that! Coz not "big" gold! You cant take ISAAN out of woman even high education !

  13. 26 minutes ago, Regyai said:

    OP never stated what form the gold was in


    The assumption is that he is referring to a half kilo in bullion


    There're are few dealers in 24ct gold in Thailand (from memory only two in Yaowarat) - if the requirement is for an import licence and somehow you succeed in having gotten this into Thailand without one, you may just find yourself between a rock and a hard place with it.



    Bullions yes.

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