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2 is 1

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Posts posted by 2 is 1

  1. 1 hour ago, swissie said:

    How can this Forum become "stale'. Before, there were contributors like JSixpack, JT, Bonobo and many others that kept the Forum from going "stale". Now we have "GammaGlobulin" that keeps the forum going. May there be more "GammaGlobulin's" to join here.

    PS: They come and go. I am the only one that has been here for the last 200 years.


    Many poster dont want join in "boring" post's. Even they live in LOS, they live every day life whitout feeling angry inside! Like in covid news/update, same poster's every day argue numbers etc. Argue things where they cant do nothing about! Who is intrested comment or even read bad sht every day! I have notice many poster (what i think are funny and they txt is nice to read) never comment boring stuff! Why should they? This place need more happy stuff to read and think! Not all need to be covid, corruption...... Now its come almost like BB newspaper what cant comment here, even they comment section is moving here!

  2. 17 minutes ago, snoop1130 said:

    The group is calling on the government to quickly restore the economy through stimulus measures and to extend debt moratoria for at least six to 12 months, plus soft loans for smaller businesses affected by the outbreak, Supant said.

    Only stimulus what you need! Let the BTH sink! And all are happy! If 1€ is 50+ bth you also get millions tourist back  when they can travel!



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  3. 14 minutes ago, wensiensheng said:

    Have to disagree with you there Tall guy.


    A. Agreed. Hence the need for everybody to be vaccinated ASAP.


    B. Yes, but once fully vaccinated the risk of death and hospitalization falls to a level that is acceptable within social norms. Neither are eliminated, nor will they ever likely be, but the same can be said for just about anything else involved with normal living.


    but the issue is vaccinating everybody who wants a vaccine. Thailand, like a lot of other countries, isn’t there yet, but the time will come sooner or later.

    Agree! Here in Finland people over 12 years old , 82% has get first jab and over 60% has get both jab's.

    Goverment say: next month over 80% has get both shot's so all restrictions will be deleted. Inside country we go back to "normal" living. Doctors say that people should still be careful and use mask's + wash hands. Anyway all the time maybe 50% haven't never use mask's!

  4. 2 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

    She speaks highly of you also, remarks on your ability once the blue pills kick in, but does not have to be bored for long time. 

    Does not comment of where the facial damage was a bus or train.


    Age of 49 i haven't explore any kind pills yet, but is nice to hear you keep her company when she feel lonely. I dont know any of her fantasy's but seems like im one of them. You also seems to know her much better coz i havent see her face close , only refer train coz she use walking stick. 

  5. 26 minutes ago, khunpa said:

    Unless the biggest houses in the small villages are paid for by the police wife’s Farang boyfriend, who left his brain at the airport ???? 

    In our village that farang buy house to old "working girl"  (60+) who have huge silicon breast and look like train has run over her! Farang(UKK) is from BKK and visit once / month there, meanwhile husband drink whit boys  in police home! LOL

    And that police is wife's cousin.

  6. You need to loose your card every day! Why anybody care the price 200 or 500 bth! I understand that txt here if price is 50000 bth then we maybe have some conversation. Same than asking where i get toilet papers 25 bth coz now cost 26 bth! Walk 3 kilometer south and save 1 bth. Sorry there is ocean but idea was good if you like wet paper.

    • Confused 1
  7. 11 minutes ago, coolcarer said:

    The C.O.E. is a huge barrier and needs to go, I had to enter via one, then A.S.Q. A few months ago, luckily the company I work for sorted most of it out. 

    Before they do away with that the vaccinations levels need to be at a minimum of 70% surely?

    Agree, surely farangs who has vaccinated not make Thailand situation any worse! If they scared new variants, has get delta etc. anyway and who bring that in LOS , not tourist or expats goming home! Insurance should be enough to enter kingdom and money in pocket.

    • Like 1
  8. Take long time before i know nobody that has pass away coz covid .Wife's aunt died in Loei coz covid RIP. She was over 3 weeks in ICU but lungs totally collapse.

    Look like she get it vaccine line in BKK. 3 days after get Sinovac jab in Bkk tested covid positive. She tell place was packed whit people whitout any social distancing! I hope when they start mass vacination they also make sure people keep distance in those places!

    Even has been hard year to most of people life still going on. I have get 2 Pfizer jab's and almost all my relatives here in Finland so to us things look better. Only worry now my son who is 11 years old, most cases here are now in age group 10-20 years old coz not vaccinated yet. Schools are open, bars are open and now they thinking to give up mask recommendation also. Even only 50% has used that anyway! Most "idiot" group of people seems to be 50+ fat a hole man's who dont give a f! 

    Been 10 month away from Thailand and thinking come back next month.

    Happy thought folks keep safe.

    • Like 1
  9. 7 hours ago, anchadian said:

    Google translate:


    ???? Statistics of proactive COVID-19 screening by ATK and RT-PCR methods in Bangkok area classified by district group

    ???? Data during 26 Jul. - 30 Aug. '64

    ???? There is a total of all those who are examined.

    ???? ATK type = 148,879 cases

    ????️ found = 28,025 cases

    ????️ No infection = 120,854 cases

    ???? RT-PCR type = 55,809 cases

    ????️ found = 33,668 cases

    ????️ No infection = 21,199 cases


    Data from the Office of Public Health Coroner as of 30 Aug.



    So there is average 5600 case/day from ATK test what is not in official daily numbers! Also like North East numbers have come way down from over 4000/ day todays 1543 case! They not export sick people anymore to other provinces so North East numbers look also much "better"! All people what before get treatment in home province now have isolated in BKK area home! And all numbers look really nice! If you add those ATK numbers in daily numbers, numbers has not drop at all! 

    • Like 1
  10. 9 minutes ago, anchadian said:

    Today there were 252 deaths in #Thailand


    130 males & 122 females

    Burmese (6), Cambodian (1), Chinese (1), Indian (1)

    Median age 66 (21-99 years)

    Most deaths in Bangkok (80)

    66% of deaths aged 60+ (in BKK 79%)

    1 pregnant woman died

    0 died at home




    Good they can make notice "nobody died in home"! 70 million people and yesterday nobody died in home coz covid! Wonder how many people actualy died in home yesterday? How many extra covid test they need make to be sure?

  11. 2 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Ok, I've been here half that figure and not heard it aside from a few who were hesitant to take Sinovac.

    Yeah Brian you live in Phuket not in upper Isaan lol.

    My mother and father in law has moved in mountain farm, far away from all people. They not going to take chinese vaccine. When they sure they get some "western" stuff they take. Mother in law is 78 years old in paper actualy she is 68 years old. In paper she is older than her sister who born 5 years earlier.

  12. I think i even little believe these numbers. Not every province "fake" numbers. Like in North East numbers have come way down! People has isolate them self coz they are scared, even mom&pop shops not allow anyone to enter shop! They bring stuff in front door . Bars and restaurants has been open all the time like in last year, different is now nobody go to eat out , people only buy takeaway food if not make in home.

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