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2 is 1

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Posts posted by 2 is 1

  1. 1 hour ago, richard_smith237 said:

    Check in for the flight, go through the regular immigration channel, have 20,000 baht ready for the overstay fine. Immigration will ’spot’ the overstay and your Brother In Law will be directed to a ‘different desk / office’ where he will be processed as an overstayer. 

    Immigration officer come to pick you up from check in desk! They ask do you have money to pay fine (need cash money) , then they take you immigration office to make paper work / pay. fine After they have stamped your passport you can entrance to departure .

    • Like 2
  2. 12 minutes ago, herfiehandbag said:

    I am a teacher.


    The education system in Thailand is beset by many weaknesses, chief amongst which is overcentralised control of teachers, the curriculum and working hours by a beaurocracy who themselves have often no experience of teaching. Teachers are severely constrained in what they can teach, and how they can teach it. That is where the fundemental problem lies, coupled with a weakness in initial and in service training.


    With those problems there is little point in inventing new ones, or even inflating a (possibly false) confusion from outside casual observation to the status of a major problem.


    Yes education system in thailand has many issues, but point was you was wrong to saying teachers are in school! Many are not! In government system many teachers main target is to be government officer then you have life time job! Whit really little real responsibility what so ever (if dont care)! School director should monitor what happen inside school but most of them hardly in school ! They go all kind of cat christening and only watch stamps when teachers have move in and out! Where they watch also how much they rise their salary 2 times / year anything  about 1,5 to 4 %! Where  in other job your salary increase 3 to 8 % EVERY YEAR .Supervisor's teach teacher's, always when come new curriculum or some kind chance in teaching method, but most of them don't have any training/ education in that job! Its enough if you are level 2 (amazing) and have master degree. All are "old" teacher's. Many teacher or people in goverment work (school system) focus in own belly and try get higher level to get more salary! if level 3 for example salary is 40000-45000 bth/ month , whit same education (dont need PHD) level 4 salary is about 56000 bth/month ! What people want from job more money or use they time in class room. Ok there is many great teacher also but many are bad.

    • Like 1
  3. On 9/18/2021 at 9:58 AM, xylophone said:

    In particular I liked your statement that, "people fall in and out of love all the time" because that's happened to me a couple of times and sometimes there appears to be no rhyme nor reason to it, it just happens!

    Many asian dont consider love in same way than western do. Asian girls love money and feeling life is secured. Most asian girls not watch if husband has "rainy" day in financial matter! They lift clutch and keep going to find other wallet. Not in op's case, but in hes story has already dumped kids so im not see woman was real catch. To op , i think in UK you can do DNA test also your self (sent some laboratory) if you have any hair from her etc. And to some posters: many people have kids even they not biologicaly yours and can love them same way!

  4. 7 hours ago, herfiehandbag said:

    "Urban myth", not true!

    And you have visited how many government school!? I have visited over 30 (secondary). When wife was still teacher i spend lot of time in her school and see the real system! Many male teacher only visit school to sign in.  Happens every where! Wife ex is also teacher and he hang out in hes land when has had school day , he really is not in school to teach kids! 


  5. 17 minutes ago, Kadilo said:

    Details of the 3 deaths :


    “The deaths were all over 60 years old and the youngest was a 61 year old man fully vaccinated with AstraZeneca though he suffered from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The other two deaths were unvaccinated: an 81 year old man with high blood pressure, heart disease, and lung cancer, and an 86 year old female living in a high-infection area with renal failure.”


    I think you not make this kind post if victim's are ( new born, healty 5 years old and sporty 15 years old).Anyway they not say sawadee to nobody anymore! RIP

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    • Confused 1
  6. 4 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

    PCR test positive cases, total of 13,897 official new infections, with 394 of those from prison and 13,503 from the community. 188 official covid deaths recorded. 


    Rapid tests positive cases, 1,768 bringing the unofficial total to 15,665



    Rolling 7 day average (up to 14th Sept) which includes prison cases and bar chart of community cases from daily official announcements.


    data 16 sept.png

    data 16 sept 2.png

    When countrys give travel restrictions to their citizen's, they watch 7 day average number/ 100000 people. If i remember correctly that magical number is 200/100000! Soon Thailand has just "manage" situation when magical number has drop under 200 before October! This post is not conspiracy post or is it.......?

  7. Its nothing out from me if some richer get more than me! They have always get! They can buy Ferrari/i cant, they maybe have mia noi/ i dont. Point is , many people seems to want what somebody else get/ i dont! Im happy what i have and i deal every day life how needed whit cards what i have get. Jealous im not! I dont give a f , if that one  idiot millionaire want come Thailand and get 10 years visa good for him/her!

    • Confused 1
  8. 3 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    For all those criticizing the OP, it's worth noting that his OP comment wasn't about closing down or restricting businesses. It was about the absence/reduction in "noisy motorbikes and cars."


    I've lived in downtown Bangkok for more than a decade now, and it IS much quieter outside at night in recent times, because of the nightly curfew, the shutdown of traffic related to alcohol serving businesses and the general reduction in tourism. Which does make it easier and more pleasant to sleep at night.


    HOWEVER, you could still have all those night businesses re-open eventually and still have Bangkok be a much quieter place IF the authorities actually enforced some common sense rules like requiring actual working mufflers on motorcycles and stopped tuk tuk drivers from blasting stereos while driving.


    It constantly makes me shake my head in disgust when I'm walking along Sukhumvit Road for this or that and some puny motorcycle comes tooling down the road that's making almost as much engine noise as an Indianapolis 500 race car. There's simply no reason or justification for allowing that.


    Bangkok would be a much more pleasant place for everyone if the authorities got serious about reducing needless/blaring noise pollution from vehicles. And they could easily do that without impacting the operation of businesses and night business, and local people's jobs, even the slightest bit.

    Its bizarre that in rural isaan all police stations yeard's are full from motorpikes whitch has confiscated coz maked too loud noice! Still in capitol they dont care! I understand people need move but noice pollution is one pollution also! One reason i like to live in countryside. Even dont know what  pollution is better? Exhaust fumes whit noice or smoke from all sht what you can burn lol

  9. 3 hours ago, Dmaxdan said:

    Just slap a 50,000 baht fine, and a years driving ban on all those who are caught drinking and driving.


    And if you kill someone then you should be given a minimum 10 year prison sentence. 


    Everybody knows drink driving is wrong, so all offenders should be heavily punished. There are no excuses! 





    That is not solve anything even you put 10 million fine! Only police can ask you more coffee money!

    And same sht continue! They need change people's attitude and that is not easy.

  10. 28 minutes ago, davidkas said:

    So, my house is in rural Thailand not anywhere near a tourist destination. Will I still have to ASQ, isolate at home or free to move. I'm double vaxed and have been away from my family for 7 months so far, I would really like to not have to ASQ again.

    We have to stretch our willy in BKK or some other place 14 days before can go home! Place where have much more covid than in home town/village! Much more chance to get covid when waiting clearance to travel final destination than go there directly!

    • Like 1
  11. 49 minutes ago, Pravda said:

    Something has just occurred to me.


    Thailand doesn't have a lot of antivaxers. There is a good chance that once vaccines become widely available nearly 100% of population will be vaccinated. This could be something TAT could spin and actually work.

    There is so much superstition's in Thailand. Rumour's rounding in rural area's and many people are afraid to take vaccine! Like my mother in law , she dont want take vaccine. Wife even not tell her she get her first AZ jab because dont want hear bla bla bla!

  12. Its always hard to find owner when something like this happen. If police investigate , nobody never say "yes was my dog"! Even you have evidence its hard to state who really is dog owner. Last year i hit dog whit motorpike and even i know who's dog it was , they deny right away "soi dog". Hopely justice win and this kind animal's put out of they misery! Even buddha way, should know whitch kind animals not belong together whit humans! Hope you friend get well soon and remember take rabies shots !

    • Like 2
  13. 40 minutes ago, WhatsNext said:

    Good you pointed that out, that was also part of my reasoning. In Europe i would lose half my net worth with a divorce, here the maximum would be the value of the bribe i would need to pay her to sign if her ID card was out of date.  If I wanted to sell years after a potential breakup


    In Europe has so called prenup! Work some way in LOS also!

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