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Gabe H Coud

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Everything posted by Gabe H Coud

  1. Crikey! I swear I've seen several posts on the net saying it can only be done in UK Obviously I'll give it a go Thanks
  2. Understood, thanks and will do ????
  3. "which helped with initial verification requirement - for that I had to visit a UK branch during a rare trip to UK)." Sorry im confused, you said you opened it from Thailand but then state you had to be in the UK As im sure you'll appreciate im trying to open a Halifax current account FROM Thailand without setting foot in the UK please clarify, thanks Side note- wouldnt you just know it, my UK Driving Licence expires in 2 days! And of course that can only be renewed in UK in person. Hope thats not an issue, surely some bank customers dont drive!
  4. That's useful to know many thanks. But just to clarify, the key point is did you open the current account whilst in Thailand (or anywhere outside UK/EU)? Or just moved to Thailand afterwards and changed your address? I think there's a distinct difference
  5. Er, probably yes I'll look into it. I had the card from when still in UK. Hopefully now I'm not they will still treat with me for a current account
  6. I have that too as mentioned above, thanks
  7. I will be looking into First Direct thanks but wanted to get feedback on other UK banks used by expats in Thailand eg issues with mobile apps transfers etc Thanks
  8. I already have a UK phone number as mentioned above thanks
  9. Perfectly fair point but my question was "which one was best?" Based on answers I'll then happily try to do it Thanks Ps I used to watch you on the telly on Sat afternoons when I was a kid! ????????
  10. I just need to find a way of paying off my Halifax Clarity credit card as that's what I use to live on here ie to get cash. I then transfer from Santander to pay off the cash advance to nullify any interest charges I have some savings accounts linked to Santander but going forward I could link them to another UK bank whose systems didn't lob me out every time I used them! Hence me asking on here how others get on with other UK banks
  11. Not rented out for clarification. Cards are forwarded by my son who checks property bi monthly thanks
  12. 1. Thai number - Santander have repeatedly assured me they are OK with Thai number and that that's OK for OTP. But in reality you may have a huge point here and I'm going to challenge them on this when I eventually get the little swines on the phone! 2. As re UK address I can prove everything re my house council tax you name it. But it gets back to my previous question. What is the precise definition of a UK resident versus a non resident? I'm just on a long vacation. At what point do the UK government say eg "now you've been out of the country for 3 years, you no longer qualify to be a resident"???
  13. Thanks for the replies I have a fully legit address in UK (my house) and telephone number I believe that entitles me to claim UK residency(I might be wrong on that???) I also submit tax returns However would I still be able to open account from here?
  14. Looking for feedback from forum members as to what they think the best UK bank account is to use whilst here in Thailand on a long term basis. However I would need to able to open it from here in Thailand. I've been with Santander for about 8 years now and I am absolutely sick to death of them, they're the absolute worst! Even when you simply just go on their mobile app and ask a question it will lock you out not only of the mobile app but on the PC as well. Which means that you have no choice but to phone them up from Thailand which takes at least an hour and cost a lot of money and a lot of stress and anger. If you simply move money from one account to another the security gets triggered and again you get thrown out of the account. They're an absolute nightmare, I've had enough of them I'm looking to change to another Recommendations please?? TIA
  15. any word from your pal? i really feel that the cushion rule should apply in Killer too, otherwise its open to abuse also im looking for pool forums but especially Thailand if anyone know any please send links thanks
  16. Anyone got a fix for New Pipe - my subscription channels video tiles just won't show. They will show if I go into the ALL section but not into the individual channel which is how I want to view them. I don't want to governed by chronological order Plus many videos just crash and throws me out of NP altogether. Plus error messages, sometimes when there's not even an error! This is on an Android 11 box. Version 23.3 was same problem V24 not helped. Is Android 11 the issue here?
  17. Yes obviously 1 per rack because once the black is potted its off the table But to be clear you play that you can gain lives back multiple times during the game subject to max of 3 lives at any one time I know people who play max 1 life back per game(not rack) But the purpose of this post is to see what the majority of others do, as there does not seem to be hard and fast, black and white killer rules Thanks
  18. Ps to above Hear what you say re 'cushion rule' not applying but what if previous player misses all the balls? Do you play that as ball in hand?
  19. *Could the mods please move this post as was not able to post in Sports and Activities thanks * I'm looking for feedback on rules for playing killer in Thailand (not elsewhere) but under International rules, as most of the pool is played here. So, do fouls in Killer simply follow fouls in 8 ball International. Eg failure to hit cushion after contact, or touching a ball when cueing would be a ball in hand here. So does that simply apply in killer too? Equally then if someone fouls on the break off(pots cue ball) does the next player have to play from behind the break line(and forwards) or is it from anywhere? TIA
  20. so i got a galaxy watch 4.....early days so still assessing it has anyone got this watch or similar and found a reliable fully functional golf gps app that works on the watch(usually linked with app on phone too)? preferably one thats free although i will pay up if its really good user experience im looking for real feedback here , i can see many articles stating which ones are 'available' i want to hear from golfers whove been on the course and used them TIA
  21. Im slowly getting pulled in by Samsung... The only real alternative to the watch 4(or 5) are the various Mobvoi Tic watches, that is if you want full Play store access and support going forward. I'm told all rest don't/won't give that. Also many people saying the galaxy 5 is barely an upgrade on the 4 and to just buy 4 at less money??? What's the difference.... a 1000 baht? I wouldn't want to miss out on something for a 1000 baht
  22. which one and what price, thanks
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