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Gabe H Coud

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Everything posted by Gabe H Coud

  1. no, if i want to know the time I'll look at my smartphone! ????
  2. Thanks Richard, i have Xiaomi Poco X3 smartphone and im very happy with it I saw Suunto on a search last night and i like the brand Galaxy watch 5, any thoughts?
  3. Sorry if a thread on this already could Mods please move if necessary.... I'm in the market for a smartwatch but I just don't quite really know what to buy?? Before anyone says just use Google and YouTube, well .... I have, for a good month or so now. And my brain has been overloaded with technical information and.... I still don't know what to buy! My parameters.... ????If it's square or rectangular it ain't going on my wrist, even if it's free. Circular only, non negotiable! ????I don't really have a budget as I don't particularly want the most expensive one. I'm definitely not flash but don't want the cheapest either ????I don't like anything Apple never have never will! I'm an Android boy ????I'm not a runner or a big workout guy but I cycle and swim. ????My passion is playing golf and would like to bring in some golf gps apps (but somewhat oddly I don't especially want to buy a dedicated Garmin golf watch). ????I don't think I need to make/receive calls on it(LTE). I see that as a step too far at the moment (am I wrong?) ????I'm unsure about Play store support. Concerned I might regret if I didn't have access to that I'm sure there are other factors to consider I was wondering whether anyone else has been through the same painful process as I'm going through and made a happy decision?! I would welcome any feedback thanks in advance Sent from my M2007J20CG using Tapatalk
  4. When they refer to all network calls(30 min max) is that other mobiles networks or does it refer to fixed landlines as well? I ask because I think in UK that would mean other mobiles and that landlines would not be subject to the monthly limit
  5. yes i do have it already see above reply/post for considering less thanks to all for useful input
  6. yes i know thats why i currently have unlimited as per OP Ive been offered 100GB limit only reason im considering is that i only use 30% of that on average
  7. good deal that DTAC plan I spoke to AIS call centre and she said that those plans(150/200 month that Bruno mentions above) are currently still available and can be requested at end of my 'plan' in a few weeks But that i would aslo be offered this... -1 year plan -speed 10 Mbps guaranteed minimum -Limit of 100Gb per month(i average about 30gb month but she advised i would use more data as speed a bit faster. How much more do you use when go from 8 to 10, anyone know?) -after exceed limit speed drops to a crawl (128kbps) -calls free to AIS(30 mins max then call back) -Calls free to other networks but limited to 60min/month -One off price of 1790baht incl tax All of the above keeps same number Thanks for all replies, i will chew on all this
  8. Hi, sorry what is the contract period and annual/monthly cost? thanks
  9. are these AIS packages you refer to available with AIS directly(via stores) as mine last 2 years was not(lazada only) Also crucially can i keep my current AIS number (that would be most appealing if so as i have to change with the package i sent you in OP ) thanks again for top intel
  10. Interesting, i quite like the idea that after the previous purchase all my calls are free and i dont need to top up, but i admit i dont make many calls at all So how does it work with monthly? how long does that offer last for? How do you actually pay versus my 12 month one off payment ?
  11. Thanks for reply/info Yes I saw that too but in description below it says it has to be registered by 31 march '23 I'd best check with them Thanks again
  12. Apologies in advance, I've been involved in a sub forum on this subject before a couple of years ago, but I just cant find it now It's that time of the year again for me go need to renew my annual 12 month SIM only package Last 2 years I've used this AIS package see link below. I've tried to look on Lazada but I'm just hopeless I can't compare as don't understand What I do know is I need *12 months *includes ALL calls to ALL networks * minimum speed 8mbps no slowdown(I actually get 55mbps where I live) * totally unlimited data Has anyone shopped around recently and seen a better deal than 2199 baht? TIA https://s.lazada.co.th/s.7bFcB
  13. Sorry just seen this. Last week I found Leonian myself and contacted them. They simply don't have the 12 degree in the standard head(only in the Max D which is an anti slice machine.... useless for me, I need to keep face more open!) So think I have to wait to see if 12 deg max will come to Thailand. And yes I know you can add loft to a 10.5. But I play a 13.5 driver now and it suits my great and I'm launching at 17 which is perfect for my slow swing speed and my backspin is around 2000 rpm so good to. So I'll only buy the 12 deg nothing less Many thanks
  14. You're quite correct, I'd love to do that. It's just that Im struggling to find that company. Callaway (Thailand) just don't seem to exist... Was hoping to connect with some golfers in Bkk or nearby who had purchased or knew someone who had Thanks
  15. Best place in Bkk(or outskirts) to buy new Callaway Rogue ST driver?? Transview don't have the loft i want(12 deg) in a standard Max head I also need a soft regular shaft but that should be interchangeable Thanks in advance
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