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Posts posted by Anton9

  1. 1 minute ago, GroveHillWanderer said:

    How many of those causes are transmissible diseases? And of those that are, how many have no established preventative or therapeutic treatments and are currently increasing exponentially in almost every country in the entire world (apart from a very, very small number).

    What"s your point?A death is a death.

    Plus vast majority of Covid deaths are people past the country life expectancy

    age who were already ill.


    Every year, around 9 million people die of hunger, according to the international relief agency Mercy Corps. 


    How much is the world doing to prevent this?Are people in favour of social distancing,masks and lockdowns because it "saves lives" doing something for this?Or this is not cool enough?

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  2. Just now, Jeffr2 said:

    Right.  Fast approaching 2MM deaths globally (that's an undercount) and it's nothing to be worried about.  Tell that to the families who've lost loved ones due to this.  Good luck with that.

    Wow 2 millions, take a look at how many people die each year on earth for different causes.

    Do you also tell that to those whov've lost loved ones?

    Or only those who died of Covid because media tell you so?

    Hypocrisy at its finest

  3. 15 minutes ago, micmichd said:

    Not to me. The reason why they locked me up was that I wanted to go to Thailand. And they called that a mental disease. As in Germany doctors (however incompetent they may be) are supposed to be always right and even rule the courts there isn't much you can do. 

    I was only set free because I had an IT job and money in a bank. So they took the effort to find another mental doctor for me. 

    The result was OK, but the doubtful fact remains that I needed mental doctors emigrate to Thailand where I have a family. 


    You still think Germany is not an authoritarian country? 

    If Germany is an authoritarian country I don't know what country is NOT authoritarian

  4. 4 hours ago, Sheryl said:


    But they do not. All family members tested negative.


    And it sounds like he lived alone.


    They are focusing on him because he has the virus, had not been abroad so it is a case of community transmisison. Where there is one such case there will be others.

    They do


    "Six members of the man’s family were tested with five found to have traces of the virus. A total of 156 people who came into contact with the individual during his visit to the Criminal Court are to be observed for a total of 14 days despite testing negative to infection."


    This means he probably got it from one of his family members


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  5. 1 hour ago, jacob29 said:

    Indonesia daily death rate is double what it was in May, which is in turn double that of March.


    I know someone who caught COVID just recently, first person I know personally. It has been pretty rough for them, despite being under 30. Their boss who they caught it off, under 50, is in an ICU on a ventilator. Not serious my <deleted>.


    I still feel the response has been overblown, but suggesting it's nothing to be concerned about is nonsense.

    In Europe vast majority of people infected are totally asymptomatic, I bet the real numbers of cases in the world are in the hundred of millions because most don't even know they have it.

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  6. 5 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Well it only takes 1 germ to take over a government and destroy the country, and unfortunately its become a common occurrence worldwide.  I have made several flights lately in Thailand.  Masks are worn, but no social distancing is done anymore on the airplanes, even when they are less than half full.  Flew to Phuket and Back on Bangkok Air and there were 12 of us on the down flight and 20 on the return flight.  Hotel we stayed at had no more than a dozen other folks there, and it felt like we had the whole resort to ourselves which was great.  The resort checked your temp on arrival, and that was it, many of the folks running around were not wearing masks as they moved around the resort except the employees, thankfully it was not busy.  Flew to Chiang Mai from Bangkok and back as well, flight with very few again, and the resort almost empty.  People on the street and in some of the stores we went to were not wearing masks at all, and you could see, even though not many around, that people were living life like it was normal and there was no Covid. 

    Because there is no Covid according to offical figures, I don't expect people keep social distancing and wearing masks forever since even your own government is telling you there's no Covid.

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