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SW Happy

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About SW Happy

  • Birthday July 8

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  • Location
    Na Chomtien

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    Na Chomtien

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  1. Hey. I am still on a road trip Northern Thailand. Some really quiet roads and hardly any Farang up here and everything very cheap, especially around Sapan, Bo Kleau areas. Now in Chaing Khan, a few farang but different class, no drunk yobos.
  2. Exactly what i was thinking. This does seem to be a regular occurrence, I think they either jump or are pushed. surely it cannot be that many persons topple over by accident.
  3. I wonder what she thinks obout your body. ????
  4. Your answer is in your second to last paragraph.
  5. If you want to retire to Spain best option is to apply for Spanish residency as I did, fairly easy to obtain.
  6. They look well cared for. good job.
  7. OR! Dr. you have 5 mins left to live. Patient. Is there anything you can do Dr. I could boil you an egg Dr
  8. Looks like a lot of kids games/toys. Why not give to children homes orphanages etc. ??
  9. Buy fresh oranges and squeeze your own juice. 100% natural.

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