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  1. Not even close. They're probably not even in the top 10 of foreign nationals. This article is nonsense and nothing more than a journalist's effort to find something to write about.
  2. What is "appropriate medication" to ensure performance? You said to take the "blue pill." One of the reasons I don't take the "blue pill" is that I don't like the side effects. I didn't know that one possible side effect is the interference of essential reading and comprehension skills. LOL
  3. Read my post again "appropriate medication".
  4. Yes, that's what I'm calling them, but it's not personal, any more than what Trump haters called his supporters. You're parroting the usual garbage we hear from the left every day.
  5. I don't know anything about the man or what he's up to these days. I stopped reading his posts a long time ago, about the time he was leaving for Japan.
  6. The UK needs the US a lot more than the other way around, and embarrassing Trump and his voting public would have implications. It's not going to happen of course, because the politicians are a bit smarter than the morons signing this petition.
  7. I don't need to refer to some stupid scientific experiment to know what goes on in my head during sex. I'm thinking "Please brother, don't go soft on me", which makes it even more difficult to perform LOL. It's a constant battle that requires a very dedicated partner and a lot of patience, along with some appropriate medication.
  8. I don't think the people in the UK Parliament are as stupid as the fools who signed this petition.
  9. I don't suppose you've discovered the difference between making love and f***king. Your system might be ok for a young stud (been there done that), but as you get older, you need more from a woman than just a "whole". You should try finding a partner that likes to be with you, without payment. You don't typically find them where you're pulling them from. I seriously could not afford ladies-of-the-night at the rate they charge and the frequency I'm doing it LOL. I've had girlfriends and serious partners from all over the world, but I've never experienced anything near the dedication of my current Thai girlfriend.
  10. Who wouldn't be hot wearing a uniform like that at this time of year?
  11. I don't even need to see the AQI numbers. I opened my slide door this morning (in Pattaya near the beach) and the air stunk as it has for several weeks. We're in the worst time of the year now. We get both stinking hot weather and foul air, at the same time. But what's the point of worrying or complaining about it? Nothing will change as it has most to do with prevailing winds and weather this time of year. Even if Thailand could help a bit, you've still got Cambodia and Laos to the east sending over vast quantities of smog or smaze. The best option for people concerned about their health is to move to a country with clean air. The Philippines is mostly green on the AQI scale as long as you stay out of the major cities.
  12. This is true and the reason why most presidents rarely make any headway as they are too concerned about poll results, which in most cases are meaningless.
  13. If you're with a woman you can't let out of your sight, you've chosen the wrong one. I'd have no worries sending mine on a one-month vacation. I'd trust her more than I'd trust myself LOL.
  14. They must keep running the SETV program to handle tourists from nations not on the 60-country list.
  15. Here you go with that "funky smell" narrative again LOL, something I've never noticed on either side and also something I've never seen mentioned until I came across a post of yours in another thread. You probably came across some smelly ones, and assumed they are all the same. Regarding cheating, if you choose a bar girl, sex is business and they need to be paid. Why would you expect a girl with extensive sexual experience to be faithful? You're being compared with dozens or maybe hundreds of other men. That would include younger studs that older expats could not match. There's a very good chance you're boring by comparison. You might be smelly yourself. It's far more likely a sweaty expat is smelly than the girls. If you choose a non-bargirl who hasn't been around you shouldn't have a problem, as long as they are with you for love and not money. I've never had a problem with Thai girls or Filipinas cheating on me. I'm talking about serious partners here.
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