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Posts posted by JensenZ

  1. 2 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

    Blacks like Carson aren't Black enough to satisfy the blm folks. Much like Condoleezza Rice who is another remarkable GOP but again, she is well educated, super smart....but again not Black enough. 

    Unfortunately it will never happen that any candidate satisfies everyone, but he's at least as black as Obama and probably smarter.... but unfortunately he's not a politician, though he tries.

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  2. 4 hours ago, johnpetersen said:

    You're assuming Trump ever makes it to the debates.

    Trump has trouble lifting glass of water and walking down stairs at West Point graduation 

    Yes, you could be right, his health is a concern. He doesn't lead a healthy lifestyle, eats terribly and is overweight and 74.... not to mention he has the most stressful job on the planet in one of the worst years in living memory, from impeachment to covid-19 to BLM. Of course so many people hate him so much that this becomes a viral joke on Twitter and no one shows any compassion.


    IMO there's some good talent in the GOP that could easily beat Biden if Trump doesn't make it. I'd bet on Ted Cruz as a good replacement candidate. A bit sleepy (but more awake than Biden), but Ben Carson wouldn't be a bad option to appease the BLM mob.

  3. 6 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I wasn't born then, and I don't own land. Why is it made my problem? My ancestors were Irish- should the Brits apologise to me for the sins of Cromwell? Should the descendants of Maori tribes that killed other tribes and ate them apologise for the sins of their forefathers?

    There isn't a country on the planet that didn't suffer colonialism at some point in its history, but you appear to single out the British of the 18th/19th century, who were a darn sight better than the Belgians.


    While atrocities happened on both sides long ago, today the Maoris have equal rights in NZ as any white descendant.

    I wish those protestors would go to China and destroy pictures of Mao in public to find out what real life is like. Mao was a very bad guy, so why not?

    No, I'm not asking you to apologize. I'm asking you to stop apologizing for what the colonist did.


    Skipping forward to 2020. I would say these days Maoris have more rights than Pakehas. You might find, considering the momentum of the PC movement, that people will be giving a lot more land back to them in the future. Today the statues start to fall - tomorrow they'll be taking land back.


    BTW, it's my country too. 3 of my siblings are married to Maoris. All my nephews and nieces are part Maori. These threads were about British colonists (Cecil Rhodes in the other thread), so I'm following the topic. I am not singling them out.





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  4. 5 hours ago, luckyluke said:

    Which "Truth" is the "Real Truth".?


    As mentioned before, I had an experience,  where I found out there is nothing, no creator, no God. 


    Now I know there are others who had a different experience (Called Revelation) in which they found a God/Creator or... 


    Is my experience the real "Truth"?


    Is it theirs? 




    I can find happiness and serenety in my way, others find it in another way. 


    No path is better/worse,

    as we don't know how, and what, someone else is feeling, using his proper way. 

    No one should even use the word "truth" in a religious discussion. Probably half the wars in history were fought over disagreements over "truth". At times in history if you disagreed with the church's official "truth" you could be burned at the stake for heresy.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Peter Denis said:

    Organized religion is not for me, although all of them contain grains of truth.

    I'm trying to figure out how you gained your intuition and divine inspiration? Surely it was assisted by some affiliation with some religion in your past. Expecting a life after death of some type could be wishful thinking as the thought of not existing at all after death is hard for many people to except.

  6. On 6/10/2020 at 12:31 PM, curious297 said:

    I've been riding a bike in Phuket and around Thailand for over 16 years and had only one accident. First days on the bike, I slipped on dirt at the side of the road while breaking. 

    A few simple rules I follow to survive:


    • Keep away from the dust and <deleted> in the left lane
    • Drive with the traffic and not through traffic
    • Mirror, signal and manoeuvre
    • Stay behind at distance. Do not drive side by side to other vehicles
    • Be vigilant of cars turning in and out of roads. They will pull out without warning
    • Don't Jump traffic lights
    • Don't drive in the rain. Car drivers rarely adjust their speed or breaking distance in rain.
    • Don't drive with your whole family as passengers.
    • Stop trying to impress yourself with your bike skills. No one cares
    • Most important - Be safer than safe



    That sand is an ever present danger in Pattaya too as it accumulates on the roads after heavy rain. It's the quickest way to come off if you're not aware of it. I do ride in the rain.

  7. 2 hours ago, n00dle said:

    what astonishes me is how much your conviction reads like satire.


    Presumably if the universe didn't just happen, certainly the creator didnt just happen either. 

    pray remind how the "creator" came about, i cannot currently recall.

    One could say that a "presence" that can create the universe is beyond the human mind to comprehend. How could you possibly explain such power within the bounds of our extremely limited knowledge of the physical world.  

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  8. 20 hours ago, rickudon said:

    What hasn't been mentioned is what happens to any money in the bank in Thailand. If not married and no will, and sometimes even with, getting access to that money isn't easy, and next of kin in their home country may find getting the money time consuming and expensive.

    There is a reason your wife or girlfriend wants you to keep the money in an ordinary savings account WITH an ATM card (and letting her know the PIN)...

    Assuming no will, can a girlfriend extract the cash at an ATM after your death? Surely that would be illegal. What about a wife with no will. Can she do it?

  9. On 6/10/2020 at 3:26 PM, balo said:

    I do no think its important what happens after my death, if some fish wants to eat me I'm fine with that. 

    Life is incredible isn't it? You struggle to stay alive for as long as possible, and then have to deal with the burden of how to dispose of your corpse when you're done with it.

  10. 2 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    Personally I don't want him to succeed because he did already so much wrong that he can't make enough right to balance what he did already.

    But I, and I am sure many others, would see Trump in a better light if he would at least try to make things better and unite the people. He could make a speech and admit he made mistakes. He could say the police needs reform and he could introduce at least some police reform. He could also take Covid serious. And he could at least try in his presidential press conferences to act like a president. He could do all that...

    I figured as much. You don't want him to succeed, making most or all of what you say nothing more than meaningless trash talking.


    You already had 8 years of a president "acting like a president". You need a real politician that talks like a politician and tells everyone what they want to hear. Biden will be the puppet you deserve, provided he can put some meaningful sentences together. 

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