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Posts posted by JensenZ

  1. 6 minutes ago, Why Me said:

    Terrific. Thank you. Btw, I see it is PEA. Would the MEA (that would be Bkk, right?) be the same rates?

    Sorry, I'm not sure about that - I live in Pattaya. Maybe your rate is different.


    Crossy is the resident expert on all things electric. Maybe he will set the record straight here.

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  2. 1 minute ago, robblok said:

    Same thing for me I honor my agreements. I know what I am getting into when i make them so i honor them. To rack up such a debt you must have known its crazy. Instead of economizing you rack up debt. Sorry we just have different views about this. 

    You're not always in control of everything and the unexpected can ruin you.


    Some of the world's most successful businessmen  have gone broke or close to it on their way to success.


    Elon Musk is a good example. He was living on borrowed money in 2008 to save his company, now he's worth around $21 billion.

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  3. 5 minutes ago, tonymontana32 said:

    I have 6 credit cards that i have held well for 9 years, i am only defaulting on 3 due to covid and a few other reasons because of the way the individual banks have treated myself/other foreigners and because the 3 that i will default on are in excess of 1 million in total. I have never defaulted on anything and have always paid my dues so i'm not a c@*t. Yes the statute of limitations is still in place for this.


    The only that i need to know is can they seize my car which is under finance, and i plan to keep paying that off along with my other 3 cards.



    I'd be more concerned about your other credit cards. If the other banks find out you have defaulted on 3, they will probably cut you off. The debt collectors might use this as leverage.


    In Australia this information is shared to all credit providers. I'm not sure how it would work in Thailand.

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  4. On 6/8/2020 at 11:58 PM, blackcab said:

    Are you talking about draft beer or bottled/canned beer?


    Almost no draft beer will remain fresh this long if the barrel has been opened.


    In terms of bottled/canned beer, it sits in ambient temperatures from the day it is bottled/canned. Beer is not stored or transported in temperature controlled conditions.


    It will sit at ambient temperature until the retailer/bar/pub refrigerates it prior to final consumption.

    Yes, but how long will it stay in good condition when the ambient temperature is 30C or higher, the usual room temperature in Thailand.


    I read this:


    https://www.newair.com/blogs/learn/does-beer-go-bad#:~:text=The Average Shelf Life of,to up to two years.


    The Average Shelf Life of Beer

    Most beers last beyond the printed expiration date on the package. When stored at room temperature, you can expect beer to last for six to nine months beyond the use-by date. Refrigeration increases this time period to up to two years.


    Room temperature in Thailand is very high. Without specifying the room temperature, it's anyone's guess as to how long it could last. 

  5. 7 hours ago, EricTh said:

     Do you really think that original KFC chicken = farang and spicy chicken = Thai?

    The thought had crossed my mind - that Thai people would not be interested in non-spicy, original recipe chicken.


    As I live in Pattaya, the stores I visit all have a fairly high number of foreign customers (pre-covid-19, not now), so I assumed they are the ones buying the original recipe.

  6. On 6/9/2020 at 6:18 AM, bodga said:

    Pop.1.6  million, nothing, its  also in the middle  of  nowhere not  surrounded by other countries, there are a  whole  host of reasons its been easier for them, the Uk has 38  million tourists a  year, NZ  3.7  million

    There's more to it than that. It appears to me that NZ took the threat, early on, far more seriously than the UK and imposed the first lockdown measures on March 14 (restricting public gatherings) 2 weeks before the first death was reported on March 29.

  7. 34 minutes ago, robblok said:

    Amazing how deluded some foreigners are. Like it some sort of conspiracy.


    Its just business, a business sells what is most in demand. If Thais have a different taste then its only normal for KFC to change a bit so they sell more.


    Just supply and demand. 

    I bought some "original recipe" KFC just last week. Is this a Thailand wide decision, or just per store?


    To be honest, I have always been surprised that KFC in Thailand sells the non-spicy original recipe. Often it is not available and I have to wait a long time for them to fry up a fresh batch, in which case I pass. Late at night they won't cook it. If they have discontinued it in all stores, it's because it's a slow mover, and that becomes a quality issue too as they are supposed to, according to franchise rules, throw it out if it has been sitting in the warmer for over a certain period. I don't think they do and often the "original recipe" chicken is subpar (dry) due to it sitting in the warmer too long.


    To call it a deliberate afront to foreigners is absurd. If it is gone, too bad. I think I can live without it LOL.

    • Like 1
  8. 3 hours ago, wotsdermatter said:

    All beaches in Thailand are public space by law.  The prohibition of private business operations on these public beaches is without exception, but has been ignored in many places including on beaches in places like Phuket and other tourism destinations.

    'nuf sed.

    "'nuf sed"? Actually, you didn't say enough...


    You did not understand my comment. It had nothing to do with who actually owns the sand...


    Let me give you an example of landowner's commercial advantage. They own land close to the beach, their land is worth more. A hotel close to the beach can command higher prices. Any unit or house with a beach view or close to the beach is more valuable. Condos built on the land close to the beach fetch higher prices. It is in the interest of all landowners to have a clean, attractive beach in any town or city close to the beach. It is an asset to the whole community. The more attractive and enticing the beach, the more tourists and visitors will come to the town or city and spend money.

  9. A movie star's only relevance is during the 1.5 hours or so of a movie's duration, and even then it is only as the character he's playing. Once the movie is over I don't need to know anything more about him. I don't want to know about his political opinions or anything about his private life. This goes for musicians too.


    Are a movie star's opinions of any more value than your local plumber or carpenter (for example)? If anything, as privileged individuals they are less able to understand reality and you'll learn more from your plumber.


    They should stick to what they are good at. Period. For example, I think Mel Gibson is extremely talented and just because he's an *hole and alcoholic in real life doesn't diminish his talents as an actor or director. We lost out on a lot of good movies because people were too obsessed with his private life.

    • Like 1
  10. 29 minutes ago, Logosone said:

    Thailand is one of the countries that has tested the least, with Nigeria and Lesotho.


    For rather unsurprising reasons Nigeria and Lesotho also have amazing Covid19 figures.


    Not really a mystery.

    Let's compare testing statistics to date:


    New Zealand: Pop: 4.8 million: tests: 294,848

    Thailand: Pop: 69.8 million: tests: 468,175


    So going by officially revealed statistics, New Zealand has tested, per capita, nearly 10x as many as Thailand.

    • Like 2
  11. On 6/6/2020 at 5:45 PM, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    I was wishing the DC mayor could paint the same message right across the front of the White House... But Trump isn't gonna allow that to happen on federal property... So the city street out front is a pretty good alternate option. Really like the BOLD letters!  Kinda hard to miss that message.


    A black Democratic mayor wants to paint the slogan all over the city. No surprise there. It is inherently a racist slogan. It should read "Black lives also matter". 

    • Like 1
  12. 47 minutes ago, Leaver said:

    We proudly hear from the members that the life time membership benefited, in time versus money down.  Yet, there would be many that lost out. 


    It's only a gamble, if you put the money down. 


    Pay as you go.  Rent don't buy.  How many times have you heard these sayings for living in Thailand?

    Of course it's a gamble if you don't pay the lifetime. If you use the gym a lot and pay yearly, you've lost the potential savings of the lifetime membership.


    It's like any investments. If you do due diligence before you put money down, you decrease the risk of losing and increase the potential savings.


    California Wow had a high risk of closure, but a high yearly membership, which in turn lowered the risk.


    Tony's had a lower risk of closure, but a lower annual fee so it needed to stay afloat longer to gain benefits of lifetime. The coronavirus was an unpredictable event that may see many gyms close. It could be in the same category as an "act of God" in legal terms.


    The biggest risk of lifetime memberships is not the closure of the gym, but giving up training or deciding you no longer like the gym. The dropout rate in gyms is very high.

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