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Everything posted by JensenZ

  1. Did you think this slogan was real? It never was an image, just a slogan to help with tourism.
  2. These type of editorials give all the Pattaya haters somewhere to vent and thereby increase forum activity. If only they could hire an actual reporter to convey the news instead of this emotive nonsense.
  3. I didn't make it clear - it was a general assessement. Experiences may differ.
  4. I agree - it's a troll post, but I did feed it LOL
  5. LOL. I'm 64 and don't look a day over 65. The OP can't even be straight about his age, yet he's asking for advice. He says he's double the age of a college student, so maybe 50 and thinks he looks late 30s... oh, yes, and fit too. It's a bit strange that a person who is proficient in Thai (that would take many years of study and close contact with Thai people in order to perfect his pronunciation) needs advice from people here about women in Thailand. Age is very important to girls. They don't like sex with men older than their fathers. Sure, for money, no problem, but they secretly feel very weird about it.
  6. Running all over SE Asia to have fun doesn't sound like any fun at all. When I was a young guy I did more than enough travelling. Now I like to stay in one place. In fact, assuming the fun-seeker is a retired old man, the idea of searching for fun is a bit weird. I don't think I even know what fun is. I did live in the Philippines for over 5 years and most definately don't want to go back there.
  7. The reply that made the most sense was that you'd probably spend more money travelling around than what you could save by avoiding a small tax liability, if any at all. Use a visa agent - I'm sure they'll have it covered.
  8. There is one important point you might not have considered. Hamas knew exactly what would happen as a consequence of their brutal attack. They knew how Israel would retaliate. This was all well planned in advance. They want Israel to overreact to gain the support of the whole Arab world. It worked well, as even a number of members on this forum are blaming Israel as they systematically destroy Gaza. Hamas were well aware of how many of their own people would be killed. They are using their own people as cannon fodder to further their cause. They have no respect for their own people. The more who die the better as far as they are concerned. Hamas is 100% responsible for every death, on both sides.
  9. You need to take into consideration where the office is. If it's a small office with limited staff, you might want to temper your frustrations and play nice as you need to face these people every year.
  10. The only problem with that assessment is that Thailand IS a major player in this - they've lost people and their citizens are currently being held hostage. Thailand has quite a big footprint in Israel, with 30,000 foreign workers.
  11. This topic is about Thailand's position on the current conflict which started last Saturday. It was interesting to note that Thailand was absent for the United Nations Resolution 181 vote. On 29 November 1947, the United Nations General Assembly voted 33 to 13, with 10 abstentions and 1 absent (Thailand), in favour of the modified Partition Plan. (United Nations General Assembly in 1947 called for the partition of Palestine into Arab and Jewish states). I suppose Thailand's absence was not surprising considering the millitary coup of November 1947.
  12. Did you just wake up out of a deep sleep? Nothing is new... btw, the world has just survived a pandemic. Instead of posting here, why not study some history. There have been many periods far, far worse than now... and the world is still spinning.
  13. No, I do not, but I'm not the one trying to speak for everyone as you do, by using the pronoun "we". Neutrality is the coward's way. You're in favour of people ignoring atrocities. Speaking out against tyranny is necessary for civilized countries. Thailand is not a democracy and has a long way to go. Their stance of neutrality is not a surprise, and it's the main reason why the Japanese didn't invade during WW2. Not speaking out is also a reason why the military are ultimately in control of polictics in Thailand. The people don't have freedom to choose.
  14. Lucky we have people like you to make the forum even funnier. You think if Thailand does like most other nations and condemns Hamas, they will go to war. That's ridiculous and hilarious at the same time.
  15. You're repeating Bignok, I gave my opinion and you're entitled to yours. Wise people do not dismiss the atrocities of Hamas.
  16. I don't know if you're speaking for Thailand as you use the pronoun "we". The Thai government's affirmation of neutrality is made by some politicians and they don't speak for everyone, and neither do you.
  17. Unlike the Philippines, who aren't cowards and condemn Hamas: "The Philippines condemns the attacks, especially against civilian populations," the Office of the President said in a statement following the surprise attacks carried out by the Hamas group against Israelis on Saturday and the eventual retaliation of Israeli forces against the Palestine group. "The Philippines conveys its deepest sympathies and condolences to those who have lost family members and loved ones in recent attacks," the statement said. "The Philippines understands the right of states to self-defense in the light of external aggression as recognized in the United Nations Charter," it added. They too have lost many citizens in this attack. They too have a large Muslim population and conflict with Muslims has been ongoing for over a century.
  18. There are some serious cowards in this government. How could anyone in good conscience remain neutral? Neutral means they condone the slaughter of civilians, including the murder of infants. They need to preserve their Arab tourism at all costs. They cannot risk upsetting them.
  19. Are you suggesting with laundry detergent (and other profucts) they are cheating on the legally stated volume/weight. Like displaying 400 ml on the package and giving you 380 ml? All packaged detergent indicates clearly the volume in ml, which haven't changed at all. Perhaps the price has increased, but the volume is as indicated on the packages. You should get a gram scale and measure it. I'm sure it will be as indicated. If it isn't, the company would be in big trouble and you can report them rather than complaining about it here.
  20. Just up your alley - shagging hookers day and night and even when you post. If you get away from the bars you'll notice there's a huge population of non-hookers all over town, working regular jobs.
  21. Unfortunately the restribution has become a wholesale slaughter of civilians in Gaza. The destruction in just 3 days is devastating.
  22. You have a total misconception about Pattaya. I never visit a bar for alcohol or girls, yet I've enjoyed nearly 18 years here. Pattaya can be anything you like. The idea of trying to settle in Isaan sounds horrifying, even without reading endless stories about how dull life up there can be. The only time I've been there is when I flew into Udon Thani on visa runs to Vientiane. That was more than enough time spent there - passing through. Do yourself a favour and spend some time in Pattaya, away from the bar zones in town. You might be surprised how quiet and peaceful many areas are. Seeing as you like Isaan girls, at least you'll find many that can speak English in Pattaya.
  23. Why did you need to get so personal and explain exactly what you're doing and what you've done? Are you after validation? With every such post about death, there are a certain number of individuals that use it as an excuse to inform everyone about how successful, or happy their lives have been. I don't really care if a person has spent the last 10 years on a bar stool or done nothing but watch TV for 10 years or travelled around the world or made a fortune. None of this matters once you've gone. There will be no meeting place where people can compare notes on how successful their lives have been. Just do anything you want or as little as you want. It's all the same. All you need to do is drink, eat and breathe until it's over. Many people seem to be stressed about making something of their lives. Got to do this, got to do that or I failed... The less of that you do, the more content you will be until you expire. Everyone is equal in death. For me personally, I'll be lucky to make another year but I'm ok with it because it just doesn't matter. When you can truly accept your end, living is a bit easier.
  24. Everyone who is concerned about inflation. All those people driving nice cars, on finance. A few times the last months I've paid more than milk (per litre) for petrol. It's a tremendous inflation driver.
  25. I already mentioned a possible reason. Nobody knows anything for sure - we're just theorizing.
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